Notas a las leyendas apócrifas del símbolo de la Cruz en el auto sacramental La Araucana, Ms. 16738 de la biblioteca nacional de España
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El auto sacramental La Araucana es una pieza del teatro religioso
del Siglo de Oro español que se conserva en un único
manuscrito en el Fondo Osuna de la Biblioteca Nacional de
España, bajo la signatura Ms. 16738. Narra una versión ‘a
lo divino’ de la mítica elección de Caupolicán como cacique
de Arauco a partir de la prueba de la carga de un madero; modelo de inspiración épica que propuso de manera original
Alonso de Ercilla en el canto II de La Araucana de 1569.
En el presente artículo, comento algunos pasajes del auto un
tanto oscuros, en donde los personajes indígenas Rengo, Teucapel
y Polipolo citan tres leyendas apócrifas sobre el origen
de la Cruz de Cristo. A través de cada una de estas leyendas
se construye un vínculo alegórico entre el tema teológico del
auto: la redención de los araucanos en Cristo y su argumento
literario que proclama el triunfo de Caupolicán como cacique
de Arauco.
The Araucaniad is a Spanish Golden Age religious play held in a single-copy manuscript in the Osuna collection of the Spanish National Library, under catalogue ms. 16738. Depicting Caupolican’s mythical election as Arauco’s cacique after a log carrying challenge, this epically inspired model was put forward in a original fashion by Alonso de Ercilla in Canto II of The Araucaniad of 1569. In the present article I discuss a couple of the auto’s somewhat obscure passages where native characters Rengo, Teucapel and Polipolo refer to three apocryphal legends on the origin of the Christian Cross. Through each one of these legends an allegorical link is created between the theological subject —the redemption of the Araucans by Christ— and its literary argument proclaiming Caupolican as Arauco’ cacique.
The Araucaniad is a Spanish Golden Age religious play held in a single-copy manuscript in the Osuna collection of the Spanish National Library, under catalogue ms. 16738. Depicting Caupolican’s mythical election as Arauco’s cacique after a log carrying challenge, this epically inspired model was put forward in a original fashion by Alonso de Ercilla in Canto II of The Araucaniad of 1569. In the present article I discuss a couple of the auto’s somewhat obscure passages where native characters Rengo, Teucapel and Polipolo refer to three apocryphal legends on the origin of the Christian Cross. Through each one of these legends an allegorical link is created between the theological subject —the redemption of the Araucans by Christ— and its literary argument proclaiming Caupolican as Arauco’ cacique.
Indexación: Revista UNAB
Palabras clave
Auto sacramental La Araucana, Caupolicán, Cruz de Cristo, Apócrifos cristianos, Alonso de Ercilla, Arauco, Chile