Hallazgos de trombos intracardíacos por cardioresonancia no diagnosticados por ecocardiograma transtorácico.
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Sociedad Chilena de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular
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Introducción: La Resonancia Magnética Cardíaca permite, entre otros, una superior localización espacial y caracterización tisular de las estructuras cardíacas, muchas veces omitidas por modalidades de alto uso como el ultrasonido.
Objetivo: Describir los hallazgos de trombos in-tracardíacos en una serie de pacientes enviados a estudio de resonancia cardíaca, en los cuales el ecocar-diograma transtorácico no estableció el diagnóstico de trombo.
Método: Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de una serie de 62 casos, 72% hombres, entre 18 y 84 años, con disfunción sistólica severa 63%; moderada 26% y normal 11%. El 38% tenía historia presente o remota de Accidente Vascular Encefálico. Todos tenían ecocardiograma transtorácico sin trombos visibles y fueron enviados a resonancia cardíaca por estudio de cardiomiopatía no isquémica 41%; viabilidad 41% y accidente vascular encefálico isquémico sin fuente embolígena demostrada 18% El estudio se efectuó en Vanderbilt University Medical Center, entre Julio del 2014 a Julio del 2015.
Resultados: Las imágenes, correspondientes a trombos cardíacos en los 62 casos, fueron localizados en ventrículo izquierdo en su gran mayoría (58 casos, 94%), orejuela de aurícula izquierda (3, 5%) y ambas orejuelas (1 caso, 1%). Los trombos fueron en su gran mayoría laminares (52 casos, 84%), sésiles (10 casos, 16%) y ninguno pediculado.
Conclusión: La resonancia cardíaca es un método de imagen no invasivo muy superior a la ecocardiografía transtorácica en la identificación y localización de trombos intracardíacos, incluyendo pacientes con estudio de fuente embolígena negativos.
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance imaging allows, among others, a better localization and tissue characterization of cardiac structures, which may be missed by other imaging modalities, namely ultrasonography. Aim: to describe the finding and characteristics of intracardiac thrombus in a series of patients referred for cardiac NMR imaging, whose previous transthoracic echocardiogram had been negative for the diagnosis of this condition. Methods: the study is a description of NMR imaging findings in patients with intracardiac thrombus. There were 62 patients, 72% males, aged 18 to 64 years. LV systolic function was normal in 11%, mo-derately decreased in 26% and severely depressed in 63% of patients. A remote or a recent cerebrovas-cular accident (CVA) was present in 38% of cases. All patients had a previous transthoracic echocar-diogram with no evidence of thrombus. Patients had been referred for NMR with a diagnosis of non is-chemic cardiomyopathy (41%), study of myocardial viability (41%) and CVA with unidentified embolic source (18%). The study was performed at Vander-bilt University Medical Center, between July 2014 and July 2015.
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance imaging allows, among others, a better localization and tissue characterization of cardiac structures, which may be missed by other imaging modalities, namely ultrasonography. Aim: to describe the finding and characteristics of intracardiac thrombus in a series of patients referred for cardiac NMR imaging, whose previous transthoracic echocardiogram had been negative for the diagnosis of this condition. Methods: the study is a description of NMR imaging findings in patients with intracardiac thrombus. There were 62 patients, 72% males, aged 18 to 64 years. LV systolic function was normal in 11%, mo-derately decreased in 26% and severely depressed in 63% of patients. A remote or a recent cerebrovas-cular accident (CVA) was present in 38% of cases. All patients had a previous transthoracic echocar-diogram with no evidence of thrombus. Patients had been referred for NMR with a diagnosis of non is-chemic cardiomyopathy (41%), study of myocardial viability (41%) and CVA with unidentified embolic source (18%). The study was performed at Vander-bilt University Medical Center, between July 2014 and July 2015.
Indexación: Scielo
Palabras clave
Resonancia Magnética Cardíaca, Trombos intracardíacos, Cardioresonancia
Rev Chil Cardiol vol.34 no.3 Santiago 2015