Conocimiento y EvaluaciĆ³n Acerca de las Mutuales de Seguridad en Chile
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FundaciĆ³n CientĆfica y TecnolĆ³gica. AsociaciĆ³n Chilena de Seguridad
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RESUMEN: Este artĆculo presenta el nivel de conocimiento y evaluaciĆ³n de las mutuales de seguridad, aseguradoras privadas de accidentes laborales y enfermedades profesionales en Chile. Se aplicĆ³ una encuesta telefĆ³nica a 300 trabajadores dependientes residentes en hogares ubicados en las zonas urbanas de Santiago de Chile. Los hogares fueron seleccionados de forma aleatoria sobre la base de un listado pĆŗblico de telĆ©fonos de hogares. Los resultados muestran que la mayor parte de los encuestados sabe en quĆ© consisten estas instituciones, pero aproximadamente un tercio afirma no tener conocimiento del sistema. Las evaluaciones mĆ”s altas respecto a la informaciĆ³n recibida de las mutuales estĆ”n en el Ć”rea de beneficios no relacionados al trabajo (por ejemplo, descuentos en establecimientos educacionales y tiendas) y a las coberturas en salud en caso de accidente. Para aquellos usuarios que han sufrido un accidente laboral, las valoraciones mĆ”s altas estĆ”n en el Ć”rea de atenciĆ³n mĆ©dica y rehabilitaciĆ³n, mientras las mĆ”s bajas se encuentran en las prestaciones asociadas a traslado hacia los centros asistenciales, asĆ como de los procedimientos administrativos asociados al tratamiento del accidente. Se concluye que resulta necesario promover el conocimiento de las actividades de las mutuales y mejorar las estrategias de promociĆ³n de actividades de prevenciĆ³n de accidentes ocupacionales con el objeto de hacer mĆ”s eficiente su rol pĆŗblico. De igual manera, la informaciĆ³n recolectada permite identificar los procedimientos de apoyo al tratamiento de accidentes como una de las Ć”reas de mejora en el marco de la atenciĆ³n de salud ocupacional.
ABSTRACT: This article presents the level of public knowledge and evaluation towards Mutuales de seguridad -private occupational safety and health insurance institutions- in Chile. The sample is composed by phone interviews to 300 adult dependent workers living in households located in urban areas of Santiago de Chile. Households were selected through random dialling. The results show a high proportion of workers declaring to know what these institutions are, while about a third declares not to have information about them. Regarding information provided by mutuales, they report higher satisfaction-with information associated to benefits non-related to health and safety (for instance, discounts) and with those associated with the coverage in case of accident. For those who have suffered an occupational accident, the most valued areas of the service are the medical attention and the rehabilitation process, while the least valued areas are the process of transportation from the site of accident to the medical centre and the administrative process associated to the accident's treatment. These results highlight the need for better strategies to promote activities aiming to prevent occupational accidents. They also make clear that there is space for improvement in the area of support activities related to accidents treatment.
ABSTRACT: This article presents the level of public knowledge and evaluation towards Mutuales de seguridad -private occupational safety and health insurance institutions- in Chile. The sample is composed by phone interviews to 300 adult dependent workers living in households located in urban areas of Santiago de Chile. Households were selected through random dialling. The results show a high proportion of workers declaring to know what these institutions are, while about a third declares not to have information about them. Regarding information provided by mutuales, they report higher satisfaction-with information associated to benefits non-related to health and safety (for instance, discounts) and with those associated with the coverage in case of accident. For those who have suffered an occupational accident, the most valued areas of the service are the medical attention and the rehabilitation process, while the least valued areas are the process of transportation from the site of accident to the medical centre and the administrative process associated to the accident's treatment. These results highlight the need for better strategies to promote activities aiming to prevent occupational accidents. They also make clear that there is space for improvement in the area of support activities related to accidents treatment.
IndexaciĆ³n: Web of Science; Scielo
Palabras clave
Cienc Trab. vol.16 no.51 Santiago dic. 2014