Incremento de la citotoxicidad al daño oxidativo del DNA en trypanosoma cruzi mediante la inhibición de la vía BER
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Trypanosoma cruzi, el agente causal de la enfermedad de Chagas, es un protozoo
hemoflagelado que presenta un ciclo de vida indirecto, con tres formas celulares:
epimastigote (extracelular y replicativa) que se desarrolla en el intestino anterior del insecto
vector; amastigote (intracelular y replicativo) y tripomastigote (extracelular no replicativo),
estos últimos presentes en los hospederos definitivos mamíferos.
T. cruzi es capaz de sobrevivir al daño oxidativo del DNA inducido por especies reactivas
de oxígeno y nitrógeno (ROSIRNS) generadas por células del hospedero. La vía de
reparación de este daño mediante escisión de bases (BER) es un proceso altamente
conservado, siendo la proteína APEl fundamental. En consecuencia, se estudió la presencia
de esta vía en el proceso de evasión al daño oxidativo en T. cruzi.
Midiendo la viabilidad de epimastigotes de T. cruzi en presencia de peróxido de hidrógeno,
se observó un importante incremento de la citotoxicidad en parásitos incubados
posteriormente con el fármaco metoxiamina (inhibidor de la vía BER), comparado a los
respectivos controles. Se concluye que la vía BER participa en la resistencia a daño
oxidativo del DNA en T. cruzi.
Para analizar la enzima principal de la vía BER en este parásito, se expresó la región
carboxilo terminal de la proteína TcAP (APEl de T. cruzi) en E. coli. La proteína
recombinante purificada se empleó para obtener anticuerpos policlonales específicos, los
que fueron utilizados para observar la expresión de TcAP en T. cruzi, sometida a estrés
oxidativo por H202 durante diferentes tiempos. Se concluye que la expresión de TcAP
aumenta en función del tiempo de exposición a estrés oxidativo.
La confirmación de la participación de la vía BER en la resistencia de T. cruzi al daño
oxidativo del DNA mediante la activación de TcAP, haría factible la búsqueda de
inhibidores farmacológicos específicos de TcAP que no afecten aAPEI de Homo sapiens.
Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease is a hemoflagelated protozoan that presents an indirect life cycle with three cellular forms: Epimastigotes (replicative and extracellular) that develop in the anterior intestine of the insect vector; amastigotes (intracellular and replicative) and trypomastigotes (extracellular, non-replicative), that are present in the mammalian hosts. T. cruzi is able to survive the oxidative DNA damage induced by reactive oxygen and nitro gen species (ROS 1 RNS) generated by cells of the host. A mechanism to repair this damage may be the base excision repair (BER) pathway, that his highly evolutionary conserved. In this DNA repair system the protein APEI is essential. In this thesis, we studied the presence of the BER pathway in T. cruzi and its possible participation in the process of evasion of the parasite to oxidative damage. Cell viability of T. cruzi epirnastigotes dirninishes in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. This effect is significantly increased in parasites subsequently incubated with the drug metoxiamine (BER pathway inhibitor). We conclude that the BER pathway is involved in the T. cruzi resistance to DNA oxidative damage. To analyze the main enzyme in the parasite BER pathway, we cloned and expressed the carboxyl terminal region of the protein TcAP (APEl of T. cruzi) in E. coli. With the purified recombinant protein specific polyclonal antibodies were obtained, that were used to measure the expression of TcAP in the parasite under oxidative stress. We conclude that the expression ofTcAP increases as a function of exposure to oxidative stress. Confrrmation of the involvement of the BER pathway in the resistance of T. cruzi DNA oxidative damage by activating TcAP would make feasible the search for specific pharmacological inhibitors to TcAP that do not affect APEI of Horno sapiens.
Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease is a hemoflagelated protozoan that presents an indirect life cycle with three cellular forms: Epimastigotes (replicative and extracellular) that develop in the anterior intestine of the insect vector; amastigotes (intracellular and replicative) and trypomastigotes (extracellular, non-replicative), that are present in the mammalian hosts. T. cruzi is able to survive the oxidative DNA damage induced by reactive oxygen and nitro gen species (ROS 1 RNS) generated by cells of the host. A mechanism to repair this damage may be the base excision repair (BER) pathway, that his highly evolutionary conserved. In this DNA repair system the protein APEI is essential. In this thesis, we studied the presence of the BER pathway in T. cruzi and its possible participation in the process of evasion of the parasite to oxidative damage. Cell viability of T. cruzi epirnastigotes dirninishes in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. This effect is significantly increased in parasites subsequently incubated with the drug metoxiamine (BER pathway inhibitor). We conclude that the BER pathway is involved in the T. cruzi resistance to DNA oxidative damage. To analyze the main enzyme in the parasite BER pathway, we cloned and expressed the carboxyl terminal region of the protein TcAP (APEl of T. cruzi) in E. coli. With the purified recombinant protein specific polyclonal antibodies were obtained, that were used to measure the expression of TcAP in the parasite under oxidative stress. We conclude that the expression ofTcAP increases as a function of exposure to oxidative stress. Confrrmation of the involvement of the BER pathway in the resistance of T. cruzi DNA oxidative damage by activating TcAP would make feasible the search for specific pharmacological inhibitors to TcAP that do not affect APEI of Horno sapiens.
Tesis (Bioquímico, Magíster en Bioquímica)
Esta Tesis se realizó en el Laboratorio de Biología Celular y Molecular, Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas, Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile y fue financiado por los Proyectos FONDECYT 1090124, Anillo ACT29 y RED-07, CONICYT.
Esta Tesis se realizó en el Laboratorio de Biología Celular y Molecular, Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas, Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile y fue financiado por los Proyectos FONDECYT 1090124, Anillo ACT29 y RED-07, CONICYT.
Palabras clave
Trypanosoma Cruzi, Enfermedad de Chagas