Desarrollo motor de alumnos y alumnas de NB1 en establecimiento municipal, particular y subvencionado
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La educación física en la actualidad, ha ampliado sus responsabilidades para abarcar aquellas que incluyen desde potenciar las condiciones físicas desarrollando determinadas destrezas deportivas, hasta interesarse por aquellos otros objetivos que la comprensión del hombre le permite y le exige ahora: afectivo, cognitivo, emocional y simbólico. El desarrollo motor es el
entrenamiento para desarrollar, fortalecer y dar flexibilidad al cuerpo por medio de ciertos ejercicios, mejorando y consiguiendo el rendimiento físico del niño.
Además, ayuda a educar sus facultades mentales. Es el Estudio del aprendizaje y desarrollo de las destrezas motoras básicas y deportivas. Se enfatiza en el desarrollo y aprendizaje del niño en el campo del comportamiento motor. El objetivo central de esta investigación es poder establecer si hay diferencias en el desarrollo motor de los alumnos y alumnas de los
establecimientos seleccionados. Esto se va llevar a cabo a través de la realización del test psicomotor de Jack Capón, modificado por Sergio Carrasco.
Este test, entrega información referida al nivel de desarrollo psicomotor del niño de 4 a 10 años y más, en áreas como el conocimiento corporal, espacial, equilibrio, coordinación general y coordinación óculo-manual. Este test trae consigo 6 pruebas distintas que fueron tomadas a alumnos de primero y segundo básico del Colegio Seminario San Rafael, Colegio San Ignacio y
Colegio Balmaceda que trajo consigo resultado muy diferenciados a la vista de unos con otros. Los resultados indicaron que el colegio particular y subvencionado están por encima del colegio municipal lo que abre una posibilidad de establecer mejoras en donde hubo problema, y para eso se estableció que cada colegio tenga conocimiento de los resultados y tome cartas
en el asunto.
Physical education today has expanded its responsibilities to include those that range from enhancing the physical development of specific sports skills to be interested in these other objectives that the understanding of man enables him and now requires: affective, cognitive, emotional and symbolic. Motor development is training to develop, strengthen and give flexibility to the body through certain exercises, improving performance and achieving physical development. lt also helps to educate their mental faculties. lt is the study of learning and developing basic motor skills and sports. Emphasis on child development and learning in the field of motor behavior. The objective of this research is to establish whether there are differences in motor development NB1 students from the selected establishments. This is going to take place through the completion of the psychomotor test Jack Capen, as amended by Sergio Carrasco. This test provides information relating to the level of psychomotor development of children 4 to 10 years and more, in areas such as body awareness, space, balance, coordination and general hand-eye coordination. This test brings 6 different tests that were taken first and second year students of the College Basic Seminar San Rafael, San Ignacio School and College Balmaceda brought about very different results in view of each other. The results indicated that the private school and are supported above the municipal school which opens apossibility of improvement where there problem, and it was determined that each school has knowledge of the results and take action on the matter.
Physical education today has expanded its responsibilities to include those that range from enhancing the physical development of specific sports skills to be interested in these other objectives that the understanding of man enables him and now requires: affective, cognitive, emotional and symbolic. Motor development is training to develop, strengthen and give flexibility to the body through certain exercises, improving performance and achieving physical development. lt also helps to educate their mental faculties. lt is the study of learning and developing basic motor skills and sports. Emphasis on child development and learning in the field of motor behavior. The objective of this research is to establish whether there are differences in motor development NB1 students from the selected establishments. This is going to take place through the completion of the psychomotor test Jack Capen, as amended by Sergio Carrasco. This test provides information relating to the level of psychomotor development of children 4 to 10 years and more, in areas such as body awareness, space, balance, coordination and general hand-eye coordination. This test brings 6 different tests that were taken first and second year students of the College Basic Seminar San Rafael, San Ignacio School and College Balmaceda brought about very different results in view of each other. The results indicated that the private school and are supported above the municipal school which opens apossibility of improvement where there problem, and it was determined that each school has knowledge of the results and take action on the matter.
Tesis (Profesor de Educación Física para la Educación General Básica, Licenciado en Educación)
Palabras clave
Aptitud Motora en Niños, Enseñanza Básica, Enseñanza, Educación Física