Proyecto de integración escolar de trastornos específicos del lenguaje: opinión de fonoaudiólogos insertos en colegios de integración de la Región Metropolitana
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
Los colegios particulares subvencionados y municipales que poseen proyectos de
integración escolar en Chile, se rigen por el Decreto no 170/2009. El cual fija normas
para determinar a los alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales transitorias y
permanentes que serán beneficiarios de la subvención para la educación especial.
Dentro de las necesidades educativas especiales transitorias que especifica el
decreto N°170, se encuentra el trastorno específico del lenguaje (TEL).
La presente investigación se centra en compilar la opinión de los fonoaudiólogos
que trabajan en colegios con proyectos de integración escolar (PIE), sobre el
funcionamiento de los PIE de niños que presentan trastorno especifico del lenguaje
(TEL) en la región metropolitana (RM).
Para la recolección de datos, se utilizó un cuestionario de 12 preguntas, a través de
las cuales se obtuvo la información que permitió medir el grado de acuerdo de los
fonoaudiólogos acerca de los criterios de ingreso, criterios de evaluación,
atenciones fonoaudiológicas y del trabajo profesional fonoaudiológico. Para el
estudio se consideró una muestra de 30 profesionales fonoaudiólogos con un
mínimo de 2 años de experiencia laboral, que actualmente trabajan en colegios con
Los resultados muestran que la mayoría de los fonoaudiólogos se encuentran en
acuerdo respecto a los criterios de ingreso, criterios de evaluación y al trabajo
profesional fonoaudiológico; no así con las atenciones fonoaudiológicas. Cabe
destacar que las opiniones son diversas, sin embargo, los profesionales en su
mayoría sugieren incrementar la cantidad de tiempo destinado a las intervenciones
fonoaudiológicas y disminuir la cantidad de alumnos atendidos por sesión.
Private subsidized and municipal schools that have scholar integration projects in Chile, are govemed by "Decreto No 17012009". This decree sets rules for determining students with temporary and permanent special educational needs who are beneficiarles of the subsidy for special education. Within the temporary special educational needs which specifies the decree No. 170, it is the specific language impairment. This research focuses on compiling the opinions of speech therapists working in schools with integration projects and how is working this in childrens that present specific languages t~stoms in Metropolitan Región. For data col/ection was used a questionnaire of 12 questions, that allowed to obtain information about the degree of agreement in the speech therapists about the entry criteria, evaluation criteria, speech therapist attentions and professional work. For the study was considerad a sample of 30 speech therapist with a mínimum of 2 years experience, currently working in schools with integration projects. The results show that most Speech therapists are in agreement on the entry criteria, evaluation criteria and speech therapist professional work, but not so with the speech therapist attention. ls importan! mentioned that there are alot of diverse opinions, however, mostly professionals suggest increasing the amount of time spent on speech therapy interventions and reduce the number of students served per session.
Private subsidized and municipal schools that have scholar integration projects in Chile, are govemed by "Decreto No 17012009". This decree sets rules for determining students with temporary and permanent special educational needs who are beneficiarles of the subsidy for special education. Within the temporary special educational needs which specifies the decree No. 170, it is the specific language impairment. This research focuses on compiling the opinions of speech therapists working in schools with integration projects and how is working this in childrens that present specific languages t~stoms in Metropolitan Región. For data col/ection was used a questionnaire of 12 questions, that allowed to obtain information about the degree of agreement in the speech therapists about the entry criteria, evaluation criteria, speech therapist attentions and professional work. For the study was considerad a sample of 30 speech therapist with a mínimum of 2 years experience, currently working in schools with integration projects. The results show that most Speech therapists are in agreement on the entry criteria, evaluation criteria and speech therapist professional work, but not so with the speech therapist attention. ls importan! mentioned that there are alot of diverse opinions, however, mostly professionals suggest increasing the amount of time spent on speech therapy interventions and reduce the number of students served per session.
Tesis (Fonoaudiología)
Palabras clave
Trastornos del Lenguaje, Integración Escolar, Estudio Región Metropolitana, Chile