Efectividad del Sistema de Proteccion Integral de la Infancia en madres y niƱos vulnerables
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Escola de Enfermagem de RibeirĆ£o Preto / Universidade de SĆ£o Paulo
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Objetivo: establecer la efectividad de la oferta pĆŗblica de beneficios y/o prestaciones del Programa
Chile Crece Contigo y la Red Protege, en niƱos y mujeres socialmente vulnerables en una comuna
urbana de la RegiĆ³n Metropolitana de Chile. MĆ©todo: estudio descriptivo con uso de la tĆ©cnica de
la encuesta, la muestra constituida por 132 madres de 133 niƱos fue estratificada segĆŗn grupos
de vulnerabilidad social; la informaciĆ³n primaria fue obtenida con una entrevista estructurada a las
madres y complementada con datos de fuentes secundarias institucionales. Se calcularon estadĆsticas
descriptivas y de asociaciĆ³n. Resultados: hubo baja percepciĆ³n de vulnerabilidad social de las diadas,
por las profesionales al ingreso del control; la efectividad de beneficios universales y especĆficos fue
baja, con mejores resultados en hijos que en madres, no obstante, no se observaron diferencias
significativas segĆŗn vulnerabilidad; un hallazgo fue la baja accesibilidad a beneficios especĆficos
en niƱos con riesgo psicosocial y retraso del desarrollo psicomotor, especialmente en el grupo mƔs
vulnerable. ConclusiĆ³n: los resultados muestran una brecha en el acceso a beneficios garantizados por
ley; para superar esta situaciĆ³n, las enfermeras/os requieren fortalecer competencias para prĆ”cticas
sanitarias contextualizadas y de gestiĆ³n integrada, en redes interdisciplinarias e intersectoriales.
OBJECTIVES: to establish the effectiveness of the public benefits and services of the "Chile Grows with You" and "Protect Network" programs for socially vulnerable women and children in an urban community in the Metropolitan Region of Chile. METHOD: Descriptive study employing a questionnaire. The sample consisted of 132 mothers and their 133 infants, all grouped according to social vulnerability. Primary data were collected via a structured interview of the mothers and were complemented with institutional (secondary) data. Descriptive and associative analyses were performed. RESULTS: the perception of social vulnerability by the professionals was low at the time of admission into the program. The effectiveness of the universal and specific benefits was low, with better results for the children than for the mothers. However, no significant differences were observed according to vulnerability. Another finding was the low access to specific benefits for children with psychosocial risk and psychomotor delay, especially in the most vulnerable group. CONCLUSION: the results revealed a gap in the access to the benefits guaranteed by law. To overcome this situation, nurses must strengthen their skills in contextualized health practices and the comprehensive administration of interdisciplinary and intersectoral networks.
OBJECTIVES: to establish the effectiveness of the public benefits and services of the "Chile Grows with You" and "Protect Network" programs for socially vulnerable women and children in an urban community in the Metropolitan Region of Chile. METHOD: Descriptive study employing a questionnaire. The sample consisted of 132 mothers and their 133 infants, all grouped according to social vulnerability. Primary data were collected via a structured interview of the mothers and were complemented with institutional (secondary) data. Descriptive and associative analyses were performed. RESULTS: the perception of social vulnerability by the professionals was low at the time of admission into the program. The effectiveness of the universal and specific benefits was low, with better results for the children than for the mothers. However, no significant differences were observed according to vulnerability. Another finding was the low access to specific benefits for children with psychosocial risk and psychomotor delay, especially in the most vulnerable group. CONCLUSION: the results revealed a gap in the access to the benefits guaranteed by law. To overcome this situation, nurses must strengthen their skills in contextualized health practices and the comprehensive administration of interdisciplinary and intersectoral networks.
IndexaciĆ³n: Web of Science; Scielo.
Palabras clave
PolĆtica Social, PrestaciĆ³n de AtenciĆ³n de Salud, Vulnerabilidad Social, Salud del NiƱo, EnfermerĆa
Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem vol.21 no.5 RibeirĆ£o Preto Sept./Oct. 2013