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  • Ítem
    Ciudadanía convencional y no convencional y su relación con la autoeficacia política en adolescentes chilenos
    (Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, 2023) Benavente, Luna; Sánchez, Benjamín; Rubio, Andrés; Oyanedel, Juan Carlos; Ríos, Javier; Cancino, Fernanda; Torres, Rodrigo
    La crisis de representatividad política en Chile ha llevado a que la participación de jóvenes disminuya en elecciones y aumente en movimientos sociales. Estos cambios podrían afectar la forma en que perciben su capacidad para ejercer cambios mediante la política. El presente estudio transversal analiza, mediante escalas de autoreporte, las diferencias por género en la relación entre el sentido de eficacia política interna y la importancia otorgada a la participación política convencional y no convencional en una muestra de adolescentes chilenos (N = 949). Los resultados muestran que la importancia otorgada a la política convencional se asocia al sentido de eficacia política interna en hombres y mujeres, mientras que la importancia otorgada a la política no convencional solamente en mujeres. Los resultados se discuten en relación con la importancia de distintas formas de participación política en la formación de jóvenes ciudadanos políticos, en el contexto de las movilizaciones feministas.
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    Road and transportation lead to better health and sustainable destination development in host community: A case of china pakistan economic corridor (cpec)
    (MDPI, 2021-12-01) Ali, Liaqat; Khan, Salim; Shah, Syed Jamal; Ullah, Aman; Ashraf, Hina; Ahmad, Mushtaq; Begum, Abida; Han, Heesup; Ariza-Montes, Antonio; Araya-Castillo, Luis; Khan, Afed Ullah; Anas, Muhammad; Khan, Abdul Majid
    Road and transportation plays a vital role in the sustainable development and prosperity of the area. This study investigates the impact of road and transportation on the health of the host community and its sustainable destination development. Data were collected from the host community and were analyzed through factor analysis and structure equation modeling to evaluate the in-hand data of the structural relationship. It is revealed that road and transportation has a significant role in the improvement of health. Moreover, income mediates the effects of accessibility and employment on health. This study will help the authorities and policy maker to formulate policy regarding road and transportation that will improve health of the host community and its sustainable development. The study is limited to the seven districts of Hazara division and explores the societal aspect of CPEC on the host community, future researcher may investigate other regions and may select some other variables such as effect on GDP, per capita income, etc. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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    nternational diversification, ownership structure and performance in an emerging market: evidence from Chile
    (Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja Volume 34, Issue 1, Pages 1202 - 12232021, 2021) Espinosa-Méndez, Christian; Araya-Castillo, Luis b; Jara Bertín, Mauricio; Gorigoitía, Juan d
    This research analyzes the impact of international diversification on the performance of Chilean exporting firms. Considering a sample of 47 companies listed on the Santiago Stock Exchange during the period 2003–2013, we found an international diversification discount. Secondly, when investigating the relationship between international diversification and performance, we found that they are related through an inverted U curve. Finally, we investigated how the ownership structure moderates the relationship between international diversification and performance, finding that the ownership concentration and pyramidal ownership positively impacts the performance of companies initiating international diversification strategies; and that the business groups’ affiliation negatively impacts in the international diversification-performance relationship. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Senses, emotions and wellbeing in forest recreation and tourism
    (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2024) Zhong, Linsheng; Campbell, Carly; Buckley, Ralf; Zhu, Dongfang; Yu, Hu; Chauvenet, Alienor; Cooper, Mary-Ann
    Outdoor tourism can provide nature therapies. Implementation research for mental healthcare aims to establish psychological mechanisms and specify designs, doses and durations for medical trials. As one component, we tested simultaneous links from senses to emotions, and emotions to self-perceived wellbeing, for 524 tourists at 27 forest reserves in China. We used quantitative surveys, in person, with: 5-point Likert-type scales to measure links; free-text descriptions of their most memorable sensory and emotional experiences during these forest visits; and 7-item Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) and 10-item Kessler stress index (K10) to measure mental health and wellbeing. We found that Chinese forest tourists perceive strongly (p < 0.00001) that sensory experiences drive emotions, and emotions determine wellbeing. Senses reported were: sight by 86%, sound by 36%, smell by 41%, touch by 18%, temperature by 42%, and humidity by 20%. The number of senses engaged during forest experiences ranged from 1, for 39%, to 6, for 9%. The K10 stress-reduction measure of wellbeing was significantly (p = 0.0272) but weakly (R2 = 0.009) correlated with the number of senses engaged. Future research on mechanisms for mental health benefits to outdoor tourists, and tourist choreography by tour guides and trail signs, should therefore focus on intensity of senses and emotions. © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Contribution of Small-Scale Agroforestry to Local Economic Development and Livelihood Resilience: Evidence from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province (KPK), Pakistan
    (MDPI, 2022-01) Zada, Muhammad; Zada, Shagufta; Ali, Mudassar; Zhang, Yongjun; Begum, Abida; Han, Heesup; Ariza-Montes, Antonio; Araya-Castillo, Luis
    Agroforestry plays a vital role in enhancing environmental sustainability, improving local economies, and reducing poverty through livelihood resilience. Several researchers have studied the importance of agroforestry, but little attention has been paid to livelihood resilience and local economic development in developing countries. This study aims to find the role of small-scale agroforestry in local economic development in the Shangla and Swat districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Province, Pakistan. In this study, a total of 350 quantitative household surveys, 12 qualitative household case studies, and interviews of experts are used. The ordinary least squares (OLS), linear regression model, household income, wealth index, and five capitals of sustainable livelihood approach (SLA) were used to measure livelihood resilience. Results show several significant findings which may apply on a larger scale and in other cities of Pakistan or other countries. First, it directly shows the association between agroforestry, resilience-building, and local economic development. Second, financial capital can be improved through agroforestry, which can improve other capital assets. Third, small-scale agroforestry brings non-financial benefits such as environmental sustainability, improved living standards, reduced soil erosion, and provided shade. Fourth, irrigation plays a vital role in building livelihood resilience and promoting agroforestry. Lastly, on-farm diversity can be improved through agroforestry. This research discusses several practical implications along with recommendations for future research. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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    Equilibrio en un mercado oligopólico con una firma dominante en el mercado de las tarjetas de pago
    (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 2022) Escobar Elexpuru, Gonzalo; Valdés de la Fuente, Iván
    The main aim of this research is to measure the variation of market power exercised by a vertically integrated firm in the market of transactions carried out through payment cards, because of changes given by the entry of competitive firms in the market of purchasing shops, which increase the level of downstream competition in the industry. To achieve this, it is used as a model based on an oligopolistic structure where there is a leading firm and a fringe of competitive firms that compete each other, based on Stackelberg competition. The econometric model estimates indirectly the residual elasticity demand for the period January 2013-May 2020. As a result, the market power is directly related to the market share of the leading firm, equivalent to 1.14% to 114.35%, being the last predominant value in the trading account © 2022, Revista de Metodos Cuantitativos para la Economia y la Empresa. All Rights Reserved.
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    Healthy Behavior and Sports Drinks: A Systematic Review
    (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023-07) Muñoz-Urtubia, Nicolás; Vega-Muñoz, Alejandro; Estrada-Muñoz, Carla; Salazar-Sepúlveda, Guido; Contreras-Barraza, Nicolás; Castillo, Dante
    This review article aims to systematically identify the relationship between sports drinks and healthy behavior. This systematic literature review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guideline criteria, and eligibility criteria were established using the PICOS tool (population, interventions, comparators, outcomes, and study) from about 1000 records of sports drinks articles identified in the various Web of Science Core Collection databases. The literature review stages determined a reduced set of 15 articles relating these drinkable supplements to healthy behavior. This study concludes that water consumption should be emphasized for non-athletes, sports drinks should be labeled to indicate water consumption and carry a warning label, and more randomized clinical trials should be considered to ensure conclusive results for health decision making. © 2023 by the authors.
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    Is it rational for a large-retailer to sell an own-brand product similar to the branded product of a large manufacturer? A Vertical Product Differentiation Model
    (Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economia, 2022) de la Fuente, Iván Valdés; Elexpuru, Gonzalo Escobar
    A theoretical model was constructed to investigate the conditions that a large retailer must satisfy to increase the quality of the retailer-owned brands towards a greater number of groceries. The key result shows that the restraint given by a vertical integration scheme (producer-distributor) is relaxed for a higher quality-production cost ratio under the assumption of modelling with endogenous quality. Another finding is that the national brand´s production is not altered, which is explained by the fact that this brand is demanded by consumers with high willingness to pay for it. However, the wholesale price decreases and hence the manufacturer’s profit always falls as the quality of own brands rises. This is consistent with the argument that the retailer improves its negotiation capacity with the private manufacturer when it sells an own brand that is a close substitute for the manufacturer’s label, which always forces the wholesale price of the branded product down. © 2022, Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economia. All rights reserved.
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    Wearable biosensors for human health: A bibliometric analysis from 2007 to 2022
    (SAGE Publications Inc., 2024-12) Muñoz-Urtubia, Nicolás; Vega-Muñoz, Alejandro; Estrada-Muñoz, Carla; Salazar-Sepúlveda, Guido; Contreras-Barraza, Nicolás; Salinas-Martínez, Nicolás; Méndez-Celis, Paula; Carmelo-Adsuar, José
    Objective: This study aimed to determine the status of scientific production on biosensor usage for human health monitoring. Methods: We used bibliometrics based on the data and metadata retrieved from the Web of Science between 2007 and 2022. Articles unrelated to health and medicine were excluded. The databases were processed using the VOSviewer software and auxiliary spreadsheets. Data extraction yielded 275 articles published in 161 journals, mainly concentrated on 13 journals and 881 keywords plus. Results: The keywords plus of high occurrences were estimated at 27, with seven to 30 occurrences. From the 1595 identified authors, 125 were consistently connected in the coauthorship network in the total set and were grouped into nine clusters. Using Lotka’s law, we identified 24 prolific authors, and Hirsch index analysis revealed that 45 articles were cited more than 45 times. Crosses were identified between 17 articles in the Hirsch index and 17 prolific authors, highlighting the presence of a large set of prolific authors from various interconnected clusters, a triad, and a solitary prolific author. Conclusion: An exponential trend was observed in biosensor research for health monitoring, identifying areas of innovation, collaboration, and technological challenges that can guide future research on this topic.
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    Do ambient conditions (Air quality, noise level and temperature) and image congruity matter for boosting customer approach behaviors in the fsc sector?
    (MDPI, 2020-12) Han, Heesup; Lho, Linda Heejung; Ariza-Montes, Antonio; Lee, Kyung-Sik; Baek, Hyungshin; Araya-Castillo, Luis
    The present research presented a conceptual framework by uncovering the apparent role of ambient condition quality (in-flight air, noise level, and temperature), image congruity, love, respect, and perceived ticket price in increasing customer approach behaviors in the full service carrier (FSC) industry. A quantitative method was used. The evaluation of the measurement model verified the quality of construct measures. Findings from statistical analyses demonstrated the significant associations among research variables, and identified the mediating nature of FSC love and FSC respect. In addition, the important moderating effect of perceived FSC ticket price was found. A prominent role of ambient condition quality in eliciting approach behaviors was also explored. Overall, our theoretical framework contained a prediction power for approach behaviors. The research findings thus assist FSC researchers and practitioners to better understand the process of generating the customer decision-making process and behaviors that are positive for full service carriers. This research hence successfully fulfilled its objective to discover the influences of the customer approach behaviors in the full service carrier (FSC) industry. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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    Bibliometric Mapping of School Garden Studies: A Thematic Trends Analysis
    (MDPI, 2023-03) Castillo, Dante; Vega-Muñoz, Alejandro; Salazar-Sepúlveda, Guido; Contreras-Barraza, Nicolás; Torres-Alcayaga, Mario
    This paper analyzes the thematic trends in school garden studies over the past few decades, using a relational bibliometric methodology on a corpus of 392 articles and review articles indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection. The paper seeks to understand how researchers have studied the concept over the last few decades in various disciplines, spanning approximately eighty Web of Science categories. The results show that there is a critical mass of scientific research studying school gardens. The analysis shows the thematic trends in discussion journals, discussion terminology, and consolidates classic papers and some novel authors and papers. The studies and their theoretical trends lead to refocusing the analysis on the effects of school gardens beyond the educational, thanks to the contribution of authors from more than fifty countries engaged in the study of these activities. This work constitutes new challenges for this line of research, raising interdisciplinary research challenges between horticultural, environmental, technological, educational, social, food, nutritional, and health sciences. © 2023 by the authors.
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    The effects of whole-body muscle stimulation on body composition and strength parameters: A PRISMA systematic review and meta-analysis
    (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2023-02) Rodrigues-Santana, Luiz; Hugo, Louro; Pérez-Gómez, Jorge; Hernández-Mocholí, Miguel A.; Carlos-Vivas, Jorge; Saldaña-Cortés, Pilar; Contreras-Barraza, Nicolás; Adsuar, José C.
    Background: This systematic review and meta-analysis set out to determine the efficacy of whole-body muscle electrostimulation on body composition, strength, and muscle power in active and non-active adults (aged ≥18 years). Method: This review was reported in accordance with the Protocol Statement of Preferred Reporting Element Guidelines for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis included controlled trials; whole-body electromyostimulation trials with at least 1 exercise and control group; participants >18 years old. Outcome measures were defined as standardized mean differences for muscle mass, body fat mass, strength, and power. Studies were searched in the following electronic databases: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, SPORTDiscus, and EMBASE for all articles published up to July 30, 2021. The risk of bias was assessed by 2 independent researchers using the Physiotherapy Evidence Database scale and Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations approach. Analyses were performed using the metafor package of the statistical software R (version 4.0.3; R Core Team, 2020). Random effects models, forest, and funnel plots to quantify the asymmetry associated with publication bias were fitted using the metafor library in R. Statistical heterogeneity was assessed using I2 statistics. Results: In total, 26 studies representing 1183 participants were included (WB-electromyostimulation: n = 586 and control group: n = 597). The mean age of the participants ranged from a minimum of 20.4 to a maximum of 77.4 years old. Interventions lasted a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 54 weeks. Standardized mean difference was 0.36 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.16-0.57) for muscle mass, -0.38 (95% CI: -0.62-0.15) for body fat, 0.54 (95% CI: 0.35-0.72) for strength, and 0.36 (95% CI: 0.02-0.71) for power with significant differences between groups (all P <.04). I2 revealed low heterogeneity of muscle mass (15%) and power (0%) between trials and medium heterogeneity of body fat (45%) and strength (55%). Conclusion: We concluded that WB-electromyostimulation has significant positive effects on muscle mass, body fat, strength, and power. Copyright © 2023 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
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    Human management by competencies in competitive and complex scenarios: A reflective theoretical approach
    (Elsevier, 2003) Ramírez, R.; Monsalve, L.; Villalobos, J.; Lay, N.; Severino-González, P.; Báez, D.
    Human management is interpreted by competencies in competitive and complex scenarios. According to the documentary review of disciplinary, classic and current research; with a reflective theoretical approach using hermeneutics. The findings show the reinvention of the human being, adapting to turbulent changes in the environment, where the skills of talent get in the way to take on global challenges, associated with sustainability, in the face of the era of the new normal, where everything seems to be stable, but the dynamics of life manifests the detriment of resources and capacities of the world, limiting the living being, responding and challenging market requirements.
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    Innovation systems in industry 5.0: theoretical and methodological bases
    (Elsevier, 2024) Ramírez, R.; Santamaria, M.; Ramírez, R.; Ramírez, R. J.; Lay, N.; Severino-González, P.
    The research identifies current innovation systems according to their theoretical and methodological bases. The method used in this work is guided by the review of the literature, interpreted from the foundations of hermeneutics. The results show that the theoretical bases of innovation systems have evolved over time, according to schools of thought, epoch and emerging models co-created by the new era of empirical knowledge, and technology has been responsible for the volatile changes it has had to face, while methodologies are subscribed by innovation in human talent, and adoption of technology, which has sometimes generated barriers to its appropriation for its proper use. The reported findings allow us to conclude that innovation systems favor a sustainable approach to organizations to achieve an economy of scale with emphasis on the implementation of technologies and communication, based on optimization, systematization in the use of resources, elements, and capabilities.
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    People Management model from a sustainable approach: theories and reflections
    (Elsevier, 2022) Ramírez, R.; Sukier, H.; Monsalve, L.; Lay, N.
    The research describes the people management models from a sustainable approach. Implementing hermeneutics as a methodology, through the study of theories, allowing conceptual analysis, generating reflections and contributions, around the variable of study. The results show the association of innovative, green models, competitive talent with qualities or aptitudes to relearn and that favorably impact the global environment. It is concluded that the impact caused by sustainable factors affect the life of the living being and its environment, influencing new businesses in the market.
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    Business strategies in agricultural units to incorporate value chains in new national and international markets: a case study of Colombia
    (Elsevier, 2024) Ramírez, R.; Vergara, L.; Rodríguez, L.; Lay, N.; Severino-González, P.; Villalobos, J.; Santamaria, M.
    The research recommends business strategies that allow agricultural units to incorporate value chains to reach new national and international markets. Positivist, quantitative, descriptive and transversal methodology, with a population (56) agricultural production units of the department of Atlántico, Caribbean region of Colombia, according to the most recent National Agricultural Census (CNA) prepared by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE, 2014), data analysis was carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics V.22 program. It is concluded that the strategies are of quality, differentiation and efficiency, establishing a vertical and hydroponic agriculture, with competitiveness, quality, organization, capacity development, cooperation, innovation, dimensioned by technological, social, and environmental aspects. The findings show the adoption of new emerging technologies, processes and practices for total product quality, with sustainable emerging trends and knowledge cells to make the constantly evolving agricultural market profitable, providing a differentiating factor.
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    Types of competencies of human talent supported by ICT: definitions, elements, and contributions
    (Elsevier, 2022) Santamaria, M.; Ramírez, R.; Antequera, R.; Lay, N.
    The recent turbulent global changes have highlighted the advancement of generic and technical skills, as responses to the comprehensive challenges of the environment. This is how in the present investigation constructionism and hermeneutics are used as a methodology to achieve contributions of scientific rigor, conceptualizing the variables; with a positivist approach, using literary study, to generate theoretical reflections based on contemporary and disciplinary foundations, and thus understand literature, build concepts, and generate reflections. The findings show that ICT-focused skills condition the employability of human talent and its effect on resources, elements, and capabilities in generating value. It is concluded that the generic and specific skills of people currently prevail as indicators of achievement, resulting in the actions performed and sustainability.
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    Generic and technical skills of human talent supported by ICT: systematization, scope, and reflections
    (Elsevier, 2022) Antequera, R.; Ramírez, R.; Santamaria, M.; Lay, N.
    Competencies in the management of human talent are defined by authors as the grouping of knowledge, skills, abilities, and performance, which allow the development of efficient actions, propitiated from general to specific functions. The systematization, scope and reflections determine that in the future the competencies and their management model will be even more essential due to the emerging business structures, global dynamics, economic, social, environmental factors and the importance of information and communication technology causing human talent to self-train, identify their knowledge gaps, generate dynamic capabilities and achieve better employability based on their new skills, this is how the new era of knowledge towards the future draws a trend in the demand for technical skills and generic, for sustainability.
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    Trends in the knowledge area of organizations in Industry 5.0: perspectives and theoretical references
    (Elsevier, 2024) Ramírez, R.; Antequera, R.; Lay, N.; Severino-González, P.
    The field of organizational studies has undergone significant transformations in the 21st century, initially focused on business structure and management to maximize effectiveness and performance. Currently there is talk of Industry 5.0, which seeks to integrate technologies such as the collective network of connected devices, cognitive computing, nanotechnology, robotization, artificial intelligence and digitization of human processes. This research seeks to analyze the trends in knowledge of organizations, through a post-positivist approach based on empirical observation and experimentation to assess the study variable, select contemporary scientific literature, and review legal foundations, using databases of high impact and scientific rigor. The results are oriented by the strategic management of knowledge and intellectual assets, innovation and creativity, technology, and information. It is concluded that these are influenced by the requirements of the environment with a sustainable and sustainable approach, it is imperative to adapt to these trends to maintain a holistic perspective to ensure the permanence in time of organizations in the face of dynamic market changes.
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    Segregation of high‐skilled workers and the productivity of cities
    (Wiley, 2021-10) Diaz, R.; Garrido, N.; Vargas, M.
    The goal of this research is to conduct an empirical study on the effects of the segregation of high‐skilled workers—workers with a university degree—on cities' labour productivity. Using data for US metropolitan areas, we find evidence of a positive impact. Exploring possible mechanisms, we find that clusters of high‐skilled workers produce positive spillovers on high‐skilled workers' productivity that more than compensate for the low‐skilled workers' loss in productivity due to their exclusion. The latter is particularly valid in cities specialized in industries where the complementarity between these two kinds of workers in the city's production function is low, like technology or science. We use panel data and an IV approach as identification strategies. Results are robust to different specifications.