HD 213885b: A transiting 1-d-period super-Earth with an Earth-like composition around a bright (V = 7.9) star unveiled by TESS

dc.contributor.authorEspinoza, Néstor
dc.contributor.authorBrahm, Rafael
dc.contributor.authorHenning, Thomas
dc.contributor.authorJordán, Andrés
dc.contributor.authorDorn, Caroline
dc.contributor.authorRojas, Felipe
dc.contributor.authorSarkis, Paula
dc.contributor.authorKossakowski, Diana
dc.contributor.authorSchlecker, Martin
dc.contributor.authorDíaz, Matías R.
dc.contributor.authorJenkins, James S.
dc.contributor.authorAguilera-Gomez, Claudia
dc.contributor.authorJenkins, Jon M.
dc.contributor.authorTwicken, Joseph D.
dc.contributor.authorCollins, Karen A.
dc.contributor.authorLissauer, Jack
dc.contributor.authorArmstrong, David J.
dc.contributor.authorAdibekyan, Vardan
dc.contributor.authorBarrado, David
dc.contributor.authorBarros, Susana C.C.
dc.contributor.authorBattley, Matthew
dc.contributor.authorBayliss, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorBouchy, François
dc.contributor.authorBryant, Edward M.
dc.contributor.authorCooke, Benjamin F.
dc.contributor.authorOlivier D.S.
dc.contributor.authorDumusque, Xavier
dc.contributor.authorFigueira, Pedro
dc.contributor.authorGiles, Helen
dc.contributor.authorLillo-Box, Jorge
dc.contributor.authorLovis, Christophe
dc.contributor.authorNielsen, Louise D.
dc.contributor.authorPepe, Francesco
dc.contributor.authorPollacco, Don
dc.contributor.authorSantos, Nuno C.
dc.contributor.authorSousa, Sergio G.
dc.contributor.authorUdry, Stéphane
dc.contributor.authorWheatley, Peter J.
dc.contributor.authorTurner, Oliver
dc.contributor.authorMarmier, Maxime
dc.contributor.authorSégransan, Damien
dc.contributor.authorRicker, George
dc.contributor.authorLatham, David
dc.contributor.authorSeager, Sara
dc.contributor.authorWinn, Joshua N.
dc.contributor.authorKielkopf, John F.
dc.contributor.authorHart, Rhodes
dc.contributor.authorWingham, Geof
dc.contributor.authorJensen, Eric L.N.
dc.contributor.authorHełminiak, Krzysztof G.
dc.contributor.authorTokovinin A.
dc.contributor.authorBriceño C.
dc.contributor.authorZiegler, Carl
dc.contributor.authorLaw, Nicholas M.
dc.contributor.authorMann, Andrew W.
dc.contributor.authorDaylan, Tansu
dc.contributor.authorDoty, John P.
dc.contributor.authorGuerrero, Natalia
dc.contributor.authorBoyd, Patricia
dc.contributor.authorCrossfield, Ian
dc.descriptionIndexación: Scopus.
dc.description.abstractWe report the discovery of the 1.008-d, ultrashort period (USP) super-Earth HD 213885b (TOI-141b) orbiting the bright (V= 7.9) star HD 213885 (TOI-141, TIC 403224672), detected using photometry from the recently launched TESS mission. Using FEROS, HARPS, and CORALIE radial velocities, we measure a precise mass of 8.8 ±0.6M⊙ for this 1.74±0.05R⊙ exoplanet, which provides enough information to constrain its bulk composition - similar to Earth's but enriched in iron. The radius, mass, and stellar irradiation of HD 213885b are, given our data, very similar to 55 Cancri e, making this exoplanet a good target to perform comparative exoplanetology of short period, highly irradiated super-Earths. Our precise radial velocities reveal an additional 4.78-d signal which we interpret as arising from a second, non-transiting planet in the system, HD 213885c, whose minimum mass of 19.9 ± 1.4 M⊙ makes it consistent with being a Neptune-mass exoplanet. The HD 213885 system is very interesting from the perspective of future atmospheric characterization, being the second brightest star to host an USP transiting super-Earth (with the brightest star being, in fact, 55 Cancri). Prospects for characterization with present and future observatories are discussed.
dc.identifier.citationMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Volume 491, Issue 2, Pages 2982 - 2999 1 January 2020
dc.publisherOxford University Press
dc.subjectPlanets and satellites: detection
dc.subjectPlanets and satellites: fundamental parameters
dc.subjectPlanets and satellites: individual: TOI-141
dc.subjectTechniques: photometric
dc.subjectTechniques: radial velocities
dc.subjectTIC 403224672
dc.titleHD 213885b: A transiting 1-d-period super-Earth with an Earth-like composition around a bright (V = 7.9) star unveiled by TESS
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