VVV Survey Microlensing: The Galactic Longitude Dependence
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We completed the search for microlensing events in the zero latitude area of the Galactic bulge using the VVV Survey near-infrared (near-IR) data obtained between 2010 and 2015. We have now a total sample of N = 630 events Using the near-IR color-magnitude diagram we selected the red clump (RC) sources to analyze the longitude dependence of microlensing across the central region of the Galactic plane. The events show a homogeneous distribution, smoothly increasing in numbers toward the Galactic center, as predicted by different models. We find a slight asymmetry, with a larger number of events toward negative longitudes than positive longitudes. This asymmetry is seen both in the complete sample and the subsample of RC giant sources, and it is possibly related with the inclination of the bar along the line of sight. The timescale distribution is fairly symmetric with a peak in 17.4 ±1.0 days for the complete sample (N = 630 events), and 20.7 ±1.0 days for the RC stars (N = 291 events), in agreement with previous results. © 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
Indexación: Scopus.
Palabras clave
Galaxy: bulge, Galaxy: Structure, Gravitational lensing: micro
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 865(1), art. no. L5.