Commentary: Face masks in physical education classes during the COVID-19 delta variant wave: a call for awareness

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Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
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To reduce the spread of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus delta variant (COVID-19 delta) virus and minimise transmission within school settings, governments worldwide have introduced new school guidelines for using face masks (Spitzer, 2020). Tese increased measures aim to reduce the spread since the data shows that the coronavirus delta variant is highly trans missible among children with increased infection rates (Lechien & Saussez, 2021). In Australia, the New South Wales Gov ernment made it mandatory for students to wear face masks in secondary schools (Year 7 to 12) and allowed it to be optional in primary (Kindergarten to Year 6) schools. Health orders in South Korea and Spain require primary and secondary school students to use face masks (Cha, 2021; Guell, 2021). While in the United Kingdom, secondary school students are required to wear face masks if the number of COVID cases increase in their community (England, 2021). Even if slightly different, these guide lines to use face masks align with World Health Organization’s recommendations where minimal distancing from oth ers is not possible (Krishnaratne et al., 2020). However, the World Health Or ganisation’s recommendations related to physical education (PE) is that special considerations may be required if face masks significantly hinder the learning process and negatively impact the delivery of the curriculum (Krishnaratne et al., 2020). Even though there is a strengthen ing of broad recommendations being disseminated by health experts to the broader community, there is a lack of evidence-based guidelines for schools to deliver PE lessons. Tis paper explores the potential effect of students wearing masks in PE to propose key considerations for using face masks in those lessons during the COVID-19 delta wave. Tis commentary begins with a description of the central purpose of wearing masks during the COVID 19 pandemic. It will also discuss the transmission of COVID-19 to reinforce the purpose of wearing masks. Next, the effect of face masks on movement potential will be explored, followed by an awareness of potential implications for student wellbeing in PE classes. Te paper ends with a short discussion on considerations for PE teachers in the uncertain pandemic environment.
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German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research 2021
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