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How the Orientation of BN Units Influences the Aromaticity of Some Iminobora-Benzenes
(American Chemical Society, 2025-02) Diego, Luz; Arias-Olivares, David; Moreno, Diego V; Cerpa, Erick; Islas, Rafael
In the current work, the impact of the orientation of the BN units in some proposed isomers of iminobora-benzene (B6C6N6H6) is analyzed. The analysis is oriented toward determining whether the orientation plays an important role in electronic delocalization (aromaticity). The alternation of the BN units generates several isomers, which were built arbitrarily and systematically with the main goal of measuring their respective electronic delocalization. For the analysis of aromaticity, multiple methodologies (AdNDP, AV1245, AVmin, ELF, LOL, MICD, and Bind) were employed, all of which produced consistent trends. Moreover, the alternation of the BN units affects not only electronic delocalization but also relative stability, with relative energy values of up to 85 kcal/mol observed among the isomers. Interestingly, the most aromatic isomer is the least stable isomer, while the most stable isomer is, with some methodologies, the least aromatic. © 2025 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.
Reactivation of learning in the Chilean school system. Factors from pedagogical – curricular management
(HISIN (History of Information Systems), 2025-01) Pérez-Carvajal, Alejandro; Schmitt-Bernal, Eliana; Catalán-Cueto, Juan Pablo
Introducción: En Chile se han plasmado desde el año 2023 distintas medidas para reactivar la educación, en el sistema público. Sin embargo, luego de un año, uno de los ejes de la reactivación Fortalecimiento de los Aprendizajes no ha evidenciado dar claridad de mejoras respecto de los procesos educativos. Por tanto, se plantea el objetivo de explorar sobre los aportes de la gestión pedagógica-curricular frente a la reactivación de los aprendizajesen el sistema escolar chileno Metodología: Se sustentó en un enfoque cualitativo, con un diseño de estudio de caso que se centró en explorarel fenómeno desde la diversidad del sistema educativo Resultados :Se logró comprobar que los mecanismosdesde la gestión pedagógica –curricular permiten movilizar la reactivación de los aprendizajes, a través de capacidades que promueven la mejora de la práctica educativa en las aulas. Discusión: Los elementos propios de una adecuada Planeación e Implementación de estrategias en contexto, la Didáctica y Evaluación de los aprendizajes y el Liderazgo pedagógico para la gestión del cambio contribuyen en la mejora de las prácticas pedagógicas en el aula. Conclusiones: Las estrategias desde la gestión pedagógica –curricular impactan en la reactivación de los aprendizajes de los establecimientos escolares estudiados.
ESBL-producing Escherichia coli prevalence and sharing across seabirds of central Chile
(Elsevier B.V., 2025-02) Suarez-Yana, Tania; Salgado-Caxito, Marilia; Hayer, Juliette; Rojas-Sereno, Zulma Esperanza; Pino-Hurtado, Mario Sergio; Campaña-Burguet, Allelen; Caparrós, Cristina; Torres, Carmen; Benavides, Julio A.
The authors regret that in ‘Highlights’, the first two sentences lack of a final dot, the presence/absence of abbreviations and italic text in specific words, and that in Section 3.2.3: a question mark (?) was mistakenly written. Upon reviewing the published article, we found discrepancies in the text of the Abstract, the first and fourth paragraphs in the ‘Discussion’ section, the Graphical abstract, and Fig. 6 where it indicates that the Sequence Type (ST) 617 is shared between the Franklin's gull and Peruvian pelican. The correct finding is that ST617 is shared between the Kelp gull and the Peruvian pelican. It appears that these issues are the result of a typesetting error, which regrettably went unnoticed by the authors during the proofreading phase. However, the authors clarify that these errors do not alter the principal findings, discussion and conclusions of the paper, since in other parts of the text, the information was properly presented. Therefore, the formal changes requested in the text are: • At page 1, in ‘Highlights’ add a final dot in the first two sentences, and replace “ESBL-genes” with “ESBL genes”.• At page 2, in ‘Abstract’ replace “ST10 (Ld and Pt); ST88, ST410 and ST617 (Pt and Lp)” with “ST10 and ST617 (Ld and Pt); ST88 and ST410 (Pt and Lp)”.• At page 5, in Section 3.2.1 change to italic text the word “bla” in “Some of the most prevalent AMR genes in the study included blaEC gene”.• At page 6, in Section 3.2.3 delete question mark in “The ESBL-E. coli ST617 identified in two Kelp gulls in summer 2021 and winter 2022?”, and change to non-italic text the words “CTX-15” and “OXA-1” in “one Peruvian pelican in summer 2021 harboured genes blaCTX-M-15 and blaOXA-1”.• At page 7, in ‘Discussion’ replace “whole genome sequence” with the abbreviation “WGS”, and replace “Peruvian pelicans and Franklin's gulls (ST88, ST410, and ST617), and by Kelp gulls and Peruvian pelicans (ST10)” with “Peruvian pelicans and Franklin's gulls (ST88 and ST410), and by Kelp gulls and Peruvian pelicans (ST10 and ST617)”.• At page 10, in ‘Discussion’ add the characters “l” to the word “wordwide” in “blaCMY-2, the most prevalent plasmid mediated AmpC gene wordwide” and “s” to the abbreviation “ST” in “A high diversity of ST”, and replace “ST410 and ST617 in Peruvian pelicans and Franklin's gulls” with “ST410 and ST617 in Peruvian pelicans, Franklin's gulls (ST410), and Kelp gulls (ST617)”.The corrected versions of the Graphical abstract and Fig. 6 are provided in this corrigendum as Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank the readers for their understanding.
Associations between social networks, messaging apps, addictive behaviors, and sleep problems in adolescents: the EHDLA study
(Frontiers Media SA, 2025-01) Navalón-González, María; Montenegro-Espinosa, José Adrián; Gutiérrez-Espinoza, Héctor; Olivares-Arancibia, Jorge; Yañéz-Sepúlveda, Rodrigo; Duclos-Bastías, Daniel; Garrido-Miguel, Miriam; Mesas, Arthur Eumann; López-Gil, José Francisco; Jiménez-López, Estela
The current study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the relationships between social network (SN) use, messaging apps use, and addictive behaviors related to SNs, and sleep-related problems in a sample of Spanish adolescents. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study using data from the Eating Healthy and Daily Life Activities (EHDLA) project, which involved adolescents aged 12–17 years from three secondary schools in Valle de Ricote (Region of Murcia, Spain). A sample of 632 adolescents was studied. The use of SN (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or TikTok) or messaging applications (i.e., WhatsApp) was assessed via a scale including one item for each SN, in which adolescents were asked what type of SN they used and the usage profile of each SN. The Short Social Networks Addiction Scale-6 Symptoms (SNAddS-6S) was used to determine SN addictive behaviors. Generalized linear regression analyses with a negative binomial distribution were performed to determine the associations of SN use or SN addictive behaviors with sleep-related problems. These analyses were adjusted for age, sex, body mass index, socioeconomic level, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Results: Higher SN use was related to greater presence of sleep-related problems [prevalence ratio (PR) = 1.04; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01–1.07; p = 0.015]. Additionally, the higher the score on the addictive behaviors toward SN use scale was, the more sleep-related problems were identified (PR = 1.15; 95% Cl 1.09 to 1.21; p < 0.001). Specifically, only the use of Twitter was significantly associated with sleep-related problems (PR = 1.10; 95% Cl 1.01 to 1.21; p = 0.035). In terms of addictive behaviors related to SN use, mood modification, relapse, withdrawal, and conflict were significantly associated with sleep-related problems (mood modification: PR = 1.58; 95% CI 1.36 to 1.84; p < 0.001; relapse: PR = 1.24; 95% CI 1.07 to 1.43; p = 0.004; withdrawal: PR = 1.28; 95% CI 1.08 to 1.51; p = 0.004; conflict: PR = 1.19; 95% CI 1.01 to 1.39; p = 0.037). Conclusion: Our results suggest a relationship between SN use, SN addictive behaviors, and sleep-related problems in adolescents. These cross-sectional results should be confirmed in longitudinal and intervention studies
Using implementation science to develop and deploy an oncology electronic health record
(Elsevier Ltd, 2025-01) Taramasco, Carla; Noel, Rene; Márquez, Gastón; Robles, Diego
The management of oncology clinical processes involves the efficient management of data using electronic clinical records to effectively monitor and treat oncology patients. As the process of treating and monitoring cancer patients involves multiple stakeholders with differing perspectives, the implementation and deployment of oncology clinical registries represent a significant challenge. In this study, we address this complexity by employing a technique that helps translate implementation strategies into requirement identification methods, which are subsequently disseminated throughout the implementation and deployment phases of health information systems. We applied this technique to develop an electronic health record for the national cancer plan in Chile. The findings indicate that six implementation strategies are essential to addressing stakeholder needs, as well as three requirement identification techniques to describe the underlying problem. Furthermore, a study conducted with 27 stakeholders revealed that the perception of the oncology electronic clinical record has considerable acceptance in three critical functionalities related to the clinical process of oncology patient management. The use of implementation science strategies provides an alternative approach to understanding the underlying problem that stakeholders face when they require healthcare technologies.