Examinando por Autor "Giribet, Gastón"
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Ítem Self-dual gravitational instantons in conformal gravity: Conserved charges and thermodynamics(American Physical Society, 2021-09) Corral, Cristóbal; Giribet, Gastón; Olea, RodrigoWe study non-Einstein Bach-flat gravitational instanton solutions that can be regarded as the generalization of the Taub-NUT/bolt and Eguchi-Hanson solutions of Einstein gravity to conformal gravity. These solutions include non-Einstein spaces which are either asymptotically locally flat spacetimes or asymptotically locally anti-de Sitter (AlAdS). Nevertheless, solutions with different asymptotic conditions exist: we find geometries that present a weakened AlAdS asymptotia, exhibiting the typical low decaying mode of conformal gravity. This permits us to identify the simple Neumann boundary condition that, as it happens in the asymptotically AdS sector, selects the Einstein solution out of the solutions of conformal gravity. All the geometries present nonvanishing Hirzebruch signature and Euler characteristic, being single-centered instantons. We compute the topological charges as well as the Noether charges of the Taub-NUT/bolt and Eguchi-Hanson spacetimes, which happen to be finite. This enables us to study the thermodynamic properties of these geometries. © 2021 authors. Published by the American Physical Society.Ítem Topological terms and the Misner string entropy(American Physical Society, 2021-01) Ciambelli, Luca; Corral, Cristóbal; Figueroa, José; Giribet, Gastón; Olea, RodrigoThe method of topological renormalization in anti-de Sitter (AdS) gravity consists in adding to the action a topological term which renders it finite, defining at the same time a well-posed variational problem. Here, we use this prescription to work out the thermodynamics of asymptotically locally anti-de Sitter (AlAdS) spacetimes, focusing on the physical properties of the Misner strings of both the Taub-NUT-AdS and Taub-Bolt-AdS solutions. We compute the contribution of the Misner string to the entropy by treating on the same footing the AdS and AlAdS sectors. As topological renormalization is found to correctly account for the physical quantities in the parity-preserving sector of the theory, we then investigate the holographic consequences of adding also the Chern-Pontryagin topological invariant to the bulk action; in particular, we discuss the emergence of the parity-odd contribution in the boundary stress tensor. © 2021 authors.