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Ítem Investigating the properties of stripped-envelope supernovae; what are the implications for their progenitors?(Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019-02-15) Prentice, S. J.; Ashall, C.; James, P. A.; Short, L.; Mazzali, P. A.; Bersier, D.; Crowther, P. A.; Barbarino, C.; Chen, T.-W.; Copperwheat, C. M.; Darnley, M. J.; Denneau, L.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Fraser, M.; Galbany, L.; Gal-Yam, A.; Harmanen, J.; Howell, D. A.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Inserra, C.; Kankare, E.; Karamehmetoglu, E.; Lamb, G. P.; Limongi, M.; Maguire, K.; McCully, C.; Olivares E., F.; Piascik, A. S.; Pignata, G.; Reichart, D. E.; Rest, A.; Reynolds, T.; Rodríguez, O.; Saario, J. L. O.; Schulze, S.; Smartt, S. J.; Smith, K. W.; Sollerman, J.; Stalder, B.; Sullivan, M.; Taddia, F.; Valenti, S.; Vergani, S. D.; Williams, S. C.; Young, D. R.We present observations and analysis of 18 stripped-envelope supernovae observed during 2013–2018. This sample consists of five H/He-rich SNe, six H-poor/He-rich SNe, three narrow lined SNe Ic, and four broad lined SNe Ic. The peak luminosity and characteristic time-scales of the bolometric light curves are calculated, and the light curves modelled to derive 56Ni and ejecta masses (MNi and Mej). Additionally, the temperature evolution and spectral line velocity curves of each SN are examined. Analysis of the [O I] line in the nebular phase of eight SNe suggests their progenitors had initial masses <20 M . The bolometric light curve properties are examined in combination with those of other SE events from the literature. The resulting data set gives the Mej distribution for 80 SE–SNe, the largest such sample in the literature to date, and shows that SNe Ib have the lowest median Mej, followed by narrow-lined SNe Ic, H/He-rich SNe, broad-lined SNe Ic, and finally gamma-ray burst SNe. SNe Ic-6/7 show the largest spread of Mej ranging from ∼1.2–11 M , considerably greater than any other subtype. For all SE–SNe = 2.8 ± 1.5 M which further strengthens the evidence that SE–SNe arise from low-mass progenitors which are typically <5 M at the time of explosion, again suggesting MZAMS <25 M . The low and lack of clear bimodality in the distribution implies <30 M progenitors and that envelope stripping via binary interaction is the dominant evolutionary pathway of these SNe.Ítem TOPoS: II. on the bimodality of carbon abundance in CEMP stars Implications on the early chemical evolution of galaxies(EDP Sciences, 2015-07) Bonifacio, P.; Caffau, E.; Spite, M.; Limongi, M.; Chieffi, A.; Klessen, R.S.; François, P.; Molaro, P.; Ludwig, H.-G.; Zaggia, S.; Spite, F.; Plez, B.; Cayrel, R.; Christlieb, N.; Clark, P.C.; Glover, S.C.O.; Hammer, F.; Koch, A.; Monaco, L.; Sbordone, L.; Steffen, M.In the course of the Turn Off Primordial Stars (TOPoS) survey, aimed at discovering the lowest metallicity stars, we have found several carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars. These stars are very common among the stars of extremely low metallicity and provide important clues to the star formation processes. We here present our analysis of six CEMP stars. Aims. We want to provide the most complete chemical inventory for these six stars in order to constrain the nucleosynthesis processes responsible for the abundance patterns. Methods. We analyse both X-Shooter and UVES spectra acquired at the VLT. We used a traditional abundance analysis based on OSMARCS 1D local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) model atmospheres and the turbospectrum line formation code. Results. Calcium and carbon are the only elements that can be measured in all six stars. The range is-5.0 ≤ [Ca/H] <-2.1 and 7.12 ≤ A(C) ≤ 8.65. For star SDSS J1742+2531 we were able to detect three Fe i lines from which we deduced [Fe/H] =-4.80, from four Ca ii lines we derived [Ca/H] =-4.56, and from synthesis of the G-band we derived A(C) = 7.26. For SDSS J1035+0641 we were not able to detect any iron lines, yet we could place a robust (3σ) upper limit of [Fe/H] <-5.0 and measure the Ca abundance, with [Ca/H] =-5.0, and carbon, A(C) = 6.90, suggesting that this star could be even more metal-poor than SDSS J1742+2531. This makes these two stars the seventh and eighth stars known so far with [Fe/H] <-4.5, usually termed ultra-iron-poor (UIP) stars. No lithium is detected in the spectrum of SDSS J1742+2531 or SDSS J1035+0641, which implies a robust upper limit of A(Li) < 1.8 for both stars. Conclusions. Our measured carbon abundances confirm the bimodal distribution of carbon in CEMP stars, identifying a high-carbon band and a low-carbon band. We propose an interpretation of this bimodality according to which the stars on the high-carbon band are the result of mass transfer from an AGB companion, while the stars on the low-carbon band are genuine fossil records of a gas cloud that has also been enriched by a faint supernova (SN) providing carbon and the lighter elements. The abundance pattern of the UIP stars shows a large star-to-star scatter in the [X/Ca] ratios for all elements up to aluminium (up to 1 dex), but this scatter drops for heavier elements and is at most of the order of a factor of two. We propose that this can be explained if these stars are formed from gas that has been chemically enriched by several SNe, that produce the roughly constant [X/Ca] ratios for the heavier elements, and in some cases the gas has also been polluted by the ejecta of a faint SN that contributes the lighter elements in variable amounts. The absence of lithium in four of the five known unevolved UIP stars can be explained by a dominant role of fragmentation in the formation of these stars. This would result either in a destruction of lithium in the pre-main-sequence phase, through rotational mixing or to a lack of late accretion from a reservoir of fresh gas. The phenomenon should have varying degrees of efficiency. © 2015 ESO.