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Ítem Forbidden hugs in pandemic times II. The luminous red nova variety: AT 2020hat and AT 2020kog(EDP Sciences, 2021-03-01) Pastorello, A.; Valerin, G.; Fraser, M.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Valenti, S.; Reguitti, A.; Mazzali, P. A.; Amaro, R. C.; Andrews, J. E.; Dong, Y.; Jencson, J.; Lundquist, M.; Reichart, D. E.; Sand, D. J.; Wyatt, S.; Smartt, S. J.; Smith, K. W.; Srivastav, S.; Cai, Y.-Z.; Cappellaro, E.; Holmbo, S.; Fiore, A.; Jones, D.; Kankare, E.; Karamehmetoglu, E.; Lundqvist, P.; Morales-Garoffolo, A.; Reynolds, T. M.; Stritzinger, M. D.; Williams, S. C.; Chambers, K. C.; de Boer, T. J. L.; Huber, M. E.; Rest, A.; Wainscoat, R.We present the results of our monitoring campaigns of the luminous red novae (LRNe) AT 2020hat in NGC 5068 and AT 2020kog in NGC 6106. The two objects were imaged (and detected) before their discovery by routine survey operations. They show a general trend of slow luminosity rise, lasting at least a few months. The subsequent major LRN outbursts were extensively followed in photometry and spectroscopy. The light curves present an initial short-duration peak, followed by a redder plateau phase. AT 2020kog is a moderately luminous event peaking at ∼7 × 1040 erg s-1, while AT 2020hat is almost one order of magnitude fainter than AT 2020kog, although it is still more luminous than V838 Mon. In analogy with other LRNe, the spectra of AT 2020kog change significantly with time. They resemble those of type IIn supernovae at early phases, then they become similar to those of K-type stars during the plateau, and to M-type stars at very late phases. In contrast, AT 2020hat already shows a redder continuum at early epochs, and its spectrum shows the late appearance of molecular bands. A moderate-resolution spectrum of AT 2020hat taken at +37 d after maximum shows a forest of narrow P Cygni lines of metals with velocities of 180 km s-1, along with an Hα emission with a full-width at half-maximum velocity of 250 km s-1. For AT 2020hat, a robust constraint on its quiescent progenitor is provided by archival images of the Hubble Space Telescope. The progenitor is clearly detected as a mid-K type star, with an absolute magnitude of MF606W = -3.33 ± 0.09 mag and a colour of F606W - F814W = 1.14 ± 0.05 mag, which are inconsistent with the expectations from a massive star that could later produce a core-collapse supernova. Although quite peculiar, the two objects nicely match the progenitor versus light curve absolute magnitude correlations discussed in the literature.Ítem Forbidden hugs in pandemic times: I. Luminous red nova at 2019zhd, a new merger in M 31(EDP Sciences, 2021-02-01) Pastorello, A.; Fraser, M.; Valerin, G.; Reguitti, A.; Itagaki, K.; Ochner, P.; Williams, S.C.; Jones, D.; Munday, J.; Smartt, S.J.; Smith, K.W.; Srivastav S., S.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Kankare, E.; Karamehmetoglu, E.; Lundqvist, P.; Mazzali, P. A.; Munari, U.; Stritzinger, M. D.; Tomasella, L.; Anderson, J. P.; Chambers, K. C.; Rest, A.We present the follow-up campaign of the luminous red nova (LRN) AT 2019zhd, the third event of this class observed in M 31. The object was followed by several sky surveys for about five months before the outburst, during which it showed a slow luminosity rise. In this phase, the absolute magnitude ranged from Mr =-2.8 ± 0.2 mag to Mr =-5.6 ± 0.1 mag. Then, over a four to five day period, AT 2019zhd experienced a major brightening, reaching a peak of Mr =-9.61 ± 0.08 mag and an optical luminosity of 1.4 × 1039 erg s-1. After a fast decline, the light curve settled onto a short-duration plateau in the red bands. Although less pronounced, this feature is reminiscent of the second red maximum observed in other LRNe. This phase was followed by a rapid linear decline in all bands. At maximum, the spectra show a blue continuum with prominent Balmer emission lines. The post-maximum spectra show a much redder continuum, resembling that of an intermediate-type star. In this phase, Hα becomes very weak, Hβ is no longer detectable, and a forest of narrow absorption metal lines now dominate the spectrum. The latest spectra, obtained during the post-plateau decline, show a very red continuum (Teff ≈ 3000 K) with broad molecular bands of TiO, similar to those of M-type stars. The long-lasting, slow photometric rise observed before the peak resembles that of LRN V1309 Sco, which was interpreted as the signature of the common-envelope ejection. The subsequent outburst is likely due to the gas outflow following a stellar merging event. The inspection of archival HST images taken 22 years before the LRN discovery reveals a faint red source (MF555W = 0.21 ± 0.14 mag, with F555W-F814W = 2.96 ± 0.12 mag) at the position of AT 2019zhd, which is the most likely quiescent precursor. The source is consistent with expectations for a binary system including a predominant M5-type star.Ítem Intermediate-luminosity red transients: Spectrophotometric properties and connection to electron-capture supernova explosions(EDP Sciences, 2021-10-01) Cai, Y.-Z.; Pastorello, A.; Fraser, M.; Botticella, M. T.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Wang, L.-Z.; Kotak, R.; Benetti, S.; Cappellaro, E.; Turatto, M.; Reguitti, A.; Mattila, S.; Smartt, S. J.; Ashall, C.; Benitez, S.; Chen, T.-W.; Harutyunyan, A.; Kankare, E.; Lundqvist, P.; Mazzali, P. A.; Morales-Garoffolo, A.; Ochner, P.; Pignata, G.; Prentice, S. J.; Reynolds, T. M.; Shu, X.-W.; Stritzinger, M. D.; Tartaglia, L.; Terreran, G.; Tomasella, L.; Valenti, S.; Valerin, G.; Wang, G.-J.; Wang, X.-F.; Borsato, L.; Callis, E.; Cannizzaro, G.; Chen, S.; Congiu, E.; Ergon, M.; Galbany, L.; Gal-Yam, A.; Gao, X.; Gromadzki, M.; Holmbo, S.; Huang, F.; Inserra, C.; Itagaki, K.; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z.; Maguire, K.; Margheim, S.; Moran, S.; Onori, F.; Sagués Carracedo, A.; Smith, K. W.; Sollerman, J.; Somero, A.; Wang, B.; Young, D. R.We present the spectroscopic and photometric study of five intermediate-luminosity red transients (ILRTs), namely AT 2010dn, AT 2012jc, AT 2013la, AT 2013lb, and AT 2018aes. They share common observational properties and belong to a family of objects similar to the prototypical ILRT SN 2008S. These events have a rise time that is less than 15 days and absolute peak magnitudes of between-11.5 and-14.5 mag. Their pseudo-bolometric light curves peak in the range 0.5-9.0 × 1040 erg s-1 and their total radiated energies are on the order of (0.3-3) × 1047 erg. After maximum brightness, the light curves show a monotonic decline or a plateau, resembling those of faint supernovae IIL or IIP, respectively. At late phases, the light curves flatten, roughly following the slope of the 56Co decay. If the late-time power source is indeed radioactive decay, these transients produce 56Ni masses on the order of 10-4 to 10-3 M⊙. The spectral energy distribution of our ILRT sample, extending from the optical to the mid-infrared (MIR) domain, reveals a clear IR excess soon after explosion and non-negligible MIR emission at very late phases. The spectra show prominent H lines in emission with a typical velocity of a few hundred km s-1, along with Ca II features. In particular, the [Ca II] λ7291,7324 doublet is visible at all times, which is a characteristic feature for this family of transients. The identified progenitor of SN 2008S, which is luminous in archival Spitzer MIR images, suggests an intermediate-mass precursor star embedded in a dusty cocoon. We propose the explosion of a super-asymptotic giant branch star forming an electron-capture supernova as a plausible explanation for these events.Ítem Investigating the properties of stripped-envelope supernovae; what are the implications for their progenitors?(Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019-02-15) Prentice, S. J.; Ashall, C.; James, P. A.; Short, L.; Mazzali, P. A.; Bersier, D.; Crowther, P. A.; Barbarino, C.; Chen, T.-W.; Copperwheat, C. M.; Darnley, M. J.; Denneau, L.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Fraser, M.; Galbany, L.; Gal-Yam, A.; Harmanen, J.; Howell, D. A.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Inserra, C.; Kankare, E.; Karamehmetoglu, E.; Lamb, G. P.; Limongi, M.; Maguire, K.; McCully, C.; Olivares E., F.; Piascik, A. S.; Pignata, G.; Reichart, D. E.; Rest, A.; Reynolds, T.; Rodríguez, O.; Saario, J. L. O.; Schulze, S.; Smartt, S. J.; Smith, K. W.; Sollerman, J.; Stalder, B.; Sullivan, M.; Taddia, F.; Valenti, S.; Vergani, S. D.; Williams, S. C.; Young, D. R.We present observations and analysis of 18 stripped-envelope supernovae observed during 2013–2018. This sample consists of five H/He-rich SNe, six H-poor/He-rich SNe, three narrow lined SNe Ic, and four broad lined SNe Ic. The peak luminosity and characteristic time-scales of the bolometric light curves are calculated, and the light curves modelled to derive 56Ni and ejecta masses (MNi and Mej). Additionally, the temperature evolution and spectral line velocity curves of each SN are examined. Analysis of the [O I] line in the nebular phase of eight SNe suggests their progenitors had initial masses <20 M . The bolometric light curve properties are examined in combination with those of other SE events from the literature. The resulting data set gives the Mej distribution for 80 SE–SNe, the largest such sample in the literature to date, and shows that SNe Ib have the lowest median Mej, followed by narrow-lined SNe Ic, H/He-rich SNe, broad-lined SNe Ic, and finally gamma-ray burst SNe. SNe Ic-6/7 show the largest spread of Mej ranging from ∼1.2–11 M , considerably greater than any other subtype. For all SE–SNe = 2.8 ± 1.5 M which further strengthens the evidence that SE–SNe arise from low-mass progenitors which are typically <5 M at the time of explosion, again suggesting MZAMS <25 M . The low and lack of clear bimodality in the distribution implies <30 M progenitors and that envelope stripping via binary interaction is the dominant evolutionary pathway of these SNe.