Estabilidad y biodistribución de nanopartículas de oro recubiertas con albúmina en pez cebra / Estabilidad y biodistribución de nanopartículas de oro recubiertas con albúmina en pez cebra
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Las nanopartículas de oro poseen propiedades y características únicas, dentro
de las cuales podemos destacar una gran área superficial, resonancia de
plasmón superficial, biocompatibilidad y fácil síntesis. Asimismo, por el efecto
de plasmón superficial las nanopartículas de oro tienen la propiedad de
absorber energía y disiparla de manera local en forma de calor. Es así que
mediante irradiación con láser las nanopartículas pueden emplearse para
destruir células cancerígenas o para desagregar agregados proteicos tóxicos,
como los presentes en la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Las mencionadas
nanopartículas pueden obtenerse de dimensiones que oscilan entre los 1 y los
100 nanómetros presentando también diferentes formas como por ejemplo;
esferas, barras y prismas entre otros. Es así que nanoesferas de 12 nm
presentan bandas plasmónicas en la región visible y nanoprismas de oro de 90
nm de lado presentan bandas plasmónicas en la región del infrarrojo siendo
esta región del espectro ideal para aplicaciones biológicas.
Uno de los aspectos relevantes considerando las aplicaciones en terapias como
la enfermedad de Alzheimer, es el de lograr, por un lado que las partículas sean
estables en los medios biológicos y por otro que lleguen al cerebro. Es así que
en esta unidad de investigación se funcionalizaron diferentes nanopartículas
con el péptido Angio-pep, que es un péptido lanzadera que permite el pasaje a
través de la barrera Hematoencefálica, y se recubrieron con albúmina sérica
bovina (BSA) que permite aumentar la estabilidad coloidal y aumentar la
biocompatibilidad. Los nanosistemas fueron probados en el modelo Danio Rerio
(pez cebra) para evaluar su biodistribución.
Se obtuvieron nanoesferas de oro (AuNPE) de 12 nm, nanobarras de oro
(AuNPR) de 40x10 nm y nanoprismas de oro (AuNPrs) de 90 nm de lado x 10
nm de ancho los cuales serán funcionalizados con PEG-OME, PEG-COOH y
con Angio-pep. Los nanosistemas fueron caracterizados por UV-Vis, potencial
zeta y dispersión dinámica de la luz.
El recubrimiento con BSA permitió aumentar la estabilidad coloidal para todos
los sistemas en el medio de cultivo E3 del pez cebra. Tanto las AuNPE como los
AuNPrs funcionalizados con el péptido Angio-pep llegan al cerebro del pez
acumulándose también en hígado e intestino. El recubrimiento de las AuNPE
con albúmina disminuye la llegada de las mismas al cerebro mientras que el
recubrimiento de los AuNPrs con albúmina facilita la llegada de los mismos a
dicho órgano.
Los resultados obtenidos son relevantes para futuras aplicaciones de las
nanopartículas en terapia y diagnóstico de enfermedades como Alzheimer
Gold nanoparticles have unique properties and characteristics, among which we can highlight a large surface area, surface plasmon resonance, biocompatibility and easy synthesis. Also, due to the effect of surface plasmon, gold nanoparticles have the property of absorbing energy and dissipating it locally in the form of heat. Thus, by means of laser irradiation, nanoparticles can be used to destroy cancer cells or to disintegrate toxic protein aggregates, such as those present in Alzheimer's disease. The aforementioned nanoparticles can be obtained in dimensions ranging between 1 and 100 nanometers, also presenting different forms, for example; spheres, bars and prisms among others. Thus, 12 nm nanospheres present plasmonic bands in the visible region and gold nanoprisms of 90 nm on each side present plasmonic bands in the infrared region, this region of the spectrum being ideal for biological applications. One of the relevant aspects considering the applications in therapies such as Alzheimer's disease is to achieve on the one hand that the particles are stable in biological media and on the other hand they reach the brain. Thus, in this report different nanoparticles were functionalized with the peptide Angio-pep which is a shuttle peptide that allows the passage through the blood-brain barrier, additionally they where coated with bovine serum albumin (BSA) that allows increasing colloidal stability and biocompatibility. The nanosystems were tested in the Danio Rerio model (zebrafish) to evaluate their biodistribution. Gold nanospheres (AuNPE) of 12 nm, gold nanobars (AuNPR) of 40x10 nm and gold nanoprisms (AuNPrs) of 90 nm of side x 10 nm width were obtained, and functionalized with PEG-OME, PEG-COOH and with Angiopep. The nanosystems were characterized by UV-Vis, zeta potential and dynamic scattering of light. The coating with BSA allowed increasing the colloidal stability for all the systems in the E3 zebrafish´s culture medium. Both the AuNPE and the AuNPrs functionalized with angiopep reached the fish´s brain, but also they accumulated in the liver and intestine. It was also observed that the coating of the AuNPE with albumin decreases it´s arrival to the fish’s brain while in contrast the coating of the AuNPrs with albumin facilitates it´s arrival to the fish´s brain. The results obtained are relevant for future applications of nanoparticles in therapy and diagnosis of Alzheimer's diseases.
Gold nanoparticles have unique properties and characteristics, among which we can highlight a large surface area, surface plasmon resonance, biocompatibility and easy synthesis. Also, due to the effect of surface plasmon, gold nanoparticles have the property of absorbing energy and dissipating it locally in the form of heat. Thus, by means of laser irradiation, nanoparticles can be used to destroy cancer cells or to disintegrate toxic protein aggregates, such as those present in Alzheimer's disease. The aforementioned nanoparticles can be obtained in dimensions ranging between 1 and 100 nanometers, also presenting different forms, for example; spheres, bars and prisms among others. Thus, 12 nm nanospheres present plasmonic bands in the visible region and gold nanoprisms of 90 nm on each side present plasmonic bands in the infrared region, this region of the spectrum being ideal for biological applications. One of the relevant aspects considering the applications in therapies such as Alzheimer's disease is to achieve on the one hand that the particles are stable in biological media and on the other hand they reach the brain. Thus, in this report different nanoparticles were functionalized with the peptide Angio-pep which is a shuttle peptide that allows the passage through the blood-brain barrier, additionally they where coated with bovine serum albumin (BSA) that allows increasing colloidal stability and biocompatibility. The nanosystems were tested in the Danio Rerio model (zebrafish) to evaluate their biodistribution. Gold nanospheres (AuNPE) of 12 nm, gold nanobars (AuNPR) of 40x10 nm and gold nanoprisms (AuNPrs) of 90 nm of side x 10 nm width were obtained, and functionalized with PEG-OME, PEG-COOH and with Angiopep. The nanosystems were characterized by UV-Vis, zeta potential and dynamic scattering of light. The coating with BSA allowed increasing the colloidal stability for all the systems in the E3 zebrafish´s culture medium. Both the AuNPE and the AuNPrs functionalized with angiopep reached the fish´s brain, but also they accumulated in the liver and intestine. It was also observed that the coating of the AuNPE with albumin decreases it´s arrival to the fish’s brain while in contrast the coating of the AuNPrs with albumin facilitates it´s arrival to the fish´s brain. The results obtained are relevant for future applications of nanoparticles in therapy and diagnosis of Alzheimer's diseases.
Tesis (Licenciado en Química)
Investigación financiada por FONDECYT Nº 1190623 y (ACCDIS) Proyecto FONDAP Nº 15130011
Investigación financiada por FONDECYT Nº 1190623 y (ACCDIS) Proyecto FONDAP Nº 15130011
Palabras clave
Nanopartículas, Oro, Estabilidad