Efectos del sellado inmediato dentinario en relaciĆ³n a la resistencia adhesiva microtraccional
Profesor/a GuĆa
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
PropĆ³sito: El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la fuerza de uniĆ³n de dos tĆ©cnicas
distintas de adhesiĆ³n de restauraciones indirectas a los tejidos dentinarios: tĆ©cnica de
Sellado Inmediato de la Dentina (SOI) y tĆ©cnica de Sellado TardĆo.
Materiales y MĆ©todos: se utilizaron doce terceros molares, sin lesiones de caries, que
fueron almacenados en soluciĆ³n salina desde su exodoncia hasta el experimento.
Se crearon superficies planas, con el fin de exponer tejido dentinario en la totalidad de la
cara oclusal, usando un removedor modelo. Se dividiĆ³ la muestra en 3 grupos: al grupo A se
le restaurĆ³ inmediatamente con una restauraciĆ³n directa de resina y fue definido como grupo
control, al grupo B se realizĆ³ un sellado tardĆo de la dentina, restaurando provisoriamente en
una primera instancia y posteriormente en forma definitiva, y al grupo C se le realizĆ³ una
hibridizaciĆ³n inmediata del tejido dentinario (SOi), antes de la etapa de provisional.
Los grupos By C despuƩs de haberse preparado y puesto un provisorio en base a resina,
fueron almacenados por 7 dĆas en suero fisiolĆ³gico dentro de una incubadora. Pasada la
semana se removieron los tratamientos provisionales y se les aplicĆ³ el acondicionamiento
de la superficie antes de la confecciĆ³n de la restauraciĆ³n, en ambos se utilizĆ³ un adhesivo
de tres pasos de grabado y lavado y a continuaciĆ³n una restauraciĆ³n de resina compuesta.
El grupo B fue tratado convencionalmente con hibridizaciĆ³n de la superficie dentinaria,
mientras que el grupo C fue tratado con arenado de Ć³xido de aluminio con partĆculas de 30
Um, previo a la hibridizaciĆ³n de la capa de SDI. Las muestras fueron cortadas y sometidas a
pruebas de fuerzas de microtensiĆ³n (microTBS). Se registraron los valores arrojados para
cada muestray fueron analizados mediante ANOVA .
Resultado: valores mĆ”s bajos de resistencia a microtracciĆ³n fueron arrojados para el grupo
B (sellado tardĆo), mientras que los grupos A (control) y C (SOi) arrojaron valores mayores y
similares entre sĆ, existiendo una diferencia estadĆsticamente significativa en relaciĆ³n al
grupo de sellado tardĆo.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare the union strength of two different indirect restoration adhesion technics on the final destination tissues : lmmediate Sealing Dentine and Delayed Technic. Methodology and Materials: Twelve third molars without any decays were used. Same were stored in salt solution from their extraction up to the moment of the experiment. Flat surfaces were created so as to expose the final target tissue all over the occlusal face, by using a model remover. The sample was divided into three groups: Group A was immediately ment by using a direct restoration resin and was defined as the Control Group. Group B was sealed by using a delayed dentine sealer, provisionally restored as a start and then definitely restored. Group C was given an immediate hybrid procedure on the target tissue before the provisional stage. Groups B and C were stored during seven days in physiological serum inside an incubator after being prepared and located in a provisional resin base. After this period of time, the provisional treatments were removed and their surfaces were treated prior the restoration took place. In both cases, a three step adhesive was used along with a composite restoration resin. Group B was conventionally treated by using the hybrid method mentioned above whereas Group C was treated by using aluminum oxide sanding with 30um particles before using the hybrid treatment of the SOi layer. AII samples were cut and subject to micro tension strength forces (microTBS). AII figures were recorded for each sample and finally analyzed by using NOVA. Results: Lower micro traction resistance were found in Group B (delayed sealing), meanwhile both Group A (control) and C showed higher and similar values between them both, therefore there is a statistically meaningful difference in relation to the delayed sealing group.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare the union strength of two different indirect restoration adhesion technics on the final destination tissues : lmmediate Sealing Dentine and Delayed Technic. Methodology and Materials: Twelve third molars without any decays were used. Same were stored in salt solution from their extraction up to the moment of the experiment. Flat surfaces were created so as to expose the final target tissue all over the occlusal face, by using a model remover. The sample was divided into three groups: Group A was immediately ment by using a direct restoration resin and was defined as the Control Group. Group B was sealed by using a delayed dentine sealer, provisionally restored as a start and then definitely restored. Group C was given an immediate hybrid procedure on the target tissue before the provisional stage. Groups B and C were stored during seven days in physiological serum inside an incubator after being prepared and located in a provisional resin base. After this period of time, the provisional treatments were removed and their surfaces were treated prior the restoration took place. In both cases, a three step adhesive was used along with a composite restoration resin. Group B was conventionally treated by using the hybrid method mentioned above whereas Group C was treated by using aluminum oxide sanding with 30um particles before using the hybrid treatment of the SOi layer. AII samples were cut and subject to micro tension strength forces (microTBS). AII figures were recorded for each sample and finally analyzed by using NOVA. Results: Lower micro traction resistance were found in Group B (delayed sealing), meanwhile both Group A (control) and C showed higher and similar values between them both, therefore there is a statistically meaningful difference in relation to the delayed sealing group.
Tesis (MagĆster en OdontologĆa, Especialista en OdontologĆa Restauradora)
Palabras clave
RestauraciĆ³n Dental Permanente, Adhesivos Dentales, TĆ©cnica de sellado inmediato y tardĆo de la dentina, Materiales Dentales, Chile