Draft genome of Pseudomonas sp. RGM 2987 isolated from Stevia philippiana roots reveals its potential as a plant biostimulant and potentially constitutes a novel species

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Background: Reports on Pseudomonas species associated with Chilean native plants and their diversity are scarce. The draft genome of Pseudomonas sp. RGM 2987 isolated from the rhizosphere of Stevia philippiana, a native Chilean plant from the Altiplano, is presented. Results: The assembled genome features 6,161,133 bp, a G+C content of 61.3%, and 5,350 predicted open reading frames. dDDH, and ANIb differences between RGM 2987 and the closest relatives support its classification as a new species within the Pseudomonas genus. Genome mining and functional classification revealed the presence of genes involved in cell function and metabolism as well as plant-growth promotion, including those for indole acetic acid production, phosphate solubilization, and ethylene concentration. Conclusions: The draft genome of Pseudomonas sp. RGM 2987 provides insights on its phylogeny and classification as a new species and shed light on its potential as a plant-biostimulant, expanding our knowledge on Pseudomonas biodiversity worldwide and, specifically, for those strains associated with native Chilean plants. How to cite: Guerra M, Carrasco-Fernández J, Valdés JH, et al. Draft genome of Pseudomonas sp. RGM 2987 isolated from Stevia philippiana roots reveals its potential as a plant biostimulant and potentially constitutes a novel species. Electron J Biotechnol 2022;61. https://doi-org.recursosbiblioteca.unab.cl/10.1016/j.ejbt.2022.10.001. © 2022
Indexación: Scopus.
Palabras clave
Biostimulant; Chilean Altiplano, Draft genome, Plant growth-promoting bacteria, Pseudomonas, Pseudomonas novel species, Rhizobacteria, Rhizosphere, Roots, Stevia philippiana
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology. Open AccessVolume 61, Pages 9 - 13. January 2023
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