Comparación in vitro del ajuste marginal entre casquetes confeccionados con sistemas CERCON e IPS e.max®System
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Introducción: Los pacientes cada vez demandan mayor estética. Es por eso que la
industria odontológica ha creado prótesis fijas que cumplan con este objetivo, como lo son
las coronas libres de metal. En la actualidad nos interesa encontrar su máxima funcionalidad
y específicamente la perfección en la unión diente restauración a nivel marginal, factor
determinante en el éxito de la prótesis fija a largo plazo.
Objetivo: Comparar el ajuste marginal entre coronas periféricas, confeccionadas con dos
sistemas de cerámicas libres de metal.
Materiales y Método: se utilizaron 20 dientes humanos, premolares superiores e inferiores,
los cuales se montaron en un cubo de acrílico y se les realizo una preparación biológica con
una terminación tipo chamfer, para coronas libres de metal. Sobre diez de estas muestras se
confeccionaron casquetes tipo Cercen (Grupo A) y sobre las diez restantes se
confeccionaron casquetes tipo IPS e.max Press® (Grupo B) .Se cementaron con cemento
universal de resina Bis-Cem. Las muestras fueron cortadas en forma longitudinal con una
maquina ISOMET 1000. Se observo posteriormente en cada una el ajuste marginal,tanto en
mesial como distal, mediante un microscopio óptico.
Resultados: Al analizar los datos con el análisis estadístico de Test de student- no pareado,
obtuvimos que si bien los casquetes confeccionados con sistemas Cercen presentaron un
mejor ajuste marginal, no existieron diferencias significativas entre ambos sistemas
Conclusiones: No existe diferencia estadísticamente significativas entre el ajuste marginal a
nivel mesial y distal, tanto en casquetes confeccionados con sistema Cercen e IPS e.
max®System. Al comparar los dos sistemas de cerámica pura, el sistema Cercen, presentó
los menores valores de ajuste marginal, tanto en mesial como distal. La hipótesis nula es
aceptada (p>0,05).
Background: Patients increasingly demand aesthetics. That's why the dental industry has created fixed prostheses that meet this objective, such as metal-free crowns. At present we are interested in finding the maximum functionality and perfection in specifically binding to the marginal tooth restoration, factor in the success of long-term fixed prosthesis. Objective: To compare the marginal fit between peripheral crowns, made with two sets of metal-free ceramics. Materials and Methods: We used 20 human teeth, upper and lower premolars, which were mounted in an acrylic cube and underwent a biological preparation with a chamfer type termination for metal-free crowns. About ten of these samples were prepared Cercen ice type (Group A) and the remaining ten were made ice type IPS e.max Press ® (Group 8). Universal cemented with resin cement Bis-Cem. The samples were cut longitudinally with an lsomet machine 1000. Was observed subsequently in each marginal adjustment in both the mesial and distal, through an optical microscope. Results: When analyzing data with statistical analysis of student test-unpaired, results showed that although the caps made of Cercen systems showed a better marginal fit, no significant differences between the two systems studied. Conclusions: No statistically significant difference between the marginal fit at the mesial and distal, both caps made of Cercen system and IPS e. max ® System. Comparing the two pure ceramic systems, the Cercen system, presented the lowest values of marginal fit, both mesial and distal. The null hypothesis is accepted (p> 0.05).
Background: Patients increasingly demand aesthetics. That's why the dental industry has created fixed prostheses that meet this objective, such as metal-free crowns. At present we are interested in finding the maximum functionality and perfection in specifically binding to the marginal tooth restoration, factor in the success of long-term fixed prosthesis. Objective: To compare the marginal fit between peripheral crowns, made with two sets of metal-free ceramics. Materials and Methods: We used 20 human teeth, upper and lower premolars, which were mounted in an acrylic cube and underwent a biological preparation with a chamfer type termination for metal-free crowns. About ten of these samples were prepared Cercen ice type (Group A) and the remaining ten were made ice type IPS e.max Press ® (Group 8). Universal cemented with resin cement Bis-Cem. The samples were cut longitudinally with an lsomet machine 1000. Was observed subsequently in each marginal adjustment in both the mesial and distal, through an optical microscope. Results: When analyzing data with statistical analysis of student test-unpaired, results showed that although the caps made of Cercen systems showed a better marginal fit, no significant differences between the two systems studied. Conclusions: No statistically significant difference between the marginal fit at the mesial and distal, both caps made of Cercen system and IPS e. max ® System. Comparing the two pure ceramic systems, the Cercen system, presented the lowest values of marginal fit, both mesial and distal. The null hypothesis is accepted (p> 0.05).
Tesis (Magíster en Odontología, Especialización en Implantología Oseonintegrada)
Archivo de la tesis no tiene portada. Los datos descriptivos fueron sacados de tapa del impreso.
Archivo de la tesis no tiene portada. Los datos descriptivos fueron sacados de tapa del impreso.
Palabras clave
Dentadura Parcial Fija, Zirconio, Prótesis Dental, Chile, Materiales Dentales