Taller N°1 : contable-financiero : empresa: Iansa S.A.
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El presente, es un análisis de la salud financiera de las Empresas IANSA, la cual es una de las principales empresas agroindustriales de Chile, tradicionalmente posicionada como único productor y refinador de azúcar del país. Sin embargo, a partir de 2016, la compañía ha puesto en marcha un plan estratégico que busca disminuir la exposición de la empresa al precio internacional del azúcar, llevándola a tener más participación en la industria de alimentos, la cual es altamente competitiva y expuesta a riesgos regulatorios.
Según los indicadores detallados a continuación, la salud financiera de IANSA S.A. es positiva. Está en los parámetros normales de: endeudamiento; es rentable; la pandemia afectó el consumo en primera instancia y mejoró los precios, pero no lo suficiente para que se viera afectada, sobre todo con el
lanzamiento de la sección agro (legumbres) que los ayudo a sobrellevar la situación.
En contraste, la competencia más cercana: Empresas Banquete, administrada por la brasileña: Camil Alimentos, posee: índice más elevados de endeudamiento; una rentabilidad en años más negativa que IANSA S.A.; y donde, finalmente la pandemia elevo las ventas en Brasil, pero las disminuyó en Chile, producto del cierre de las fronteras.
This is an analysis of the financial health of Empresas IANSA S.A., which is one of the main agro-industrial companies in Chile, traditionally positioned as the only sugar producer and refiner in the country. However, as of 2016, the company has implemented a strategic plan that seeks to reduce the company's exposure to the international price of sugar, leading it to have more participation in the food industry, which is highly competitive and exposed to regulatory risks. According to the indicators detailed below, the financial health of IANSA S.A. it is positive. It is within the normal parameters of: indebtedness; It is profitable; The pandemic affected consumption in the first instance and improved prices, but not enough to be affected, especially with the launch of the agricultural section (legumes) that helped them cope with the situation. In contrast, the closest competition: Empresas Banquete, managed by the Brazilian Camil Alimentos, has: higher debt ratios; a more negative return in years than IANSA S.A.; and where, finally, the pandemic increased sales in Brazil, but decreased them in Chile, as a result of the closure of the borders
This is an analysis of the financial health of Empresas IANSA S.A., which is one of the main agro-industrial companies in Chile, traditionally positioned as the only sugar producer and refiner in the country. However, as of 2016, the company has implemented a strategic plan that seeks to reduce the company's exposure to the international price of sugar, leading it to have more participation in the food industry, which is highly competitive and exposed to regulatory risks. According to the indicators detailed below, the financial health of IANSA S.A. it is positive. It is within the normal parameters of: indebtedness; It is profitable; The pandemic affected consumption in the first instance and improved prices, but not enough to be affected, especially with the launch of the agricultural section (legumes) that helped them cope with the situation. In contrast, the closest competition: Empresas Banquete, managed by the Brazilian Camil Alimentos, has: higher debt ratios; a more negative return in years than IANSA S.A.; and where, finally, the pandemic increased sales in Brazil, but decreased them in Chile, as a result of the closure of the borders
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Palabras clave
Industria Azucarera Nacional (Chile), Agroindustrias, Contabilidad, Estados Financieros.