ESBL-producing Escherichia coli prevalence and sharing across seabirds of central Chile

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The authors regret that in ‘Highlights’, the first two sentences lack of a final dot, the presence/absence of abbreviations and italic text in specific words, and that in Section 3.2.3: a question mark (?) was mistakenly written. Upon reviewing the published article, we found discrepancies in the text of the Abstract, the first and fourth paragraphs in the ‘Discussion’ section, the Graphical abstract, and Fig. 6 where it indicates that the Sequence Type (ST) 617 is shared between the Franklin's gull and Peruvian pelican. The correct finding is that ST617 is shared between the Kelp gull and the Peruvian pelican. It appears that these issues are the result of a typesetting error, which regrettably went unnoticed by the authors during the proofreading phase. However, the authors clarify that these errors do not alter the principal findings, discussion and conclusions of the paper, since in other parts of the text, the information was properly presented. Therefore, the formal changes requested in the text are: • At page 1, in ‘Highlights’ add a final dot in the first two sentences, and replace “ESBL-genes” with “ESBL genes”.• At page 2, in ‘Abstract’ replace “ST10 (Ld and Pt); ST88, ST410 and ST617 (Pt and Lp)” with “ST10 and ST617 (Ld and Pt); ST88 and ST410 (Pt and Lp)”.• At page 5, in Section 3.2.1 change to italic text the word “bla” in “Some of the most prevalent AMR genes in the study included blaEC gene”.• At page 6, in Section 3.2.3 delete question mark in “The ESBL-E. coli ST617 identified in two Kelp gulls in summer 2021 and winter 2022?”, and change to non-italic text the words “CTX-15” and “OXA-1” in “one Peruvian pelican in summer 2021 harboured genes blaCTX-M-15 and blaOXA-1”.• At page 7, in ‘Discussion’ replace “whole genome sequence” with the abbreviation “WGS”, and replace “Peruvian pelicans and Franklin's gulls (ST88, ST410, and ST617), and by Kelp gulls and Peruvian pelicans (ST10)” with “Peruvian pelicans and Franklin's gulls (ST88 and ST410), and by Kelp gulls and Peruvian pelicans (ST10 and ST617)”.• At page 10, in ‘Discussion’ add the characters “l” to the word “wordwide” in “blaCMY-2, the most prevalent plasmid mediated AmpC gene wordwide” and “s” to the abbreviation “ST” in “A high diversity of ST”, and replace “ST410 and ST617 in Peruvian pelicans and Franklin's gulls” with “ST410 and ST617 in Peruvian pelicans, Franklin's gulls (ST410), and Kelp gulls (ST617)”.The corrected versions of the Graphical abstract and Fig. 6 are provided in this corrigendum as Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank the readers for their understanding.
Indexación: Scopus
Se incluye una actualización de este artículo al final.
Palabras clave
controlled study, erratum, female, male, nonhuman
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