Differential Detection of Amyloid Aggregates in Old Animals Using Gold Nanorods by Computerized Tomography: A Pharmacokinetic and Bioaccumulation Study

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Introduction: The development of new materials and tools for radiology is key to the implementation of this diagnostic technique in clinics. In this work, we evaluated the differential accumulation of peptide-functionalized GNRs in a transgenic animal model (APPswe/PSENd1E9) of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) by computed tomography (CT) and measured the pharmacokinetic parameters and bioaccumulation of the nanosystem. Methods: The GNRs were functionalized with two peptides, Ang2 and D1, which conferred on them the properties of crossing the blood-brain barrier and binding to amyloid aggregates, respectively, thus making them a diagnostic tool with great potential for AD. The nanosystem was administered intravenously in APPswe/PSEN1dE9 model mice of 4-, 8-and 18-months of age, and the accumulation of gold nanoparticles was observed by computed tomography (CT). The gold accumulation and biodistribution were determined by atomic absorption. Results: Our findings indicated that 18-month-old animals treated with our nanosystem (GNR-D1/Ang2) displayed noticeable differences in CT signals compared to those treated with a control nanosystem (GNR-Ang2). However, no such distinctions were observed in younger animals. This suggests that our nanosystem holds the potential to effectively detect AD pathology. Discussion: These results support the future development of gold nanoparticle-based technology as a more effective and accessible alternative for the diagnosis of AD and represent a significant advance in the development of gold nanoparticle applications in disease diagnosis. © 2023 Jara-Guajardo et al. This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited.
Indexación: Scopus
Palabras clave
Alzheimer’s Disease, Amyloid-beta, , Computed Tomography, Diagnostic, Gold Nanorods
International Journal of Nanomedicine. Volume 18, Pages 8169 - 8185. 2023
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