Control de calidad en viviendas económicas y sus especificaciones
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Esta memoria consiste en desarrollar un conjunto de procedimientos, instrucciones de
trabajo y registros que permitan asegurar el cumplimiento de los requisitos especificados de una
obra, enmarcados dentro de los conceptos de control de calidad con el fin de prevenir y
detectar cualquier no-conformidad durante la fabricación. Tales procedimientos se basan en las
normas nacionales e internacionales relativas al tema, como son la serie de normas ISO 9000
(lnternational Organization for Standarization).
El sistema de control está basado principalmente para viviendas económicas y
sociales, donde existe un alto porcentaje de no conformidades, con este fin se hizo un análisis a
las Patologías más reiterativas para detectar el foco de los problemas, siendo estos:
• falta de procedimientos de trabajo.
• materiales insuficientes.
• mala ejecución de los trabajos.
• problemas de diseño.
Como apoyo se realizó un análisis a la Ley Chilena N°19.472, la que recomienda al
constructor adoptar políticas de control y gestión de calidad, conforme a las normas de la Ley
General de Urbanismo y Construcción.
También se da a conocer los beneficios y requisitos de tener un certificado de calidad.
Los fundamentos a considerar al implementar un sistema de calidad basado en factores como
competitividad y satisfacción del cliente. Como herramienta de trabajo, se muestran fichas de
control de procedimientos de gran importancia en la implementación de un sistema de control
de calidad.
This memory thesis consists in developing a set of procedures, work instructions and registries that allow to assure the fulfillment the specified requirements of a work, framed within the concepts of control of quality with the purpose of coming up and detecting any not-conformity during the manufacture. Such procedures are based on the national and intemational norms relative to the subject, as ISO 9000. (lntemational Organization for Standarization). The control system is for law income housing where a high percentage of nonconformities exists, of this aim took control an analysis to the more frecuent failures to detect the center of the problems being these: • Wrong working procedures • lnsifficient technical specifications • Lack of supervition Also repair cost is indicated to have an idea of the high costs that can be produced when not having a control system. An analysis chilean law N°19.472 supports this memory thesis recommends constructor to adopt policies of control and management of quality, according to the norms of the General Law of Urbanism and Construction. Also one occurs to know the benefits and requirements to have a quality certificate. The foundations to consider when implementing a system of quality based on factors like competitiveness and satisfaction of the client. As a work tool, a list of important procedures for the implementation of quality control is given.
This memory thesis consists in developing a set of procedures, work instructions and registries that allow to assure the fulfillment the specified requirements of a work, framed within the concepts of control of quality with the purpose of coming up and detecting any not-conformity during the manufacture. Such procedures are based on the national and intemational norms relative to the subject, as ISO 9000. (lntemational Organization for Standarization). The control system is for law income housing where a high percentage of nonconformities exists, of this aim took control an analysis to the more frecuent failures to detect the center of the problems being these: • Wrong working procedures • lnsifficient technical specifications • Lack of supervition Also repair cost is indicated to have an idea of the high costs that can be produced when not having a control system. An analysis chilean law N°19.472 supports this memory thesis recommends constructor to adopt policies of control and management of quality, according to the norms of the General Law of Urbanism and Construction. Also one occurs to know the benefits and requirements to have a quality certificate. The foundations to consider when implementing a system of quality based on factors like competitiveness and satisfaction of the client. As a work tool, a list of important procedures for the implementation of quality control is given.
Tesis (Constructor Civil)
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