Reflexiones acerca del estatuto del goce en la anorexia nerviosa en relación a estructuras histéricas de personalidad.
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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El objetivo principal del presente seminario, es indagar a través de un recorrido
bibliográfico, la relación de la Anorexia Nerviosa en la adolescencia - en estructuras de
personalidad histéricas - y el goce desde el punto de vista del psicoanálisis,
fundamentalmente a partir de las conceptualizaciones de Freud y Lacan: entre estas, la
relación del sujeto en relación al Otro materno, la necesidad, la demanda, y el sujeto como
ser deseante; todo esto vinculado al goce desde el punto de vista del rechazo al Otro, de la
privación e insatisfacción del deseo, las f atlas que se producen a nivel de elaboración
simbólica que se traducen en el cuerpo y el goce entendido como placer suplementario al
síntoma. Finalmente, se aborda el discurso capitalista en relación a la Anorexia Nerviosa,
donde el Otro social intenta tapar la falta sustituyendo el objeto que es causa de deseo,
por objetos ficticios, generando los llamados síntomas sociales, tales como la anorexia.
The main objective of the present seminar, it is to investigate through a bibliographical joumey, the relationship of the Nervous Anorexy in the adolescence - in hysterical structures of personality - and the enjoyment from the point of view of the psychoanalysis, fundamentally starting from the conceptualizations of Freud and Lacan: among these, the fellow's relationship in relation to the Other one maternal, the necessity, the demand, and the fellow like being desiring; all this linked to the enjoyment from the point of view from the rejection to the Other one, of the privation and dissatisfaction of the deslre, the flaws that take place at leve! of symbolic elaboration that they are translated in the body and the enjoyment understood as supplementary pleasure to the symptom. Finally, the capitalist speech is approached in relation to the Nervous Anorexy, where the Other one social tries to cover the lack substituting the object that is desire cause, for fictitious objects, generating the calls social symptoms, such as the anorexy.
The main objective of the present seminar, it is to investigate through a bibliographical joumey, the relationship of the Nervous Anorexy in the adolescence - in hysterical structures of personality - and the enjoyment from the point of view of the psychoanalysis, fundamentally starting from the conceptualizations of Freud and Lacan: among these, the fellow's relationship in relation to the Other one maternal, the necessity, the demand, and the fellow like being desiring; all this linked to the enjoyment from the point of view from the rejection to the Other one, of the privation and dissatisfaction of the deslre, the flaws that take place at leve! of symbolic elaboration that they are translated in the body and the enjoyment understood as supplementary pleasure to the symptom. Finally, the capitalist speech is approached in relation to the Nervous Anorexy, where the Other one social tries to cover the lack substituting the object that is desire cause, for fictitious objects, generating the calls social symptoms, such as the anorexy.
Tesis (Magíster en Psicología Clínica)
Palabras clave
Anorexia Nerviosa, Goce, Insatisfacción, Psicoanálisis