Estudio del consumo ecoturístico por parte del segmento adulto mayor en la región del BíoBío, Chile
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Los adultos mayores constituyen ser un segmento de mercado potencialmente atractivo
como consumidores dentro del sector ecoturístico debido a su sostenido crecimiento
demográfico en las últimas décadas. La Región del Biobío, en cuanto a su desarrollo en
el ámbito ecoturístico, carece de estudios que describan los comportamientos de
consumo en términos de preferencias y expectativas de este grupo etario.
Para analizar el consumo ecoturístico actual del segmento adulto mayor en la Región del
Biobío se realizó un cuestionario, por lo que este estudio tiene un alcance descriptivo, ya
que se emplea a través del enfoque cuantitativo.
El procesamiento de los datos obtenidos a través del instrumento cuestionario permitió
describir las principales preferencias por parte de adultos mayores dentro de la oferta
ecoturística regional donde se lograron identificar sus inclinaciones hacia los servicios,
infraestructuras, atractivos y actividades ecoturísticas, además de conocer su
conformidad ante las infraestructuras de acceso. Según los datos recopilados se logró
igualmente describir los destinos turísticos más frecuentados por el segmento adulto
mayor juntamente con su modo, motivo y razón de viaje. Y finalmente, se generó una
clara caracterización de las expectativas ecoturísticas de los adultos mayores en la
Región del Biobío.
Older adults constitute a potentially attractive market segment as consumers within the ecotourism sector due to its sustained demographic growth in recent decades. The Biobío Region, in terms of its development in the ecotourism field, lacks studies that describe consumer behavior in terms of preferences and expectations of this age group. To analyze the current ecotourism consumption of the elderly segment in the Biobío Region, a questionnaire was carried out, so this study has a descriptive scope, since it is used through a quantitative approach. The processing of the data obtained through the questionnaire instrument allowed describing the main preferences of older adults within the regional ecotourism offer where they were able to identify their inclinations towards ecotourism services, infrastructures, attractions and activities, in addition to knowing their compliance with acess infrastructures. According to the data collected, it was also possible to describe the tourist destinations most frequented by the elderly segment together with their mode, motive and reason for travel. And finally, a clear characterization of the ecotourism expectations of older adults in the Biobío Region was generated.
Older adults constitute a potentially attractive market segment as consumers within the ecotourism sector due to its sustained demographic growth in recent decades. The Biobío Region, in terms of its development in the ecotourism field, lacks studies that describe consumer behavior in terms of preferences and expectations of this age group. To analyze the current ecotourism consumption of the elderly segment in the Biobío Region, a questionnaire was carried out, so this study has a descriptive scope, since it is used through a quantitative approach. The processing of the data obtained through the questionnaire instrument allowed describing the main preferences of older adults within the regional ecotourism offer where they were able to identify their inclinations towards ecotourism services, infrastructures, attractions and activities, in addition to knowing their compliance with acess infrastructures. According to the data collected, it was also possible to describe the tourist destinations most frequented by the elderly segment together with their mode, motive and reason for travel. And finally, a clear characterization of the ecotourism expectations of older adults in the Biobío Region was generated.
Memoria (Administrador en Ecoturismo)
Palabras clave
Ecoturismo, Adultos Mayores, Investigaciones, Chile, Región del Bío Bío