Influencia del uso de Brace sobre el control postural en sujetos con inestabilidad crónica de tobillo
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La Inestabilidad Crónica de Tobillo (ICl) se describe como aquella donde el sujeto percibe sensación de ceder del tobillo, dolor y pérdida de la funcionalidad. Ésta se observa en sujetos que han sufrido episodios recurrentes de esguince de tobillo, provocando un déficit propioceptivo y neuromuscular lo que afecta al Control Postura! (CP).
Ante la alteración de la estabilidad se ha demostrado que diversos tipos de órtesis de tobillo, como el brace blando, tienen influencia sobre el CP.
El objetivo de este estudio es comparar, registrar y analizar las variaciones del CP y la funcionalidad en sujetos con ICT con el uso de brace blando bajo tres situaciones: estática, dinámica y funcional.
Este seminario es de tipo cuantitativo, explicativo Se evaluaron 31 sujetos mujeres y hombres con ICT, entre 19-27 años de edad. Se llevaron a cabo las pruebas Romberg Modificado en posturografia, SEBT y Single Leg Hop Test frontal con y sin brace de forma aleatoria para cuantificar de diversas formas el CP. Se utilizó la prueba t Student para comparar las medias y analizar los datos.
No hubo diferencias significativas en la comparación del uso y no uso de brace en ninguna de las pruebas evaluadas. En la evaluación de posturografía se obtuvo en la comparación de VM un p= 0,1244 y en área de desplazamiento, p= 0,6931. La evaluación del SEBT demostró: anterior p= 0,2301; anteromedial p= 0,9721; medial p= 0,5534; posteromedial p= 0,1966; posterior p= 0,9179; posterolateral p= 0,8557; lateral p= 0,4608; anterolateral p= 0,1474. En el Single Leg Hop Test se obtuvo un p= 0,1244.
El uso de Brace en personas con ICT no produce cambios significativos en las condiciones estática, dinámica y funcional, demostrando que no hay un real beneficio sobre el CP.
Se sugiere la realización de futuros estudios que consideren las diferentes características de cada sujeto y la realización de diferentes pruebas específicas para evaluar la ICT.
Chronic Ankle lnstability (CAI) has been described as a giving away sensation, pain and loss of function of the ankle. This is observed in subjects who have suffered recurrent episodes of ankle sprain, causing neuromuscular and proprioceptive deficit, which as studies state affect Postural Control (PC). lt has been shown that various types of ankle orthosis, like soft brace, influence PC. The objective of this seminar is to compare the records and to analyze the variations of PC and its functionality in subjects with CAI using soft brace under three conditions: static, dynamic and functional. This is a quantitative and explanatory seminary. 31 subjects, women and men with ICT, between 19-27 years old were evaluated. Modified Romberg Test on posturography, SEBT and Frontal Single Leg Hop Test were conducted, brace randomly used in each test, to quantify PC in different forms. Student t test was used to compare means and analyze data. There was no significant difference between the comparison of the use and non-use of brace in any of the evaluated tests. In the posturografy test, the VM comparison obtained p = 0.1244 and the Displacement Area, p = 0.6931. The SEBT evaluation obtained: anterior p = 0.2301; anteromedial p = 0.9721; medial p = 0.5534; posteromedial p = 0.1966; posterior p = 0.9179; posterolateral p = 0.8557; lateral p = 0.4608; anterolateral p = 0.1474. The Single Leg Hop Test yielded a p = 0.1244. The use of brace in people with CAI produces no significant changes in static, dynamic and functional conditions, showing that there is no real benefit on PC. lt is suggested that future studies should consider the different characteristics of each subject and conduct different specific tests to evaluate CAI.
Chronic Ankle lnstability (CAI) has been described as a giving away sensation, pain and loss of function of the ankle. This is observed in subjects who have suffered recurrent episodes of ankle sprain, causing neuromuscular and proprioceptive deficit, which as studies state affect Postural Control (PC). lt has been shown that various types of ankle orthosis, like soft brace, influence PC. The objective of this seminar is to compare the records and to analyze the variations of PC and its functionality in subjects with CAI using soft brace under three conditions: static, dynamic and functional. This is a quantitative and explanatory seminary. 31 subjects, women and men with ICT, between 19-27 years old were evaluated. Modified Romberg Test on posturography, SEBT and Frontal Single Leg Hop Test were conducted, brace randomly used in each test, to quantify PC in different forms. Student t test was used to compare means and analyze data. There was no significant difference between the comparison of the use and non-use of brace in any of the evaluated tests. In the posturografy test, the VM comparison obtained p = 0.1244 and the Displacement Area, p = 0.6931. The SEBT evaluation obtained: anterior p = 0.2301; anteromedial p = 0.9721; medial p = 0.5534; posteromedial p = 0.1966; posterior p = 0.9179; posterolateral p = 0.8557; lateral p = 0.4608; anterolateral p = 0.1474. The Single Leg Hop Test yielded a p = 0.1244. The use of brace in people with CAI produces no significant changes in static, dynamic and functional conditions, showing that there is no real benefit on PC. lt is suggested that future studies should consider the different characteristics of each subject and conduct different specific tests to evaluate CAI.
Tesis (Kinesiólogo)
Palabras clave
Postura Humana, Tobillo, Rehabilitación