Enlaces de hidrógeno en ambientes fuertemente confinados
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Esta tesis presenta un estudio teórico acerca de la naturaleza de los puentes de hidrógeno en regímenes de enlace normal y fuerte, y del efecto que en la reactividad química de los sistemas que los forman. Un estudio de caso fue el sitio activo de la proteasa a-quimotripsina. Experimentalmente se sabe que esta enzima sufre una fuerte activación por la formación de un enlace de hidrogeno fuerte y corto entre los residuos catalíticos His-57•••Asp-102. Los resultados de la simulación para un modelo de estos residuos demostraron que en la transición desde un régimen normal a corto existe una transferencia de reactividad nucleofílica desde el residuo Asp-102 al residuo His-57. Posteriormente se realizó la determinación de las propiedades estructurales y electrónicas de una serie de complejos enlazados por puentes de hidrogeno FHX- al interior de fulerenos. En este punto la investigación condujo a la conclusión que componentes no solo electrostáticas surgen a medida que estos sistemas se comprimen. Dos conclusiones principales de esta investigación son: (i) la aparición de estos enlaces de hidrógeno anormalmente cortos y fuertes puede modular drásticamente la reactividad de los sistemas que los forman y (ii) una componente no electrostática sería responsable de la anómala fuerza observada en este régimen de enlace.
This thesis is concerned with a theoretical study of the nature hydrogen bonds in normal and strong bonding regimes and it effect in reactivity in systems that forms them. As a case study the catalytic site of the protease a-Chymotrypsine have been analyzed. Experimental data suggest that this enzyme suffers strong activation by the formation of a short and strong hydrogen bond between the His- 57•••Asp-1 02 catalytic residues of it. The results of the simulation of a model of these residues show that upon a transition from normal to short bonding regime the response of it is the transfer of the nucleophilic reactivity from the Asp-1 02 moiety toward the His-57 model fragments in the hydrogen-bonded complex. Secondly, the determination of the structural and electronic properties of a series of hydrogen bonded complexes of the form FHX- inside confining fullerenes was performed. At this point, the research led to the conclusion that a non-electrostatic only bonding component may be operative as compression is exerted upon the hydrogen bond complexes. Thus, two main conclusions may be drawn from this research: (i) the formation of short and strong hydrogen bond can drastically modulate the reactivity of the structures that forms them and (ii) a "non-electrostatic only" effects may be responsible from the anomalous strength observed in this bonding regime.
This thesis is concerned with a theoretical study of the nature hydrogen bonds in normal and strong bonding regimes and it effect in reactivity in systems that forms them. As a case study the catalytic site of the protease a-Chymotrypsine have been analyzed. Experimental data suggest that this enzyme suffers strong activation by the formation of a short and strong hydrogen bond between the His- 57•••Asp-1 02 catalytic residues of it. The results of the simulation of a model of these residues show that upon a transition from normal to short bonding regime the response of it is the transfer of the nucleophilic reactivity from the Asp-1 02 moiety toward the His-57 model fragments in the hydrogen-bonded complex. Secondly, the determination of the structural and electronic properties of a series of hydrogen bonded complexes of the form FHX- inside confining fullerenes was performed. At this point, the research led to the conclusion that a non-electrostatic only bonding component may be operative as compression is exerted upon the hydrogen bond complexes. Thus, two main conclusions may be drawn from this research: (i) the formation of short and strong hydrogen bond can drastically modulate the reactivity of the structures that forms them and (ii) a "non-electrostatic only" effects may be responsible from the anomalous strength observed in this bonding regime.
Tesis (Doctor en Fisicoquímica Molecular)
Palabras clave
Enlaces de Hidrógeno, Fisicoquímica Molecular