Socavación en puentes que cruzan el río Elqui
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
Esta Tesis tiene el propósito de llamar la atención frente a la acción del agua en las
pilas del Puente Zorrilla, del Puente Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins y del Puente Fiscal;
los tres ubicados en forma consecutiva desde la cordillera hacia la desembocadura del
Río Elqui. Esta condición da origen al fenómeno de socavación local causal de mayor
frecuencia en los colapsos de puentes durante una avenida, más frecuentes que los
colapsos por ejecución defectuosa de materiales o por mala ejecución, más frecuentes
que los colapsos por sobrecargas o impactos y más frecuentes que los colapsos por
fatiga o mal diseño.
En el presente estudio se realiza la recopilación de las fórmulas más utilizadas a lo
largo de 40 años aproximadamente, expuestas por distintas publicaciones extranjeras,
además de las expuestas en el Volumen III del Manual de Carreteras Chileno, estas
se aplican en la zona intervenida por cada puente que cruza el Río Elqui .Los puentes
conectan el Norte mediante la Ruta 5 norte y el sector de Las Compañías con la
ciudad de La Serena por lo que se dan a conocer también los datos reales de
socavación en las cepas con el fin de comparar con los cálculos realizados y estimar
en los tres puentes la socavación total después de una crecida con un caudal máximo
para un periodo de retorno de 100 años.
This Thesis has the intention of calling the attention opposite to the action of the water in the Zorrilla Bridge, in the Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins Bridge and in the Fiscal Bridge; the three bridges are located in consecutive form from the mountain chain towards the river mouth of the Elqui River. This condition gives origin to the phenomenon of Local Scour Piers bridges, frequently cause in the collapses of bridges during an avenue, more frequent than the collapses far detective execution of materials or wrong execution, more frequent than the collapses far overcharges or impacts and more frequent than the collapses far fatigue or evil I design. In the present study the summary of the formulae is realized with the most used throughout 40 years approximately, exposed by different foreign publications, besides exposed in the III rd Volume of the Chilean Manual of Roads, these apply to themselves in the zone controlled by every bridge that crosses the Elqui River .The bridges connect the North by means of the 5 th north Route and the sector of Las Compañias with the La Serena city by what the real information of scours is very important in arder to compare with the realized calculations and to estimate in three bridges the total scour after a rise with a maximum wealth far a return period of 100 years.
This Thesis has the intention of calling the attention opposite to the action of the water in the Zorrilla Bridge, in the Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins Bridge and in the Fiscal Bridge; the three bridges are located in consecutive form from the mountain chain towards the river mouth of the Elqui River. This condition gives origin to the phenomenon of Local Scour Piers bridges, frequently cause in the collapses of bridges during an avenue, more frequent than the collapses far detective execution of materials or wrong execution, more frequent than the collapses far overcharges or impacts and more frequent than the collapses far fatigue or evil I design. In the present study the summary of the formulae is realized with the most used throughout 40 years approximately, exposed by different foreign publications, besides exposed in the III rd Volume of the Chilean Manual of Roads, these apply to themselves in the zone controlled by every bridge that crosses the Elqui River .The bridges connect the North by means of the 5 th north Route and the sector of Las Compañias with the La Serena city by what the real information of scours is very important in arder to compare with the realized calculations and to estimate in three bridges the total scour after a rise with a maximum wealth far a return period of 100 years.
Tesis (Ingeniero en Construcción)
Palabras clave
Socavación en Puentes