La internalización de la nueva institucionalidad y de sus instrumentos de manejo de la convivencia escolar
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Universidad Andres Bello
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Nos motiva conocer, a partir de la aplicación dela Ley de Violencia Escolar, y de la serie de modificaciones introducidas al manejo de la convivencia y con la óptica del análisis de dos de los aspectos del Marco para la Buena Dirección, a saber, Liderazgo y Gestión del Clima Organizacional y Convivencia, que realizaremos el siguiente análisis.
Así, una parte inherente al liderazgo, es administrar y resolver conflictos de convivencia, y de la Gestión de Clima, la promoción de valores y ambientes de confianza y colaboración, por lo que elegimos un análisis en dos focos de la forma en que los profesores enfrentan los aspectos de convivencia, con qué herramientas cuentan, si se sienten líderes, si la nueva ley es un instrumento aplicable o ha complejizado el manejo de la convivencia y analizar también otros aspectos como, si el Consejo Escolar y su brazo ejecutivo, el Encargado de Convivencia son efectivos en sus nuevos deberes y si los Directores y profesores enfrentan juntos y armoniosamente estos nuevos desafíos.
En nuestras escuelas, la labor del director como líder pedagógico y moral, se enmarca dentro del proceso educativo cuyo fin es lograr una equidad y calidad en los aprendizajes, de modo que les permita a todos lo alumnos y alumnas acceder a mejorar sus condiciones de vida.
Lo mismo sucede con la labor del docente que al interior de su sala de clases debe propiciar un liderazgo en el dominio de su disciplina y en lograr que efectivamente los alumnos puedan alcanzar los resultados esperados respecto a su formación integral.
In the present study, is our motivation to know, from the application of the new School Violence Law, and the series of amendments to the management of coexistence and focusing of two aspects of the Good Management Framework, namely Leadership Management and Organizational Climate and Coexistence, which will we make the following analysis. Thus, an inherent part of leadership is to manage and resolve conflicts of coexistence, and Management of Climate, giving values and promoting environments of trust and cooperation, so we chose an analysis on two lines of how teachers facing aspects of coexistence, what tools they have, if they are leaders, whether the new law is an instrument applicable or their handling has become more complex, and analyze other aspects such as, if the School Board and its executive arm, the Coexistence Advisor are effective in their new duties and if the directors and teachers works together harmoniously facing these new challenges. In our schools, the work of the principal as instructional and moral leader, is part of the educational process aimed at achieving equity and quality in learning, so that allows all students the access to improve their living conditions .The same applies to the work of the teacher into your classroom, what they should promote leadership in the domain of their discipline and ensuring that students can effectively achieve the desired results with respect to their integral formation.
In the present study, is our motivation to know, from the application of the new School Violence Law, and the series of amendments to the management of coexistence and focusing of two aspects of the Good Management Framework, namely Leadership Management and Organizational Climate and Coexistence, which will we make the following analysis. Thus, an inherent part of leadership is to manage and resolve conflicts of coexistence, and Management of Climate, giving values and promoting environments of trust and cooperation, so we chose an analysis on two lines of how teachers facing aspects of coexistence, what tools they have, if they are leaders, whether the new law is an instrument applicable or their handling has become more complex, and analyze other aspects such as, if the School Board and its executive arm, the Coexistence Advisor are effective in their new duties and if the directors and teachers works together harmoniously facing these new challenges. In our schools, the work of the principal as instructional and moral leader, is part of the educational process aimed at achieving equity and quality in learning, so that allows all students the access to improve their living conditions .The same applies to the work of the teacher into your classroom, what they should promote leadership in the domain of their discipline and ensuring that students can effectively achieve the desired results with respect to their integral formation.
Tesis Magíster en Dirección, Liderazgo y Gestión Educacional
Palabras clave
Administración Escolar, Ambiente Educativo, Chile, Investigación