Caracterización de los estudiantes migrantes y su relación con el rendimiento académico
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El aumento de la migración en Chile ha planteado importantes desafíos a su sistema educativo, especialmente para la educación básica. Estos nuevos estudiantes enfrentan dificultades y situaciones de exclusión que pueden incidir en su éxito o fracaso en el sistema, reflejado en su rendimiento académico. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo caracterizar el rendimiento académico en matemática de los estudiantes inmigrantes en función de su estatus migratorio y sus características sociodemográficas, psicosociales y familiares. Para esto, se utilizó una metodología cuantitativa que consideró a todos los estudiantes de 8º básico de la Región Metropolitana (Chile) que rindieron la prueba nacional SIMCE (Sistema de Medición de la Calidad de la Educación) durante el año 2017. Se realizó un análisis a nivel descriptivo y bivariado mediante tablas de contingencia y comparación de medias. Los resultados dan cuenta un nuevo estatus migratorio de los estudiantes, denominado aquí como “nueva generación”, conformado por niños, niñas y adolescentes nacidos en otro país, con ambos padres chilenos o bien con madre chilena y padre extranjero. Esta nueva generación se caracteriza, entre otros aspectos, por obtener el más alto rendimiento en matemática, pertenecer a un nivel socioeconómico alto y asistir a establecimientos educativos particulares. La relación entre la condición de migrante y el rendimiento es significativa, existiendo diferencias en el rendimiento en matemática de los estudiantes migrantes en función de su estatus migratorio y sus características sociodemográficas, psicosociales y familiares.
The increase in migration in Chile has posed significant challenges to its education system, especially for basic education. These new students face difficulties and situations of exclusion that can affect their success or failure in the system, reflected in their academic performance. The objective of this paper was to characterize the academic performance in mathematics of immigrant students based on their immigration status and their sociodemographic, psychosocial, and family characteristics. For this, a quantitative methodology was used that considered all 8th grade students in the Metropolitan Region (Chile) who took the SIMCE national test (System for the Measurement of the Quality of Education) during 2017. An analysis was carried out a descriptive and bivariate level using contingency tables and comparison of means. The results show a new migratory status of the students, referred to here as the “new generation”, made up of boys, girls and adolescents born in another country, with both Chilean parents or with a Chilean mother and a foreign father. This new generation is characterized, among other aspects, by obtaining the highest performance in mathematics, belonging to a high socioeconomic level, and attending private establishments. The relationship between migrant status and performance is significant, with differences in mathematics performance of migrant students based on their immigration status and their sociodemographic, psychosocial, and family characteristics. © 2021 UNIVERSIDADE FEEVALEÂ. All rights reserved.
The increase in migration in Chile has posed significant challenges to its education system, especially for basic education. These new students face difficulties and situations of exclusion that can affect their success or failure in the system, reflected in their academic performance. The objective of this paper was to characterize the academic performance in mathematics of immigrant students based on their immigration status and their sociodemographic, psychosocial, and family characteristics. For this, a quantitative methodology was used that considered all 8th grade students in the Metropolitan Region (Chile) who took the SIMCE national test (System for the Measurement of the Quality of Education) during 2017. An analysis was carried out a descriptive and bivariate level using contingency tables and comparison of means. The results show a new migratory status of the students, referred to here as the “new generation”, made up of boys, girls and adolescents born in another country, with both Chilean parents or with a Chilean mother and a foreign father. This new generation is characterized, among other aspects, by obtaining the highest performance in mathematics, belonging to a high socioeconomic level, and attending private establishments. The relationship between migrant status and performance is significant, with differences in mathematics performance of migrant students based on their immigration status and their sociodemographic, psychosocial, and family characteristics. © 2021 UNIVERSIDADE FEEVALEÂ. All rights reserved.
Indexación: Scopus.
Palabras clave
Immigrant, Mathematics, Primary education, School performance
Revista Conhecimento Online, Volume 3, Pages 150 - 173, December 2021