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Ítem Entramando cuerpos, hogares y territorios: Exploraciones sobre el deshacer hogar de mujeres chaiteninas(Universidad de Chile, Instituto de la Vivienda, 2023) Pinto de Carvalho, Laís; Berroeta, Héctor; Silva Peñaloza, Esteban; Tironi Rodó, ElisaEste artículo explora los procesos mediante los cuales se deshace un hogar. A partir del caso Chaitén, se problematiza cómo el orden neoliberal colonial-patriarcal atraviesa cuerpos y territorios produciendo malestar, privatizando derechos y deseos. En este artículo se presentan relatos de mujeres que fueron sorprendidas, con la inhabitabilidad de sus hogares, por una política habitacional errática tras la erupción del volcán Chaitén. A través de estrategias metodológicas cualitativas, se exploraron dos trayectorias: la de quienes han retornado a Chaitén y la de quienes se establecieron en Puerto Montt. Los resultados develan los procesos de deshacer hogar como un movimiento dinámico que cobija diversas expresiones, tensiones y atravesamientos: para quienes retornan se busca restituir un vínculo, desde relatos de alivio y libertad, que se tensiona al entrecruzarse con las restricciones de la incertidumbre y precariedad habitacional. Su retorno es una necesidad anclada en el sufrimiento de un hogar que no se pudo deshacer. Para quienes no retornan, la experiencia de tensión es tramitada resistiendo, a partir de una insistencia en cumplir con un plano impuesto. Se discute sobre alternativas de recuperación teniendo como horizonte la interdependencia socio-ecológica y el lugar del Estado en garantizar condiciones de dignidad.Ítem Las razones de un destierro: a propósito de las acusaciones de Alexandra von Teuffenbach contra el fundador de Schoenstatt(Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2023) Serrano del Pozo, IgnacioEl objetivo de este trabajo es problematizar la lectura que Alexandra von Teuffenbach ha hecho sobre el actuar del sacerdote alemán Joseph Kentenich, a quien denuncia por haber cometido abuso de poder, abuso espiritual y emocional contra un grupo de Hermanas de María en los años 50. De acuerdo con la investigadora, una revisión de los expedientes vaticanos daría cuenta de que la razón por la que Kentenich habría sufrido un exilio durante 14 años fuera de Schönstatt, correspondería a una medida del visitador pontificio, el jesuita neerlandés Sebastian Tromp, para proteger a la comunidad de mujeres consagradas contra su abusador. El propósito de este artículo es mostrar que la cuestión juzgada por el Santo Oficio se mueve en otro plano, el que se debiese abordar desde una hermenéutica más objetiva que haga justicia a las palabras utilizadas en los documentos oficiales, así como a las mismas expresiones emitidas por el encargado de la visitación. En esa línea, se analiza en este trabajo la crítica dirigida por Tromp a la espiritualidad de Schoenstatt y de su fundador por falso misticismo, falso culto personal y falsa dirección espiritual. Para este trabajo se ha utilizado la reciente edición de los informes apostólicos publicados por Patris Verlag, archivos sobre los que sólo recientemente se ha levantado su embargo como parte de los documentos del pontificado de Pío XII.Ítem Acute Effect of a Single Functional Neurology Intervention on Muscular Trigger Point(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 0025-03) Rey-Mota, Jorge; Escribano-Colmena, Guillermo; Dalamitros, Athanasios A.; Yáñez-Sepúlveda, Rodrigo; Álvarez, David Martín-Caro; Jimenez, Eduardo Navarro; Clemente-Suárez, Vicente JavierFeatured Application: This study provides valuable insights into the potential application of functional neurology interventions as a non-invasive treatment for myofascial trigger points (MTrPs). The findings suggest that clinicians and physiotherapists can incorporate functional neurology techniques to enhance pain relief and muscle function in patients suffering from MTrPs, particularly in the upper trapezius muscle. The improvements demonstrated in pressure pain threshold (PPT) and peripheral vascular response indicate that functional neurology interventions could serve as a viable alternative or complement to traditional therapies such as manual therapy, dry needling, or pharmacological treatments. Moreover, the non-invasive nature of this approach presents a promising solution for patients seeking drug-free pain management strategies, potentially leading to broader adoption in clinical and rehabilitation settings. Future applications may also extend to sports performance enhancement, occupational health programs, and preventive care for musculoskeletal disorders. Background: Myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) are hyperirritable spots in skeletal muscle associated with pain and dysfunction, often impacting individuals’ quality of life. Various interventions, such as dry needling and manual therapy, have shown limited effects in addressing these conditions. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of a functional neurology intervention in reducing pain and improving muscle function in patients with MTrPs in the upper trapezius muscle. We hypothesized that a single session of functional neurology intervention would significantly increase the pressure pain threshold (PPT) and improve peripheral vascular response in individuals with myofascial trigger points compared to a control group. Methods: A randomized controlled trial (RCT) was conducted with 63 participants randomly assigned to an experimental (receiving functional neurology treatment) or control group. Pre- and post-treatment assessments were conducted, and both intra- and inter-group comparisons were performed using algometry to measure the PPT and infrared thermography to analyze peripheral vascular response. Data were analyzed using dependent and independent t-tests with statistical significance set at p < 0.05. Results: The experimental group demonstrated a significant 46.4% increase in PPT, while the control group showed negligible changes. Thermographic analysis indicated improved peripheral blood flow in the experimental group, reflected by increased skin temperatures and reduced thermal anomalies. No significant differences were observed between the groups at baseline. Conclusions: A single session of functional neurology intervention significantly reduced pain and improved muscle function in patients with MTrPs. These findings suggest that functional neurology offers a promising non-invasive alternative to traditional treatments, with potential implications for more rapid and sustained therapeutic outcomes. © 2025 by the authors.Ítem Iniciativas transformadoras en escuelas vulnerables: notas para la nueva gestión pública(Research Center of Universidad Pedagogica Nacional, 2023) Fardella, Carla; Baleriola, Enrique; Valdés, René; Jiménez, FelipeEl sistema educativo chileno destaca por la instalación temprana del sistema de Nueva Gestión Pública (NGP), el cual enfatiza en la rendición de cuentas por parte de las escuelas y en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes, apoyándose en estrictos regímenes de evaluación y monitoreo. Este modelo desincentiva la autonomía de las escuelas e infravalora los desafíos de la educación como la equidad social y la atención a las comunidades vulnerables. El objetivo de este artículo de investigación es explorar, de manera específica y contextualizada, iniciativas transformadoras de escuelas vulnerables en el contexto de la nueva gestión pública (NGP) en Chile. Los resultados obtenidos en 8 etnografías educativas muestran que, a pesar del escaso margen de autonomía permitido por las políticas públicas, las escuelas investigadas desarrollan iniciativas autónomas para abordar las demandas de su comunidad. De acuerdo al análisis de los datos, estas iniciativas se orientan por tres lógicas: reconocimiento de los actores escolares, redistribución del poder y reciprocidad entre sus miembros, logrando transformar de múltiples modos los límites organizativos que les establece la NGP. Finalmente, en las discusiones mostramos cómo las demandas y las necesidades propias de una comunidad movilizan y empoderan a los actores educativos a desarrollar iniciativas transformadoras.Ítem Analysis of speeds in the 400-meter hurdles and gender differences: A study from the Paris 2024 Olympics(Asociacion Espanola de Analisis del Rendimiento Deportivo, 0025-04) de Souza-Lima, Josivaldo; Giakoni-Ramírez, Frano; Muñoz-Strale, Catalina; Yáñez-Sepúlveda, Rodrigo; Duclos-Bastias, Daniel; Cortés-Roco, Guillermo; Bonilla, Diego A.; Olivares-Arancibia, Jorge; Valdivia-Moral, PedroBackground/objectives. This study aims to analyse the speed differences between men and women in the 400 meters during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Average speeds in each segment of the race were evaluated, highlighting gender variations and performance across the different rounds of the competition. Methods. A descriptive observational study was conducted using data from 208 athletes (50% women). Average speeds per 50-meter segments were analysed across all rounds (heats, semifinals, and final), applying Student's t-tests to compare results between genders. The significance level was set at p <.05. Results. The average speeds showed significant differences between sexes in all segments of the race (p <.05). The largest difference was observed in the first 150 meters, where men outpaced women by a margin of 0.97 km/h. By 250 meters, the difference decreased to 0.43 km/h. In the final rounds, the winners reached maximum speeds of 36.87 km/h (men) and 32.48 km/h (women). Conclusion. Men exhibit a biomechanical advantage in the race's early stages, while both sexes strategically adjust their pacing in the final rounds. These findings suggest that gender differences in performance are linked to both physiological and biomechanical fact ors. © 2025 ARD Asociación Española.Ítem A Systematic Review of Children’s Psychological Well-Being from a Eudaimonic Perspective: a Narrative Synthesis(Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2024-12) Hoosen, Phadiel; Savahl, Shazly; Adams, Sabirah; Casas, FerranUnderstanding children’s psychological well-being (PWB) from a eudaimonic perspective is crucial given its impact on children’s overall well-being and quality of life. This perspective denotes PWB as the realisation of one’s true potential and attaining meaningful goals that lead to personal growth and fulfilment. Despite the recent increasing interest in children’s PWB, there is limited literature in this area. This may be due to the abstract nature of eudaimonic concepts, which are challenging to operationalise and measure, leading to less empirical attention. Using a systematic review, we synthesised existing empirical studies on children’s PWB from a eudaimonic perspective. We identified 32 quantitative articles, which presented in four different categories, namely validation studies, predictors and correlates of PWB, descriptive studies, and intervention studies. Most studies used Ryff’s (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57, 1069–1081, 1989) theoretical model of PWB and her PWB Scale, and were conducted in high-income countries. Future research should prioritise conducting studies in diverse socio-economic and cultural contexts to ensure a comprehensive understanding of children’s PWB. By expanding geographic and socio-economic representation, and including longitudinal studies, we can develop more effective and inclusive interventions and policies that cater to the needs of children globally.Ítem EdTech myths: towards a critical digital educational agenda(Routledge, 2023) Suárez-Guerrero, Cristóbal; Rivera-Vargas, Pablo; Raffaghelli, JulianaMyths are universal narratives linked to objects, shaping social and personal identities. Technologies generate modern myths, influencing choices and impacting our lives. The present study focuses on EdTech myths. From a qualitative methodological approach based on codesign, five relevant EdTech myths are identified. Subsequently, the analysis was carried out from (1) a hermeneutic approach, based on the authors’ experience in the field of EdTech, and (2) a review and contrast of relevant scientific literature. The results explain, firstly, why these myths arise and persist in EdTech; secondly, the study can help to demystify them. In general, EdTech myths impoverish digital technology-mediated education because they consider it from an extensively reductionist perspective, especially from EdTech capitalism. This is why we need to pay more attention to EdTech myths, to set up an educational agenda leading to action categories and the critical transformation of the education–technology relationship. © 2023 Technology, Pedagogy and Education Association.Ítem Handgrip strength, cardiometabolic risk and body composition in youth with type 1 diabetes: the Diactive-1 Cohort Study(BMJ Publishing Group, 2024-12-04) Huerta-Uribe, Nidia; Hormazábal-Aguayo, Ignacio; Muñoz-Pardeza, Jacinto; Chueca-Guindulain, María J; Berrade-Zubiri, Sara; Sesma, Carlos Andrés; Sánchez, Elisabet Burillo; Ezzatvar, Yasmin; Yáñez-Sepúlveda, Rodrigo; Izquierdo, Mikel; García-Hermoso, AntonioObjective This study aimed to explore the association between handgrip strength, cardiometabolic risk (CMR) and body composition in youth with type 1 diabetes. Methods For this prospective cohort study, muscular fitness was assessed via handgrip test and relativised by weight, and body composition, evaluated through dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in type 1 diabetes patients aged 6-18 years. CMR score included z-scores for total body fat, blood pressure, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride-glucose index. Results Eighty-three patients were analysed at baseline and 1-year follow-up (44.6% females, mean age 12.77 years). Individuals with high handgrip strength tended to have lower CMR and body fat compared with those with low handgrip strength. Over a year, individuals with high handgrip strength showed reduced HbA1c, CMR and subcutaneous fat. Consistently meeting high handgrip strength criteria resulted in reductions in HbA1c levels, CMR score and subcutaneous adipose tissue compared with those who never complied or lost compliance during follow-up. Additionally, subjects classified with high handgrip strength both at baseline and follow-up had a lower likelihood of being classified with high CMR (OR=0.241, 95% CI 0.121 to 0.947, p=0.044). Conclusions High handgrip strength was associated with significant cardiometabolic and body composition benefits in youth with type 1 diabetes. This tool could be considered of potential clinical value for incorporating assessments like handgrip tests to monitor and address cardiometabolic health.Ítem Scientific production in Chilean physical education during the period 2018-2022: a systematic review(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2023) del Val Martín, Pablo; Giakoni-Ramírez, Frano; Figueroa, Giovanni Carozzi; Molina López, Victor; Soto Meneses, Javiera; Campos Torrealba, Alfredo; Ortiz Marholz, Paula; Espoz-Lazo, SebastiánThe present study investigated the scientific production in Chilean Physical Education during the period 2018-2022. A bibliographic review has been performed by following the guidelines from PRISMA declaration. The Scopus database was used to find the scientific articles according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The search yielded 462 articles when the keywords were entered. However, once the exclusion criteria were applied, the number was reduced to 22 articles. After reviewing those documents that explicitly alluded to interventions in the field of school PE, those whose purpose was documentary or bibliographic were excluded, leaving the final number of selected articles selected as 16. After the analysis of the articles found, it is concluded that it is necessary to increase the academic productivity of Chile in the field of school interventions in Physical Education, given that most of the research addressed other educational stages or, failing that, was not focused on school development. © Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF).Ítem Considering a Bifactor Model of Children’s Subjective Well-Being Using a Multinational Sample(Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 0023-12) Savahl, Shazly; Casas, Ferran; Adams, SabirahIn the current study, we consider the viability of a bifactor model of children’s subjective well-being (SWB) by contributing to the discussion on the dimensionality of children’s SWB. We specify a general factor of SWB and four group factors (context-free cognitive life satisfaction, domain-based cognitive life satisfaction, positive affect, and negative affect) using structural equation modelling and parceling. We used data from the Children’s Worlds International Survey of Children’s Well-Being (N = 92 782). Our analysis strategy included confirmatory factor analysis and bifactor analysis. We found a good fit for the specified bifactor model, with all items loading onto a general factor and group factors. For the bifactor analysis, after controlling for the general factor, the loadings on the group factors were substantially lower, and did not meet the criteria of acceptability for bifactor indices thresholds. The common variance of the items is largely explained by the general factor; thus, the specification of the group factors cannot be justified. Further, we found an excellent fit for a model using the parceling approach. From a measurement perspective, the construct of children’s SWB can potentially be measured as a unidimensional construct. Thus, it may be feasible to report a total score for children’s SWB, as opposed to scores on the individual subscales (group factors). Applied researchers can thus confidently use SWB as a unidimensional construct or follow the parceling approach in the structural equation model context. © 2023, The Author(s).Ítem Eating distractions as predictors of ultra-processed food consumption and Mediterranean diet adherence in adolescents(Nature Research, 0025-12) López-Gil, José Francisco; Quiroz-Cárdenas, Fiorella; Montenegro-Espinosa, José Adrián; Cisneros-Vásquez, Emily; Miño, Camila; Castillo-Miñaca, Mónica Elizabeth; Unda-López, Rubén Alejandro; Sánchez-Charcopa, Lina América; Zalamea-Delgado, María Paula; Masache-Cruz, Martina Jared; Palacios-Zavala, David Alejandro; Barriga-Collantes, Mateo AlejandroPrevious studies have examined the relationships between some eating distractions and diet quality in the young population. However, to our knowledge, no study has analyzed the associations between multiple eating distractions (e.g., using a mobile phone, watching television [TV], eating while standing) and diet quality, particularly in terms of ultra-processed food (UPF) consumption and adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) among adolescents. The objective of the current study was to analyze the relationships of eating distractions with UPF consumption and adherence to the MedDiet in a sample of Spanish adolescents. This cross-sectional study used data from 826 adolescents aged 12–17 years from the Eating Healthy and Daily Life Activities study in Spain. The following eating distractions were assessed via a self-report questionnaire: “(1) eating while talking on the phone/sending short message service [SMS]/emails or using social networks”, (2) watching TV while dinner, and (3) eating while standing”. The Mediterranean Diet Quality Index for children and adolescents (KIDMED) was utilized to evaluate adherence to the MedDiet. A self-administered food frequency questionnaire, previously validated for the Spanish population, was used to assess UPF consumption. The associations of eating distractions with UPF consumption and MedDiet adherence were analyzed via generalized linear models. The models were adjusted for sex, age, socioeconomic status, body mass index, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep duration. A significant association was found, with a higher eating distraction score corresponding to greater UPF consumption (unstandardized beta coefficient [B] = 71.25; 95% confidence interval [CI] 34.69–107.82; p < 0.001). Furthermore, a higher eating distraction score was associated with a lower KIDMED score (B − 0.29; 95% CI − 0.39 to − 0.18; p < 0.001). Individually, for grams of UPFs consumed, a significant association was observed for eating while using a phone or social network, which was linked to higher UPF consumption (B = 120.70; 95% CI 57.83–183.57; p < 0.001). However, the associations for eating while watching TV (B = 49.60; 95% CI − 9.01 to 108.21; p = 0.098) and eating while standing (B = 63.66; 95% CI − 37.92 to 165.25; p = 0.220) did not reach statistical significance. For KIDMED score, all the eating distractions were associated with a significant decrease, with the largest effect observed for phone or social network use (B = − 0.44; 95% CI − 0.62 to − 0.26). Watching TV (B = − 0.18; 95% CI − 0.35 to − 0.01; p = 0.037) and eating while standing (B = − 0.42; 95% CI − 0.71 to − 0.13; p = 0.004) also showed significant negative associations. Although diet quality is influenced by multiple factors, eating distractions may negatively impact adolescents by increasing UPF consumption and reducing adherence to the MedDiet. These findings underscore the importance of understanding the role of the eating environment in shaping healthy dietary habits. © The Author(s) 2025.Ítem Long-term impact of adherence to muscle-strengthening guidelines on inflammation markers: a 17-year follow-up study with obesity parameters as mediators(BMJ Publishing Group, 2024-12-07) Garcia-Hermoso, Antonio; Ezzatvar, Yasmin; Yáñez-Sepúlveda, Rodrigo; Olivares-Arancibia, Jorge; Páez-Herrera, Jacqueline; López-Gil, José FranciscoObjective To evaluate the relationship between adherence to muscle-strengthening guidelines in young adulthood and inflammation markers over a 17-year follow-up period. Additionally, it aims to examine whether body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) act as mediators in this relationship. Methods The study analysed data from young adults aged 18-26 years who participated in waves III (2001-2002), IV (2008-2009) and V (2016-2018) of the Add Health Study. Adherence to muscle-strengthening guidelines was self-reported, and participants were classified as adherent if they engaged in strength training ≥2 days per week across all waves. Venous blood samples were collected at participants' homes to measure high-sensitivity C reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels and various cytokine concentrations, including interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1beta, IL-8, IL-10 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). A global inflammation score was also calculated using z-scores of these markers. Results A total of 2320 individuals participated (60.8% females). Participants adhering to muscle-strengthening guidelines exhibited significant reductions in hs-CRP, IL-6 and the inflammation z-score, with mean difference (MD) of -1.556 mg/L (95% CI BCa -2.312 to -0.799), -0.324 pg/mL (95% BCa CI -0.586 to -0.062), and -0.400 (95% BCa CI -0.785 to -0.035), respectively. Mediation analysis revealed that BMI and WC levels at wave V significantly mediated the relationship between strength training and inflammation z-score, with significant indirect effects of -0.142 (95% CI -0.231 to -0.055) for BMI and -0.210 (95% CI -0.308 to -0.124) for WC. Conclusion Adherence to muscle-strengthening guidelines alone may not be sufficient to achieve a notable decrease in inflammation without concurrent reductions in these obesity parameters.Ítem The relationship between subjective well-being and food: a qualitative study based on children’s perspectives(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2023) Vaqué-Crusellas, Cristina; González-Carrasco, Mònica; Casas, FerranPurpose: Despite the lack of consensus regarding which life satisfaction domains should be included in the study of children’s subjective well-being (SWB), some domains are frequently considered, such as satisfaction with health. However, some others, such as satisfaction with food, are barely taken into account, despite the impact eating habits have on children’s health and well-being. We adopt a qualitative approach to explore the role food plays in children’s SWB, providing for a more in-depth analysis of children’s perceptions and evaluations on a still insufficiently known domain of life satisfaction. Method: Sixteen discussion groups were held with 112 Spanish students (10–12 years old) from six schools. The transcripts were analy sed and themes reflecting the key concepts were defined using reflexive thematic analysis. Results: Five themes emerged from the children’s discourses on the relationship between food and SWB: health, pleasure, emotions, commensality—i.e., eating together—and food-empowerment—thus offering new insights from children’s perspectives. Conclusion: Almost all of the participants established a relationship between their SWB and their eating behaviour, meaning that, within the challenges facing public health, SWB must be taken into account when promoting healthy eating programmes for children. Also, group discussion is found to be a very powerful tool for exploring topics with subjective connotations among child populations. © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.Ítem De Joaquín a Jacques: El verdadero lugar de Edwards Bello en la vanguardia europea(Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades, Departamento de Literatura, 2021-11) Osvaldo Carvajal M.En las crónicas, artículos y reseñas que se han escrito sobre Joaquín Edwards Bello (1887-1968) desde su época hasta hoy, existe una etapa que suele omitirse o, en caso de nombrarse, aparece como una mera especulación o anécdota: su participación en la vanguardia europea. Más allá de algunos ejemplares conservados del poemario ultraísta y dadaísta Metamorfosis (1921), que el autor publicó tras su regreso a Chile bajo el seudónimo Jacques Edwards, no se conocen documentos que prueben que Jacques Edwards haya sido nombrado presidente dadá por el mismísimo Tristan Tzara, como el autor declara en los paratextos del libro. El presente artículo pretende establecer el verdadero rol de Joaquín Edwards Bello/Jacques Edwards en la vanguardia europea, a partir de un exhaustivo trabajo de archivo y reconstrucción de campo cultural en torno a esa etapa casi desconocida de su trayectoria.Ítem “Nosotras Champurrias/Nosotras Mapuche”. Guerra Florida de Daniela Catrileo(Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades, Departamento de Literatura, 2021-11) García, Fernanda MoragaExiste un corpus de poesía actual de mujeres mapuche que, situado en una enunciación poética champurria disidente de esencialismos y estereotipos culturales –mapuche y no mapuche–, asume una evidente enunciación fronteriza en la que se cruzan diferentes experiencias y saberes. En esta perspectiva, comprendemos el concepto “champurria” como una experiencia y posición política, ética, dialógica y artística de fronteras culturales. Se trata de una “frontería” que se enmarca dentro de la experiencia diaspórica que ha tenido que enfrentar el pueblo mapuche desde fines del siglo XIX hasta hoy, producto de la violencia colonialista y su correlato racializador. En esta línea, nos parece que la poesía de mujeres mapuche, al mismo tiempo que emplaza estos horizontes de sentidos, establece un discurso crítico en el cual median políticas de descolonización, abriendo espacios para saberes diferenciadores. A partir de estas perspectivas de lectura, propongo explorar el poemario Guerra florida (2018) de Daniela Catrileo en relación con las dialogías políticas entre la enunciación champurria, la experiencia diaspórica y la descolonización de la frontera.Ítem Rendimiento académico de estudiantes migrantes: influencia del estatus migratorio y factores socioeducativos(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Muñoz Jorquera, Solange; Mendoza Lira, MichelleCon el objetivo de analizar la influencia que tienen el estatus migrante y los factores individuales, familiares e institucionales y de calificación docente en el rendimiento de los estudiantes, se analizaron los resultados de 80.751 estudiantes de 8º básico (primaria) de la Región Metropolitana (Chile) que rindieron la prueba SIMCE de matemática. Una regresión lineal múltiple jerárquica dio cuenta de la existencia de cuatro tipos de estudiantes (en orden de rendimiento: nueva generación, 2° generación, nativos y 1° generación) y mostró que el estatus migrante se relaciona con el rendimiento, que es una de las variables de mayor importancia.Ítem Pre-service EFL teachers’ language awareness and ideologies about stance: A phenomenographic study(Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2023-01) Perales-Escudero, Moisés Damián; Sandoval Cruz, Rosa Isela; Bañales Faz, GerardoStance is both a key and problematic domain for effective English for Academic Purposes (EAP) reading and writing. Insufficient awareness of the stance, cultural attitudes, and poor teaching have been identified as underlying sources of stance-related difficulties. Focusing on stance may thus be a pivotal reading-to-write lens to improve English academic literacy. However, few studies have investigated pre-service teachers’ language awareness and ideologies about different stance markers. The goal of this paper is to describe the stance-focused conceptions and ideologies of a group of sixteen Mexican undergraduate pre-service teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) who are also EFL learners. We used phenomenographic interviews and analysis to achieve this goal. We found three types of conceptions: stylistic, critical, and metaideological. The less sophisticated stylistic conceptions are the most prevalent. Only two participants showed metaideological conceptions. Two language ideologies were found: an ideology of linguistic objectivity that dismisses all stance markers and another that values affect markers but dismisses first-person ones. The participants were not generally able to comprehend authorial perspectives encoded by stance and tended to evaluate stance-containing texts as unacademic, notably if they contained first-person markers. These results imply that pre-service teachers should be made aware of the argumentative and epistemic functions of stance markers. They should also increase their awareness of diverse language ideologies about such markers that circulate across national and disciplinary contexts. In this way, they may deploy stance more effectively in their literacy practices and become more effective EAP teachers © 2023,Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics. All Rights Reserved.Ítem Intenciones futuras de los residentes sobre la celebración la Fórmula E en Santiago de Chile(Universidad de Murcia, 2023) Duclos-Bastías, Daniel; Parra-Camacho, David; Giakoni-Ramírez, Frano; Ulloa-Hernández, Maira; Sáez, Juan Antonio SánchezEl impacto social de los eventos deportivos se ha analizado principalmente a través de la percepción de los residentes. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer las intenciones futuras de los residentes sobre la celebración del Gran Premio de Fórmula E de Santiago de Chile 2018. Para la selección de la muestra (n=414 residentes) se utilizó el método de muestreo intencional-no probabilístico con un intervalo de confianza del 95%. El instrumento empleado fue un cuestionario on-line con una escala de respuesta Likert de 5 niveles. Los resultados ofrecieron valores cercanos a cuatro, que indicaría una tendencia positiva en las intenciones de los residentes. Por otro lado, se comprobó la influencia significativa de diversas variables sociodemográficas relacionadas con la celebración del evento: edad, sexo, estudios, ideología, ocupación, residencia familiar, respaldo a la celebración, asistencia y vinculación laboral con el sector. Los resultados del trabajo permitieron establecer una percepción social favorable sobre la acogida del evento, aunque con niveles diferentes según el grupo social y su vinculación con el evento.Ítem Brechas en percepción de contribución de competencias genéricas entre estudiantes en Chile(Universidad del Zulia, 2023) Jiménez-Bucarey, Carmen; Müller-Pérez, Sheyla; Gil, Miseldra; Araya-Castillo, LuisLas competencias genéricas o transversales son capacidades profesionales que abarcan los aspectos generales del futuro profesional en mundo laboral. Estas están estrechamente relacionadas con el pensamiento creativo y la inteligencia emocional, y son útiles en cualquier disciplina o campo laboral. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar las brechas o sesgos que pueden existir en la percepción de los estudiantes de las carreras de Derecho, Ingeniería Comercial y Enfermería en la Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello en Chile, respecto a la contribución de las competencias genéricas en su formación académica. Se enfocó en un estudio cuantitativo, no experimental de campo donde utilizó el método no paramétrico denominado test de Kruskal-Wallis o test H en 1.272 estudiantes. En primer lugar, se han analizado las diferencias entre estudiantes de las distintas titulaciones y, a continuación, se ha realizado una comparación entre los de primer y quinto curso de la misma titulación. Como hallazgos más significativos, al comparar los estudiantes de primer y quinto año de Derecho e Ingeniería Comercial, hubo diferencias en la percepción de la contribución de todas las competencias, y en Enfermería sólo las competencias genéricas de comportamiento ético, razonamiento científico y cuantitativo, trabajo en equipo y responsabilidad social mostraron diferencias.Ítem Analysis of speeds in the 400-meter hurdles and gender differences: A study from the Paris 2024 Olympics(Asociacion Espanola de Analisis del Rendimiento Deportivo, 2025-04-01) de Souza-Lima, Josivaldo; Giakoni-Ramírez, Frano; Muñoz-Strale, Catalina; Yáñez-Sepúlveda, Rodrigo; Duclos-Bastias, Daniel; Cortés-Roco, Guillermo; Bonilla, Diego A.; Olivares-Arancibia, Jorge; Valdivia-Moral, PedroThis study aims to analyse the speed differences between men and women in the 400 meters during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Average speeds in each segment of the race were evaluated, highlighting gender variations and performance across the different rounds of the competition. Methods. A descriptive observational study was conducted using data from 208 athletes (50% women). Average speeds per 50-meter segments were analysed across all rounds (heats, semifinals, and final), applying Student's t-tests to compare results between genders. The significance level was set at p <.05. Results. The average speeds showed significant differences between sexes in all segments of the race (p <.05). The largest difference was observed in the first 150 meters, where men outpaced women by a margin of 0.97 km/h. By 250 meters, the difference decreased to 0.43 km/h. In the final rounds, the winners reached maximum speeds of 36.87 km/h (men) and 32.48 km/h (women). Conclusion. Men exhibit a biomechanical advantage in the race's early stages, while both sexes strategically adjust their pacing in the final rounds. These findings suggest that gender differences in performance are linked to both physiological and biomechanical fact ors.