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Ítem Caracterización de los estudiantes migrantes y su relación con el rendimiento académico(UNIVERSIDADE FEEVALE, 2021-12) Jorquera, Solange Muñoz; Lira, Michelle MendozaEl aumento de la migración en Chile ha planteado importantes desafíos a su sistema educativo, especialmente para la educación básica. Estos nuevos estudiantes enfrentan dificultades y situaciones de exclusión que pueden incidir en su éxito o fracaso en el sistema, reflejado en su rendimiento académico. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo caracterizar el rendimiento académico en matemática de los estudiantes inmigrantes en función de su estatus migratorio y sus características sociodemográficas, psicosociales y familiares. Para esto, se utilizó una metodología cuantitativa que consideró a todos los estudiantes de 8º básico de la Región Metropolitana (Chile) que rindieron la prueba nacional SIMCE (Sistema de Medición de la Calidad de la Educación) durante el año 2017. Se realizó un análisis a nivel descriptivo y bivariado mediante tablas de contingencia y comparación de medias. Los resultados dan cuenta un nuevo estatus migratorio de los estudiantes, denominado aquí como “nueva generación”, conformado por niños, niñas y adolescentes nacidos en otro país, con ambos padres chilenos o bien con madre chilena y padre extranjero. Esta nueva generación se caracteriza, entre otros aspectos, por obtener el más alto rendimiento en matemática, pertenecer a un nivel socioeconómico alto y asistir a establecimientos educativos particulares. La relación entre la condición de migrante y el rendimiento es significativa, existiendo diferencias en el rendimiento en matemática de los estudiantes migrantes en función de su estatus migratorio y sus características sociodemográficas, psicosociales y familiares.Ítem La opinión cuasi-pública en los periódicos estadounidenses sobre Chile, Perú y Bolivia durante la fase final de las conferencias de Washington (1922)(Universidad de Valladolid, 2021-12) Lara, José Julián Soto; Zúñiga, Pablo Sebastián ChávezSe examinan las conferencias de Washington, donde Chile y Perú intentaron resolver el conflicto de Tacna y Arica, centrándose en la cobertura dada por la prensa estadounidense en su fase final. El objetivo es analizar la construcción de imágenes sobre los actores estatales del proceso: Chile, Perú, Bolivia y Estados Unidos. La hipótesis sugiere que dicha fabricación se fundamentó en la apreciación mediática de que Chile y Perú tuvieron dificultades para coordinar un arreglo, favoreciendo la emergencia de un arbitraje estadounidense. La metodología escogida fue mixta, centrándose en los aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos de las fuentes hemerográficas. Las conclusiones señalan que éstas permiten enriquecer el relato histórico de las conferencias, destacando la dimensión representativa de los diplomáticos como personificaciones de sus Estados, y detectando la función divulgadora del ethos de los países estudiados por parte del actante prensa.Ítem Effects of a Concurrent Training Protocol on Body Composition and Phase Angle in Physically Inactive Young Women: A Quasi-Experimental Intervention Study(Universidad de la Frontera, 2021-12) Hernández-Jaña, Sam; Abarca-Moya, Diego; Cid-Pizarro, Ítalo; Gallardo-Strelow, José; González-Pino, Yovanni; Zavala-Crichton, Juan Pablo; Olivares-Arancibia, Jorge; Mahecha-Matsudo, Sandra; Yáñez-Sepúlveda, RodrigoTo determine the effect of a concurrent training program on body composition and phase angle in young women. 38 women (19.26 ± 1.86 years) participated in the study, and were assigned according to convenience sampling into two groups: 11 into the control group (CG) and 27 into the intervention group (IG). The IG performed a 12-weeks concurrent training protocol. The frequency was five days a week, and the intensity was established in 40-60 % of a repetition maximum to strength exercise, and 40-65 % heart rate reserve to endurance exercise. Body composition and phase angle were evaluated by bioelectrical impedance before and after the intervention. The IG had a decrease in fat mass (pre = 24.66 ± 5.65 kg; post = 20.38 ± 4.20 kg; Cohen’s d = .80; p< 0,001 [CI 95 % = 3.34,5.22]), and an increase in muscle mass (pre = 22.75 ± 3.23 kg; post: 23.50 ± 3.41 kg; Cohen’s d = -0.86; p= <0,001[CI 95 % = -1.09,- 0.40]) and total phase angle (pre = 5.72º ±0.39; post: 6.24º ± 0.51; Cohen’s d = -1.32; p=<0,001 [CI 95 % = -0.67,-0.36]), whereas the CG had not show significant variations in variables of body composition or total phase angle. The results suggest that a 12-weeks concurrent training program could modify positively the young women’s body composition and phase angle. Hence, it is recommended using similar protocols to change variables related to young women’s health.Ítem Trabajo colaborativo y la ecología del aprendizaje(Centro de Informacion Tecnologica, 2021-12) Barrera, Rosa A.; Montaño, Rosa M.; Marín, Pedro E.; Chávez, Jorge E.El propósito de este estudio es determinar perfiles de comportamiento, considerando elementos de la ecología del aprendizaje, en estudiantes de primer año de enseñanza superior que participan en foros de discusión en ambientes colaborativos digitales. Para establecer dichos perfiles, se analizan las contribuciones de los estudiantes según dos dimensiones: 1) la clasificación del mensaje en cuanto a tipo de contenido y profundidad y 2) las variables de contexto como día, hora y tema de la contribución. Se aplica un análisis descriptivo-cuantitativo. La muestra está conformada por 43 estudiantes de un curso de computación. Los principales resultados apuntan a identificar los horarios y días que inciden en la profundidad del aprendizaje. Se observa que las contribuciones con mayor nivel de profundidad son después de las 19:00 horas. Como conclusión, está investigación identifica ciertos perfiles de comportamiento de la ecología del aprendizaje que favorecen los resultados de un aprendizaje profundo en estudiantes.Ítem Review of Nicole Pardo-Vilú's Coquimbo Episodios Coloniales: Los Claroscuros del Desierto(Universidade Federal Do Para, 2021-12) Hortal, InésLa esclavitud en Chile ha sido un hecho invisibilizado en diversas áreas de estudio e investigación. Desde la época de la Colonia, sobrevivieron en estas tierras la esclavitud de africanos y sus descendientes. La novela Coquimbo Episodios Coloniales: los claroscuros del desierto de Nicole Pardo-Vilú (2021), reconstruye un pasado silente entrecruzando relatos inéditos donde podemos “presenciar” la situación de esclavas, esclavos y sus descendientes en la zona del Limarí, Coquimbo.Ítem Relación entre la Composición Corporal, Condición Física y Capacidad Operativa en Militares Chilenos(Universidad de la Frontera, 2023-10) Yáñez-Sepúlveda, Rodrigo; Cortés-Roco, Guillermo; Olivares Arancibia, Jorge; Reyes-Amigo, Tomás; Hurtado-Almonacid, Juan; Vargas-Silva, Juan; Gutiérrez, Eduardo; Alvear-órdenes, IldefonsoLa composición corporal engloba una serie de variables relacionadas con la salud e influye en la condición física. A pesar de ello, existe poca evidencia sobre sus efectos en la capacidad operativa en militares. El objetivo de este estudio fue relacionar la composición corporal, la condición física y la capacidad operativa de militares chilenos. Participaron 57 militares chilenos (26,9 ± 4,8 años), con especialización operativa en infantería. La composición corporal fue evaluada con bioimpedancia octopolar estimando masa libre de grasa, tejido muscular y tejido adiposo, entre otras variables. También se realizaron las siguientes pruebas de condición física: 5000 m planos, dominadas, abdominales y flexibilidad, así como cuatro pruebas específicas de actividades operativas militares específicas (situación de combate simulado). Los resultados mostraron un porcentaje de tejido muscular de 45,4 ± 2,9 % (IC95%: 44,6 - 46,2), mientras que el porcentaje de tejido adiposo fue de 20,3 ± 4,9 % (IC95%: 14,7 - 17,3). Se encontraron correlaciones negativas de pequeña magnitud entre el tiempo de carrera (5000 m) y el tejido muscular (%) (r = -0,275) y positiva con el tejido adiposo (%) (r = 0,294). Sin embargo, se observaron correlaciones de alta magnitud entre dominadas y tejido muscular (%) (r = 0,517) y tejido adiposo (%) (r = -0,558). El tejido adiposo se relacionó negativamente con la capacidad aeróbica, fuerza de brazos(??) y fuerza resistencia abdominal, mientras que el tejido muscular se relacionó positivamente con estas mismas variables. No se apreciaron correlaciones entre la composición corporal y la capacidad operativa militar (p<0,05). Se concluye que la composición corporal y la condición física no se relacionan con la capacidad operativa militar en situación de combate en especialistas en infantería, pero si la composición corporal se relaciona con la fuerza y la capacidad cardiorrespiratoria.Ítem Anthropometric Similarities and Differences in Children of Aymara and Non-Aymara Descent in Northern Chile: Implications for Health and Development(Universidad de la Frontera, 2023-10) Barrio-Mateu, Luis A.; León-Valladares, Dayneri; de Souza-Lima, Josivaldo; Yáñez-Sepúlveda, Rodrigo; Cordero-Rodríguez, Yaiza; Borges-Silva, Fernanda; Ponce, Ernesto; Ponce, Daniel; Ponce, MurielThis study aims to assess the nutritional status of Aymara and non-Aymara children in Arica, comparing anthropometric measurements of boys and girls aged 4-10 to inform interventions for child health and development. We conducted a non-experimental, quantitative, cross-sectional study in Arica, Chile. The sample included 458 children, with equal representation of Aymara and non-Aymara children from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. Trained research assistants collected anthropometric data using standardized techniques. IBM SPSS statistical software was used for data analysis, including Student's t-test and the Levene test. Both Aymara and non-Aymara children showed high prevalence of overweight and obesity. Boys had a meso-endomorph somatotype, while girls had an endomorph somatotype. Among 8-year-olds, non-Aymara children had a slightly higher mean body weight (35.87, SD 4.50) compared to Aymara children (32.27, SD 4.31), but the difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05). However, 10-year-old Aymara girls had a significantly higher mean body mass index (22.34, SD 4.21) than non-Aymara girls (20.10, SD 3.58) (p=0.05). Regarding body fat percentage, 10-year-old non-Aymara girls had a slightly higher mean (31.01, SD 5.64) than Aymara girls (26.12, SD 5.63), but the difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05). The study found high levels of overweight and obesity in children from northern Chile, increasing with age for both Aymara and non-Aymara groups. The somatotype patterns were consistent across both groups. Although the differences between Aymara and non-Aymara children were not statistically significant, the Aymara group showed slightly higher levels of overweight and obesity. Further research with a larger sample size is needed to confirm these results and identify potential trends. Efforts should focus on promoting healthy nutrition and physical activity to address the growing problem of overweight and obesity in this region. © 2023, Universidad de la Frontera. All rights reserved.Ítem Attitude to multiculturality at school scale: Validation and psychometric properties on a Chilean sample(Revista de Psicologia (Peru), Volume 39, Issue 1, Pages 115 - 1362021, 2021) Mera Lemp, María José; Martínez-Zelaya, Gonzalo; Bilbao, Marian; Zuleta, Roxana; Garrido, AmandaThe increasing number of immigrant students on the Chilean educational system stresses the importance of study teachers’ attitudes to multiculturality in schools settings. Nevertheless, there is a lack of adequate measurement instruments to apply on Chilean population. The aim of this work was to validate the Attitude to Multiculturality at School Scale (León del Barco et al., 2007) on a Chilean sample, composed by N=160 teachers. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the unifactorial model had the best fit to the data. Correlation analysis revealed significant relations between attitude to multiculturality at school, perceived out-group threat and prejudice. Linear regression analysis showed that perceived threat and prejudice explained 42% of the attitude to multiculturality at school variability, supporting criterion validity. © 2021 Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. All rights reservedÍtem Narrativas y emociones colectivas sobre la inmolación de sebastián acevedo (1983), concepción, Chile(Universidad Austral de Chile, 2021) Tesche, Paula; Antonio, Asef; González, JavierEste artículo identifica, describe y analiza las narrativas actuales sobre un caso excepcional de violación a los derechos humanos: la inmolación de Sebastián Acevedo (1983). Mediante un estudio cualitativo, se explora cómo las emociones permiten valorar ciertos significados sobre este hecho histórico y los objetos que lo rememoran. Se concluye que las emociones predominantes en las narrativas, al estar orientadas hacia el polo de lo negativo, se asocian con sensaciones de indefensión y amenaza produciendo distanciamiento y rechazo del hecho y, en consecuencia, no relevan en la actualidad los significados sociopolíticos asociados con los atropellos a los derechos humanos en dictadura.Ítem SPATIALITY OF SOCIAL MEMORIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE DICTATORSHIP IN THE CONCEPCIÓN METROPOLITAN AREA (CMA), CHILE(Universidad del Bío Bío, 2023-11) Tesche-Roa, Paula; Santacruz-Grau, Juan Carlos; Esparza-Saavedra, Verónica; García-Hernández, JordanaThe Concepción Metropolitan Area (CMA) was one of the areas hit hardest by political repression and human rights violations during the dictatorship. Despite their impact, recent urban development has been erasing the materiality of memories linked to the period, highlighting the need to analyze and map their development in the territory. This article aims to dimension and territorially understand these places, using a qualitative documentary and geolocation methodology for their identification and listing, and then to conduct a spatial location and territorial distribution analysis. In this regard, a wide range of “silenced” sites are identified, while there are few spaces that evoke memories. A disproportion is observed between the number of political repression events and human rights violations and the lack of visible public spaces that account for these events. It is also relevant to note the inadequacy of existing spaces for contemporary memory practices, both in urban and architectural terms, raising questions regarding how social memories linked to the dictatorship are currently crystallized. © 2023 Reed Business Information (Cahners). All rights reserved.Ítem Orientations of professional practices in physical education teacher education: a scoping review(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2024) Hinojosa-Torres, Claudio; Espoz-Lazo, Sebastián; Reyes-Contreras, Víctor; Duclos-Bastías, Daniel; Hurtado-Guerrero, Macarena; Zavala-Crichton, Juan Pablo; Yáñez-Sepúlveda, RodrigoBackground: In response to the demands for improvement in teacher education, professional practices have emerged as a fundamental component for integrating theory with practice in the preparation of future teachers. However, it is crucial to understand the orientations and functions inherent to these practices in physical education teacher education. Objective: To identify the orienta-tions and functions of professional practices in physical education teacher education. Method: A scoping review of articles published between 2003 and 2023 in relevant databases such as Wos, Scopus, Scielo, Sportdiscus, ERIC and Dialnet was conducted. The review followed the PRISMA-ScR statement. Results: 33 relevant papers were identified and categorized into six main themes: teaching com-petencies, teacher self-efficacy and confidence, reflection and critical thinking, integration of theory and practice, impact on profes-sional identity, and mentoring and supervision in internships. Conclusions: Professional internships stand out as fundamental spaces for the development of competencies in future physical education teachers. Specifically, it was observed that these internships facilitate the comprehensive development of students by providing them with opportunities to apply theory in real teaching contexts. In addition, influential administrative aspects related to the planning and monitoring of internships were identified. © 2024 Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica. All rights reserved.Ítem Use of self-organizing maps for the classification of cardiometabolic risk and physical fitness in adolescents(Routledge, 2024) Yáñez-Sepúlveda, Rodrigo; Olivares, Rodrigo; Ravelo, Camilo; Cortés-Roco, Guillermo; Zavala-Crichton, Juan Pablo; Hinojosa-Torres, Claudio; de Souza-Lima, Josivaldo; Monsalves-Álvarez, Matías; Reyes-Amigo, Tomás; Hurtado-Almonacid, Juan; Páez-Herrera, Jacqueline; Mahecha-Matsudo, Sandra; Olivares-Arancibia, Jorge; Clemente-Suárez, Vicente JavierThis study aimed to automatically classify physical fitness and cardiometabolic risk in a Chilean adolescent using self-organizing maps. This cross-sectional study analysed a nationally representative database from the Physical Education Quality Measurement System (n = 7197). Physical fitness and cardiometabolic risk variables were derived from anthropometric indicators. Self-Organizing maps (SOM) were employed to identify participant profiles based on an unsupervised predictive model. After implementing and training the SOM, a detailed analysis of the generated maps was conducted to interpret the revealed relationships and clusters. The analysis resulted in three classification groups, categorizing the sample into low, moderate, and high-risk levels. Students with better physical fitness exhibited lower cardiometabolic risk levels and a lower body mass index. SOM, through an unsupervised model, is a reliable tool for classifying cardiometabolic risk and physical fitness in adolescents. © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.Ítem Use and impact of practicum audio-visual recordings in physical education teacher training: a scoping review(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2024) Hinojosa-Torres, Claudio; Zavala-Crichton, Juan Pablo; Hurtado-Guerrero, Macarena; Espoz-Lazo, Sebastián; Escobar-Jara, Natalia; Yáñez-Sepúlveda, RodrigoBackground: The search for tools that strengthen the practicum in teacher training has generated new forms of student accom-paniment. Among these tools, audiovisual recordings have emerged as a valuable resource because they allow future physical education teachers to review and reflect on their practicum. Objective: To explore the different uses and impact of audiovisual recordings in the practicum of physical education teacher training. Method: A scoping review of articles published between 2004 and 2024 in relevant data-bases such as Wos, Scopus, Sportdiscus, Scielo, ERIC and Dialnet was conducted. The review followed the PRISMA-ScR statement. Re-sults: Of a total 179 studies, 14 relevant papers were identified and categorized into three dimensions: a) Impact on the development of teaching competencies; b) Strengthening of teaching reflection; c) Effective feedback of the practicum. Conclusions: Audiovisual recordings of practicum in physical education teacher training have a diversity of uses, including student self-evaluation, feedback from supervisors and peers, and as tools for pedagogical reflection and continuous improvement. In addition, it is shown to have a positive impact on the devel-opment of pedagogical competencies, self-confidence in teaching practice, and the promotion of continuous professional improvement. © 2024 Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica. All rights reserved.Ítem Effects of weightlifting training on sprint, jump and change of direction performance in athletes: A systematic review(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2022) Mateluna-Núñez, Cristián; Zavala-Crichton, Juan Pablo; Monsalves-Álvarez, Matías; Olivares-Arancibia, Jorge; Yáñez-Sepúlveda, RodrigoThe ability to generate maximum power is the most important and determining neuromuscular function in sports performance.Therefore, weightlifting training (WT) and its derivatives is one of the most widely used methods, generating superior strength-power adaptations compared to traditional strength training, jumping and kettlebell training. Objective:To identify the effects of WT on the ability to jump, sprint and change of direction (COD) in athletes. Method: An exhaustive search was carried out in different databases, such as PUBMED, Sportdiscus (EBSCO), Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) under the PRISMA model. The reviewed papers were experimental with and without a control group, between the years 2000 and 2020. Results:The WT produces significant improvements in jump, sprint and in change of direction capacities in the sport population. Conclusion: WT generates significant improvements in jumping, running and change of direction performance under different protocols.There is evidence supporting the use ofWT, suggesting its derivatives focused on the second pull and those that use the stretch-shortening cycle in their hanging variants. © Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF).Ítem The Competition on the Handball Initiation: Analysis of the Pedagogical Approach in Latin America(Universidad de Murcia, 2022) Hinojosa-Torres, Claudio; Espoz-Lazo, Sebastián; Soto-García, Diego; Zavala-Crichton, Juan Pablo; Farías-Valenzuela, ClaudioIn the handball initiation, different elements are involved to train all the participant children, in order to develop their psychomotricity to solve different tasks that the game presents to them. For this, the competition is a space where the players can put into practice the learning they have developed. However, in Latin America, the structure and focus of the competition do not necessarily allow this to happen. From this perspective, the objective of this study is to understand how the pedagogical approach or the lack of it regarding competition impacts the learning processes of children who are beginners in handball in Latin America. Qualitative research with a phenomenological design was used. As inclusion criteria, the participants were required to be: a) physical education teachers; b) to be linked to the initiation stages of Handball; c) a minimum of 5 years of experience working in Latin America. As result, the value of competition to generate integration of learning in players and a progressive approach to game situations is highlighted. Therefore, it is concluded that any training action in the initiation to sport must be contextualized as a space rich in learning, so the competition must also be. © Copyright 2022: Publication Service of the University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain.Ítem Physical Activity, Gut Microbiota, and Genetic Background for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022-12) Plaza-Diaz, Julio; Radar, Ana Mei; Baig, Aiman Tariq; Leyba, Marcos Federico; Costabel, Maria Macarena; Zavala-Crichton, Juan Pablo; Sanchez-Martinez, Javier; MacKenzie, Alex E.; Solis-Urra, PatricioIt is estimated that one in 100 children worldwide has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Children with ASD frequently suffer from gut dysbiosis and gastrointestinal issues, findings which possibly play a role in the pathogenesis and/or severity of their condition. Physical activity may have a positive effect on the composition of the intestinal microbiota of healthy adults. However, the effect of exercise both on the gastrointestinal problems and intestinal microbiota (and thus possibly on ASD) itself in affected children is unknown. In terms of understanding the physiopathology and manifestations of ASD, analysis of the gut–brain axis holds some promise. Here, we discuss the physiopathology of ASD in terms of genetics and microbiota composition, and how physical activity may be a promising non-pharmaceutical approach to improve ASD-related symptoms. © 2022 by the authors.Ítem Efecto agudo de una sesión de yoga de corta duración en el nivel de estrés en escolares(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2021) Torres, Melissa Andrea Ortiz; Suárez, Sebastián Ignacio Pérez; Navarrete, Camila Andrea Vásquez; Zavala-Crichton, Juan Pablo; Hernández-Jaña, Sam; Olivares-Arancibia, Jorge; Yáñez-Sepúlveda, RodrigoEl objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el efecto agudo de una sesión de yoga en el nivel de estrés cotidiano en escolares. Participaron 21 escolares chilenos de 11,62 ± 0,50 años, los cuales fueron divididos en dos grupos (Grupo Experimental [GE]= 8; Grupo Control [GC]= 13). Se aplicó una sesión de yoga de 25 minutos de duración en el grupo experimental, mientras que el grupo control participó de una clase teórica en conducta sedentaria. El nivel de estrés se midió antes y después de la intervención con el Test Inventario de Estrés Cotidiano Infantil (IECI). Se utilizó la prueba de Shapiro Wilk para determinar la normalidad de los datos. La prueba t-Student para muestras relacionadas fue utilizada para comparar los efectos de la sesión previo y posterior a la intervención en el mismo grupo, mientras que la prueba t- Student para muestras independientes se usó para comparar los efectos entre los grupos experimental y control. Además, se usó la d de Cohen para para determinar el tamaño del efecto. El nivel de significancia se estableció en p<0,05. Se observó una disminución del nivel total de estrés cotidiano con un efecto moderado en el grupo experimental posterior a la intervención (Pre=16,25 ± 3,05; Post= 10,75 ± 4,74; p=0,005; TE= 0,57), mientras que en el grupo control no se encontraron efectos significativos post intervención (Pre=13,46 ± 5,57; Post=13,3 ± 5,55; p=0,337; TE=0,01). Se concluye que una sesión de yoga de corta duración puede proporcionar una disminución en los niveles de estrés en escolares.Ítem Efecto de dos programas de entrenamiento con diferente distribución de intensidad (polarizada vs umbral) en el rendimiento aeróbico en ciclistas entrenados(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2021) Rivera-Kofler, Tomas; Zavala-Crichton, Juan Pablo; Olivares-Arancibia, Jorge; Yáñez-Sepúlveda, RodrigoEn la actualidad son dos los modelos de entrenamiento más utilizados que condicionan la metodología de trabajo en atletas de resistencia: i) Entrenamiento al umbral (UMB) y ii) Entrenamiento polarizado (POL). El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar el efecto de dos programaciones de entrenamiento con diferente distribución de intensidad (polarizada vs umbral) en el rendimiento aeróbico de ciclistas entrenados en un período de 4 semanas. En la investigación participaron 18 ciclistas entrenados que fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en grupo UMB (n= 9; edad 38 ± 7 años; altura 171,8 ± 6,9 cm; peso corporal 74,10 ± 10,94) y grupo POL (n= 9; edad 31,4 ± 12,2 años; altura 167,5 ± 6,7 cm; peso corporal 63,88 ± 5,37) quienes realizaron 4 semanas de entrenamiento. Ambas metodologías se ejecutaron bajo similares características en cuanto al tiempo total de entrenamiento (UMB: 1085 min/sem; POL: 1024 min/sem) pero con diferente distribución de intensidad (UMB= 70% en zona 1; 30% en zona 2; 0% en zona 3; POL= 88% en zona 1; 0% en zona 2; 12% en zona 3). Peso corporal (kg) y potencia al umbral funcional (PUF) fueron medidos antes y después de cada programación. Sólo grupo con carga POL redujo su peso corporal después del programa (POL= -1,38%; p= 0,003). También, grupo POL mejoró su PUF (5,48%; p= 0,012) y por defecto los valores de vatios por kilogramo de peso (V/kg) se vieron incrementados (7,17%; p= 0,015). En comparación a distribución de intensidad UMB, cuatro semanas de entrenamiento POL mejora el rendimiento aeróbico en ciclistas entrenados.Ítem The bright side of sports: a systematic review on well-being, positive emotions and performance(BioMed Central Ltd, 0024-12) Peris-Delcampo, David; Núñez, Antonio; Ortiz-Marholz, Paula; Olmedilla, Aurelio; Cantón, Enrique; Ponseti, Javier; Garcia-Mas, AlejandroObjective: The objective of this study is to conduct a systematic review regarding the relationship between positive psychological factors, such as psychological well-being and pleasant emotions, and sports performance. Method: This study, carried out through a systematic review using PRISMA guidelines considering the Web of Science, PsycINFO, PubMed and SPORT Discus databases, seeks to highlight the relationship between other more ‘positive’ factors, such as well-being, positive emotions and sports performance. Settings: The keywords will be decided by a Delphi Method in two rounds with sport psychology experts. Participants: There are no participants in the present research. Assessment: The main exclusion criteria were: Non-sport thema, sample younger or older than 20–65 years old, qualitative or other methodology studies, COVID-related, journals not exclusively about Psychology. Main outcomes measures: We obtained a first sample of 238 papers, and finally, this sample was reduced to the final sample of 11 papers. Results: The results obtained are intended to be a representation of the ‘bright side’ of sports practice, and as a complement or mediator of the negative variables that have an impact on athletes’ and coaches’ performance. Conclusions: Clear recognition that acting on intrinsic motivation continues to be the best and most effective way to motivate oneself to obtain the highest levels of performance, a good perception of competence and a source of personal satisfaction. © The Author(s) 2024.Ítem Cardiac autonomic response during recovery using whole-body vibration after maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2021) Olivares-Arancibia, Jorge; Solis-Urra, Patricio; Porras-López, Felipe; Federeci-Diáz, Inti; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Fernando; Pablo-Zavala, Juan; Cristi-Montero, CarlosIn the last years the nervous and cardiovascular response to exercise has taken on an important relevance, both in sport and health field. In this line, accelerating cardiovascular appears to play a key role in various sports fields. The study aims to examine and compare the acute effect of whole-body vibration (WBV) on cardiac autonomic response after maximal exercise in university runners and physical education student. Twenty men participated in a cross-over study, 10 university runners team (UR) and 10 physical education student (PES) with ages around 18 to 24 years. In each condition, was perform an incremental cardiopulmonary exercise test followed (i) active recovery time using WBV (25 Hz and peak displacement of four mm) and (ii) passive recovery period (no WBV; 0 Hz-0 mm), separated by seven days. Active recovery consisted in one minute seated using WBV and one minute no WBV by six times (12 minutes) more five minutes of passive recovery, and passive recovery consisted in 17 min seated on platform without vibration. Active recovery had significant differences compare to passive recovery (P<0.05). Furthermore, in active recovery, PES had better heart rate response than UR group, however results were not significative. There was not a clear relation between the lineal components of heart rate variability (HRV) in our results. WBV has positive effect in participant's recovery, however, is necessary establish protocols about the intensities and time adequate for allow accelerate recovery the parasympathetic reactivity, for that reason yet can't conclude clearly respect to the more effectivity intensity WBV depending to characteristic of subject. © 2021 Federación Espanõla de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF).