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Ítem Determination of the quality of university training in six careers of pedagogy and degree in physical education of Chile(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2024) González-Orb, Marcelo; Vargas Vitoria, Rodrigo; Valderrama Jorge, Flandez; Lobos-Gonzalez, Rodrigo, ManuelDescriptive study whose objective is to determine the quality of training of Pedagogy students in Physical Education, in six University entities, based on the domain of seven dimensions associated with the Curricular Bases: Expression, Didactics, Management, Training, Sports, Recreation, Health and First Aid. Material and Method: The population and sample is made up of students in the last year of the degree, N=214, n=133 men and n=81 women. The instrument used, the 70-item Specialty Knowledge Test, with an internal consistency of .778, an average difficulty index of 0.59, an average high discrimination index of 0.39 and a good discrimination coefficient of 0.25, that is, appropriate. Results, statistically significant differences were observed by sex favorable to women in Expression (p=.014) and men in Training (p=.014) and Sports (p=.014). There are no significant differences by sex in Didactics, Recreation Management, Health and First Aid, and in General (p>.05). Conclusions: the training in general terms presents weaknesses in all the dimensions under study, qualifying it as regular. The mastery of the students regarding the Curricular Bases of Physical Education, MINEDUC, are at low levels. There is no correlation between gender and knowledge, although the results are favorable to men, they are not statistically significant with respect to women. The comparative table of dominance between the universities, allows establishing that an entity presents better scores, being far from the ideal, finally the training of the students (as), is located in the regular range, far from the ideal. © Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEFÍtem A 12-Year Population-Based Analysis of Victimization and Climate Trends in Israeli Arab and Jewish Elementary Schools(Routledge, 0025) Benbenishty, Rami; Astor, Ron Avi; Shemesh, Michal; Avital, Dana; Raz, Tal; Roziner, IlanThe study aims to examine changes over time in school victimization and climate in Israel, and whether these changes varied between Jewish and Arab schools and schools with different SES. A secondary analysis of the Ministry of Education database of structured student surveys regarding victimization and climate, was conducted during 2008–2019. All students in grades 5–6 were surveyed. The number of schools ranged between 751 and 1,189 (M = 983, SD = 166.3); 73.7% were Jewish schools, and 26.3% were Arab. Peer victimization dropped from 14.95 in 2008 to 7.97 in 2019 (β = -.39). All climate aspects positively increased. The highest improvements were in feeling unsafe (β = -.28). Reductions in victimization and progress in climate were the strongest among students from Arab schools and schools with lower SES. The implications for policy and future research are discussed. © 2024 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.Ítem The Socialization of Meritocracy and Market Justice Preferences at School(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 0024-11) Castillo, Juan Carlos; Salgado, Mauricio; Carrasco, Kevin; Laffert, AndreasPrevious research has shown that schools often justify student performance differences using meritocratic ideals. One potential consequence of such ideals is the legitimization of outcome inequalities across various spheres, including those traditionally associated with equality and redistribution. In this study, we argue that the promotion of meritocratic values during school age can shape students’ beliefs about meritocracy and influence their views on market-based access to health, pensions, and education. Using data from the 2017 National Study of Civic Education in Chile, which includes 5047 eighth-grade students from 231 schools, we estimated a series of multilevel models (lme4 library, R version 4.1.3) to test our hypotheses. Our findings show that a significant proportion of Chilean students agree with market justice principles—more so than adults. Most students endorse meritocratic views, particularly the notion that effort should be rewarded, which strongly correlates with market justice preferences: students who believe in meritocracy are more likely to justify inequalities based on financial capacity. At the school level, market justice preferences are higher in high-status schools but lower in schools with higher academic achievement. Furthermore, the conditional influence of meritocratic beliefs diminishes in schools with higher socioeconomic status and performance levels. These results suggest that the association between meritocratic beliefs and market justice preferences is already established at school age and is shaped by the school environment. © 2024 by the authors.Ítem The ecological roles of the European rabbit in the Magellanic/Fuegian ecosystem of southernmost Chile(Nature Research, 0024-12) Mann-Vollrath, Francisca; Correa-Cuadros, Jennifer Paola; Ávila-Thieme, M. Isidora; Duclos, Melanie; Jaksic, Fabian M.The European rabbit has invaded numerous ecosystems worldwide, but rarely steppes. Since its various introduction attempts into the ecosystems of the Magallanes/Fuegian region, the rabbit has become a key player, interacting with species at different trophic levels and generating impacts on ecosystems. To better understand the role of the rabbit in steppe and scrub ecosystems, we characterised the food web in the Magallanes/Fuegian region to understand the identity of their interacting species, the mechanisms and complexities of their interactions to demonstrate that rabbit management may become more complex than just controlling a single species. Based on a bibliographic review and wildlife specialists’ opinions, we built the Magellanic/Fuegian food web, evaluated their topological properties and performed a rabbit extinction simulation to assess the possible short-term ecological mechanisms operating in the community. We found that the network had 206 nodes (64% native, 13% exotic, and 22% mixed) and 535 links among nodes. The European rabbit was the most connected node of the food web, had the second largest dietary breadth, and ranked as the seventh prey item with more predators. A rabbit extinction simulation shows a possible release of herbivory pressure on plants, including that on several native plants (e.g., Gunnera tinctoria, Pratia repens, Gavilea lutea, Tetroncium magellanicus), and a possible release of competition for some herbivores that share resources with the rabbit (e.g., Ovis aries, Lama guanicoe, Bos taurus). Although rabbit predators have a broad and generalist diet, some such as the native Galicitis cuja, could face a 20% reduction in their trophic width and could intensify predation on alternative prey. These results show that the European rabbit is strongly embedded in the Magellanic/Fuegian ecosystem and linked to several native species. Therefore, rabbit management should consider ecosystem approaches accompanied by monitoring programs on native fauna and experimental pilot studies on native flora to conserve the Chilean Patagonia community. © The Author(s) 2024.Ítem Barriers and Facilitators to Lead an Inclusive School:The Case of Chile(Universidad de Murcia, 0025) Valdés,RenéExercising inclusive leadership is a complex task in a school system where educational quality comes down primarily to the performance of schools on standardized tests. The objective of this article is to understand the barriers and facilitators that school directors, executive boards and management teams point out and face to advance in inclusion and attention to diversity. To respond to the objective, the results of seven case studies with an ethnographic approach carried out between 2016 and 2021 in Chilean schools with an inclusive seal were systematized. The main findings show that, from the perspective of school leaders, inclusion is a state affair and a specific concern on the part of the Ministry of Education. However, they highlight important barriers to advance as regards inclusion such as: lack of professional training in inclusion, low student participation and the pre-eminence of standardized tests that affect inclusive processes. Facilitators are also recognized, such as: openness to change, positive attitude towards difference and the importance of collaborative work. The results allow us to discuss the contrasts between inclusion and standardization and to propose a set of recommendations for schools and educational policies. © 2025 Universidad de Murcia. All rights reserved.Ítem Mentally active but not inactive sedentary behaviors are positively related to adolescents’ cognitive-academic achievements, a cross-sectional study — The Cogni-Action Project(Elsevier Ltd, 2023-10) Cristi-Montero, Carlos; Hernandez-Jaña, Sam; Zavala-Crichton, Juan Pablo; Tremblay, Mark S.; Ortega, Francisco B.; Feter, Natan; Mota, Jorge; Aguilar-Farias, Nicolas; Ferrari, Gerson; Sadarangani, Kabir P.; Gaya, AneliseExcessive adolescent sedentary behaviors (SBs) may affect cognitive-academic achievements; however, findings vary according to the SB evaluated and their mental requirements. This study aimed to understand the multivariate association between different SBs and diverse cognitive-academic achievements as a primary analysis. As a secondary one, we differentiated between mentally active and inactive SBs. In this study, 1296 Chilean adolescents (10–14 years old) reported their SB via questionnaires. Cognitive performance was assessed with a neurocognitive battery, and academic achievement was based on school grades. Canonical correlation analysis was performed to determine the mode of covariation (MofC) between two sets of variables. The first set accounted for eight SBs (five considered as “active mentally” and three as “inactive mentally”). The second set accounted for 13 cognitive and academic variables (eight cognitive tasks and five school subjects). Several covariates and a cluster (schools, k = 19) were also included in the analysis. The primary analysis revealed a single significant MofC, with a small canonical relationship (r = 0.22, p = 0.002). This MofC indicated that time spent using computers and engaging in scholarly tasks at home was positively correlated with cognitive processing speed as well as with academic scores in English and History. Secondary analysis revealed two significant modes of covariation. The first confirmed the primary result (r = 0.21, p = 0.001), while the second highlighted the role of time spent playing video games as the sole contributing factor linked to inhibitory control (r = 0.17, p = 0.034). These findings indicate a small positive relationship between certain mentally active SBs and cognitive-academic achievements, emphasizing the need for further comprehensive research to understand these complex relationships. © 2023 The AuthorsÍtem Food Financialization: Impact of Derivatives and Index Funds on Agri-Food Market Volatility(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 0024-12) Venegas, María del Rosario; Feregrino, Jorge; Espinosa-Cristia, Juan FelipeThis study explores the financialization of agricultural commodities, focusing on how financial derivatives and index funds impact the volatility of agro-food markets. Using a Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC) GARCH model, we analyze volatility spillovers among key agricultural commodities, particularly maize, and related financial assets over a sample period from 2007 to 2020. Our analysis includes major financial assets like Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), the S&P 500 index, and agribusiness corporations such as ADM and Bunge and the largest corn flour producer, GRUMA. The results indicate that financial speculation, especially via passive investments such as ETFs, has intensified price volatility in commodity futures, leading to a systemic risk increase within the sector. This study provides empirical evidence of increased market integration between the agro-food sector and financial markets, underscoring risks to food security and economic stability. We conclude with recommendations for regulatory actions to mitigate systemic risks posed by the growing financial influence in agricultural markets. © 2024 by the authors.Ítem TOCAR MADERA: NI PERDÓN NI OLVIDO. INTERVIEW WITH WRITER ALEJANDRO MANRIQUEZ(Universidade Federal Do Para, 2024) Hortal, InésThis interview is based mainly on the report Tocar Madera, which received an honorable mention in the International Short Story Competition: Three Stories for Ingrid (2021). In turn, a journey is carried out through different facets, because of the story, as well as in the trajectory of Alejandro Manríquez in the world of letters, his precepts, opinions and feeling like a young exponent of a new generation that does not leave indifferent al lector and invites you to continue reading your work. © 2023 Universidade Federal Do Para. All rights reserved.Ítem Implementación de la evaluación formativa por estudiantes de pedagogía en Educación Física(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2022) Vergara Tapia, María; Flores Bastias, Mónica; Illanes Aguilar, Lucía; Poblete-Valderrama, FelipeLa presente investigación se centra en el ámbito de la Formación Inicial Docente (FID) en Pedagogía en Educación Física (PEF). El objetivo es conocer la forma en que estudiantes en proceso de FID en PEF implementan la evaluación formativa en las clases que realizan en su práctica profesional. Se lleva a cabo mediante un enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo, no experimental transversal, en donde se consideraron a 64 estudiantes de una institución de educación superior privada de Chile. El instrumento de recolección de información que se utilizó fue un guión de observación aplicado por parte de profesores supervisores de práctica profesional el cual considera las dimensiones de: a) Retroalimentación, b) Elaboración e implementación y c) Respuesta de los y las escolares. Los resultados verifican la aplicación de retroalimentación, apoyo diferenciado según lo requieren los y las escolares y tratamiento del error; pero no aplican en forma sistemática la autoevaluación ni la coevaluación, ni registro de lo realizado por los estudiantes en clases. Se puede concluir que si bien se incorpora la evaluación formativa en el desarrollo de la práctica profesional por parte de estudiantes en proceso de FID en PEF, estos no propician espacios de diálogo respecto al proceso evaluativo (autoevaluación y evaluación por pares).Ítem Early life factors and white matter microstructure in children with overweight and obesity: The ActiveBrains project(Churchill Livingstone, 2022-01) Solis-Urra, Patricio; Esteban-Cornejo, Irene; Rodriguez-Ayllon, María; Verdejo-Román, Juan; Labayen, Idoia; Catena, Andrés; Ortega, Francisco B.Background & aims: Exposure to a suboptimal environment during the fetal and early infancy period's results in long-term consequences for brain morphology and function. We investigated the associations of early life factors such as anthropometric neonatal data (i.e., birth length, birth weight and birth head circumference) and breastfeeding practices (i.e., exclusive and any breastfeeding) with white matter (WM) microstructure, and ii) we tested whether WM tracts related to early life factors are associated with academic performance in children with overweight/obesity. Methods: 96 overweight/obese children (10.03 ± 1.16 years; 38.7% girls) were included from the ActiveBrains Project. WM microstructure indicators used were fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD), derived from Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Academic performance was evaluated with the Battery III Woodcock–Muñoz Tests of Achievement. Regression models were used to examine the associations of the early life factors with tract-specific FA and MD, as well as its association with academic performance. Results: Head circumference at birth was positively associated with FA of the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus tract (0.441; p = 0.005), as well as negatively associated with MD of the cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (−0.470; p = 0.006), corticospinal (−0.457; p = 0.005) and superior thalamic radiation tract (−0.476; p = 0.001). Association of birth weight, birth length and exclusive breastfeeding with WM microstructure did not remain significant after false discovery rate correction. None tract related to birth head circumference was associated with academic performance (all p > 0.05). Conclusions: Our results highlighted the importance of the perinatal growth in WM microstructure later in life, although its possible academic implications remain inconclusive. © 2021 The Author(s)Ítem Configuración Dermatoglífica, ACTN3 y ECA: Un estudio transcultural en deportistas de diferentes Disciplinas(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2022) Hernández-Mosqueira, Claudio; Castillo-Quezada, Humberto; Peña-Troncoso, Sebastián; Joao, Andrea; Moraga Muñoz, Rodrigo; Cresp-Barria, Mauricio; Caniuqueo-Vargas, Alexis; Fernandes da Silva, Sandro; Fernandes Filho, JoseEl rendimiento físico se ha asociado con diferentes variantes genéticas. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la asociación entre características dermatoglíficas y los genotipos ACTN3 y ECA. La muestra la constituyen 82 seleccionados nacionales de diferentes modalidades deportivas de Brasil, Japón y Chile. Los marcadores ACTN3 y ECA se obtuvieron a través de una muestra de saliva y se analizaron mediante el empleo de cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real a partir del iQ5ThermalCycler, BioRad, mientras que para la configuración dermatoglifica se utilizó un lector de huella digital Verifier® 320 LC 2.0. Estos deportistas fueron clasificados en grupos de acuerdo a la configuración de sus patrones dermatoglíficos (A, L, W, D10 y SQTL) en los siguientes grupos: aeróbicos (n= 27); anaeróbicos (n= 55). En cuanto a la frecuencia de aparición de polimorfismos, para ambos grupos predomina el genotipo RX 48,0% y 49,1% de ACTN3, y DI 68,0% y 41,3% para ECA, en los grupos aeróbico y anaeróbico respectivamente. En el grupo aeróbico se observa una asociación muy alta entre ACTN3 con presilla, verticilo y D10 (r=0,90), en el grupo anaeróbico solo observa asociación alta en presilla (r=0,77), para el gen ECA se observan asociaciones moderadas entre presilla, verticilo y D10 (r=0,45), en el grupo aeróbico. Conclusión: Las características dermatoglíficas pueden estar asociados con la variante alélica del gen ACTN3 (RR) y ECA (DI), para perfiles deportivos de carácter anaeróbico.Ítem Impacto de la actividad física programada sobre el rendimiento motor de preescolares(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2022) Zapata Lamana, Rafael; Cigarroa Cuevas, Igor; Monsalves Álvarez, Matías; Cenzano Castillo, Lizette; Illanes Aguilar, Lucía; Matus-Castillo, Carlos; Poblete-Valderrama, FelipeEl estudio de la relación entre el desarrollo de patrones motores y los niveles de actividad física en la infancia, ha tomado un renovado interés con el objetivo de reorientar las prácticas en este grupo etario. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue comparar el efecto de una intervención de 12 semanas, mediante la ejecución de circuitos de actividad física, sobre el rendimiento motor en preescolares, la muestra seleccionada fue un grupo de niños y niñas de entre 4-6 años, que para efectos de la investigación se dividieron en dos grupos de acuerdo a su estado nutricional: normopeso (n=12) y sobrepeso/obesidad (n=9).Corresponde a un estudio cuantitativo, en el que se evaluó IMC/edad, circunferencia de cintura y rendimiento motor. De acuerdo con los resultados se logró evidenciar que existen mejoras significativas en el rendimiento motor del grupo normopeso, específicamente en el equilibrio, salto y carrera y en el grupo con sobrepeso/obesidad, solo hubo una mejora en la carrera. En conclusión, una intervención de actividad física, mediante circuitos, mejoró el rendimiento motor en la muestra de preescolares, principalmente en el grupo con estado nutricional normal.Ítem Comparative study of the abstraction skill level in undergraduate and graduate students(AUFOP, 2023) Aravena-Gaete, Margarita; Ruete Zuñiga, David; Flores-Noya, Diana; Moncada-Sánchez, JoséHigher thinking skills are one of the premises that higher education organizations are developing through various cognitive strategies, in both undergraduate and postgraduate areas. The main objective of this research is to compare the level of abstraction skill in both level students, to establish thinking strategies of a high cognitive level. A quantitative methodology was used, complemented by descriptive one, statistical design and a classification analysis of 5 experiments programmed in R language, applied to a sample of two teacher training courses in Grandad University, Spain, where a strategy test was implemented (N = 81). The results highlight the good levels of abstraction of the students with an optimal level of 30.9%, a good level of 23.5%, a satisfactory level of 37.0% and an unsatisfactory level of 8.6%. The female gender had better performance with 13.3 points over the male gender. In the case of the Pegagogy Program (undergraduate students), they obtained a better level of abstraction than those of the Master (Postgraduate Program). It is concluded that the strategies used to develop high cognitive levels must be diverse and with a formative intention, and with an explicit teaching of skills and the reason for their use in these teacher training programs. Finally, teachers must be aware that lower cognitive skills are required to achieve higher ones, because abstraction requires previous skills such as analyzing and synthesizing to be able to achieve it. © 2023, AUFOP. All rights reserved.Ítem Economic self-sufficiency and the employment outcomes of care leavers: A 10-year follow up(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2023-08) Zeira, Anat; Refaeli, Tehila; Achdut, Netta; Benbenishty, RamiGaining employment and reaching a stable and self-sufficient livelihood are essential life tasks, especially for young people ageing out of public care. This longitudinal study followed alumni of welfare and educational residential care settings in Israel for 10 years after leaving care. Here, we describe care leavers' employment and economic self-sufficiency outcomes and examine differences over time in their experiences. They were interviewed at the age of 19, 1-year post-care (N = 235), 3 years later (N = 222) and 10 years after ageing out (N = 151). Results paint a mixed picture. While the majority of participants were employed, many in stable jobs, their wages were low even as they grow older. At the same time, they experienced significant economic hardships. For some, economic hardship decreased with time, but for others it remained a cause for concern. Our findings highlight the inherent dependency between experiences at different life stages and suggest that providing more support to care leavers would improve their economic outcomes. © 2022 The Authors. Child & Family Social Work published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Ítem Análisis del desarrollo infantil en escolares de 5 a 6 años de zona rural y urbana de la Región del Bíobío, Chile(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2022) Luna-Villouta, Pablo; Pacheco-Carrillo, Jaime; Matus-Castillo, Carlos; Valdés-Ebner, Martín; Fernández-Vera, Daniela; Castillo-Quezada, Humberto; Flores-Rivera, CarolEl estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las diferencias en el desarrollo infantil en las dimensiones de motricidad, lenguaje, cognición y estado socioemocional en escolares de cinco y seis años pertenecientes a una escuela rural y otra urbana de la región del Biobío en Chile. El estudio fue observacional de corte transversal, con características descriptivas y analíticas. La muestra fue compuesta por 28 escolares de ambos sexos, distribuidos en siete niñas y siete niños de una zona rural (5.7±0.5 años) y siete niñas y siete niños de una zona urbana (5.6±0.6 años), seleccionada de forma no probabilística por conveniencia. Se evaluó el desarrollo infantil por medio del Test de Aprendizaje del Desarrollo Infantil (TADI). Los resultados muestran que existen diferencias significativas en los puntajes promedio de las dimensiones motriz y cognitiva (p˂0.05), con mejores resultados en los escolares de la zona rural. No hubo diferencias significativas en las dimensiones de lenguaje y estado socioemocional (p˃0.05), además se evidencia una relación positiva directa entre las dimensiones motriz y socioemocional para la zona urbana (p˂0.05). Se concluye que existen diferencias significativas en el desarrollo infantil entre los escolares pertenecientes a la zona rural y a la zona urbana, específicamente en las dimensiones motriz y cognitiva, con mejores resultados para los escolares de la zona rural.Ítem Perfil Antropométrico de Futbolistas profesionales de acuerdo a la posición ocupada en el Campo de Juego(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2022) Hernández-Mosqueira, Claudio; Castillo-Quezada, Humberto; Peña-Troncoso, Sebastián; Hermosilla-Palma, Felipe; Pavez-Adasme, Gustavo; da Silva, Sandro Fernandes; Caniuqueo-Vargas, Alexis; Cresp-Barria, Mauricio; González, Hugo Velásquez; Filho, Jose FernandesObjective: Analyze the anthropometric characteristics of Chilean professional soccer players divided according to the position they occupy in the field of play. Method: One hundred and fifty-eight (n = 158) professional soccer players divided into Archers (AR) Defenses (DEF) Volantes (VOL) and Forwards (FOR), with average Age values (24.2 ±4.76 years, body mass 75.0±7.28 kg and height 175.7±6.32 cm.), All belonging to the Ñublense Sports Club of the city of Chillan, Chile. An assessment of the body composition was made using the 5 component fractionation, somatotype, body mass index, sum of six skinfolds and the muscle-bone relationship, following the protocol of the International Society for the Advancements of Kinanthropometry. Results: Regarding body composition, mean values of Adipose Mass = 21.7%, Muscular Mass = 48.9%, Residual Mass = 12.4%, Bone Mass = 11.4% and Skin Mass = 5.2% were obtained. In relation to the somatotype, a balanced mesomorphic classification was obtained with mean values 2.5 - 5.4 - 2.1. Conclusion: According to the position they occupy on the pitch, the professional players of the Ñublense soccer club present a somatotype similar to that of other national and international soccer players, where the balanced mesomorphic component predominates. However, there is an increase in the percentages of adipose mass (AM) and a smaller stature, compared to international soccer players, which can determine clear differences in performance with respect to playing positions in competitive situations. © Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF).Ítem The Subjective Well-Being of Children in Residential Care: Has It Changed in Recent Years?(MDPI, 2022-01) Montserrat, Carme; Llosada-Gistau, Joan; Garcia-Molsosa, Marta; Casas, FerranThe subjective well-being of children in residential care is a relevant issue given the practical implications for improving the lives of these children who live in contexts of vulnerability. The question addressed in this respect was: “How does this well-being change over the years”? Thus, the aim of this study was to compare the subjective well-being displayed by adolescents aged 11–14 in residential care in Catalonia (north-eastern Spain) in 2014 to that displayed by adolescents in residential care in 2020. To this end, 572 responses to a questionnaire adapted from the Children’s Worlds project (364 from 2014 and 208 from 2020) were analysed with respect to the life satisfaction items. In both 2014 and 2020, the questionnaires had the same wording, and data were disaggregated by gender. No significant differences in means were observed between most of the life satisfaction items in 2014 and 2020, with the exception of satisfaction with friends and classmates and the area where you live, with lower means for these items in 2020. There is a discussion of the possible influence of COVID-19 on these results, while the overall stability of these children’s subjective well-being over the years is highlighted. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Ítem Physiological Response and Sports Injury Risk Relevant Biomechanics in Endurance Obstacle Course Races(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-10) Rey-Mota, Jorge; Álvarez, David Martín-Caro; Onate-Figuérez, Ana; Yañez-Sepúlveda, Rodrigo; Clemente-Suárez, Vicente JavierObstacle course races (OCR) have experienced significant growth in recent years, with millions of participants worldwide. However, there is limited research on the specific physiological demands and injury prevention strategies required for these events. This study aimed to analyze the physiological responses and injury risks in participants of a 5 km (Sprint) and 13 km (Super) OCR. Sixty-eight participants were assessed for cortical arousal, leg strength, isometric handgrip strength, blood lactate, heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, body temperature, urine composition, spirometry values, hamstring flexibility, lower limb stability, foot biomechanics, and scapular kinematics, one hour before and immediately after the races. The results showed a significant decrease in leg strength (Sprint: r = −0.56, p < 0.01; Super: r = −0.54, p = 0.01) and urine pH (Sprint: r = −0.70, p = 0.03; Super: r = −0.67, p = 0.01) in both distances, with increases in urine colour, protein, and glucose (Sprint: p < 0.04). In the 13 km race, lower limb stability decreased significantly post-race (r = −0.53, p = 0.01). Positive correlations were found between performance and pre-race handgrip strength (Sprint: r = 0.71, p = 0.001; Super: r = 0.72, p = 0.01) and spirometry values (FVC, FEF 25–75%, FEV1) (Sprint: r = 0.52, p = 0.031; Super: r = 0.48, p = 0.035). Thermoregulation capacity, reflected in a higher pre-race body temperature and lower post-race body temperature, also correlated with improved performance (r = 0.49, p = 0.046). Injury risk increased post-race, with a significant decline in lower limb stability (p < 0.05). These findings highlight the importance of targeted training programs, focusing on grip strength, leg strength, respiratory muscle training, and hydration strategies to optimize performance and reduce injury risk in OCR athletes.Ítem The effects of physical activity on white matter microstructure in children with overweight or obesity: The ActiveBrains randomized clinical trial(Elsevier B.V., 2024-01) Rodriguez-Ayllon, Maria; Verdejo-Roman, Juan; Lesnovskaya, Alina; Mora-Gonzalez, Jose; Solis-Urra, Patricio; Catena, Andrés; Erickson, Kirk I.; Ortega, Francisco B; Esteban-Cornejo, IreneBackground: Emerging research supports the idea that physical activity benefits brain development. However, the body of evidence focused on understanding the effects of physical activity on white matter microstructure during childhood is still in its infancy, and further well-designed randomized clinical trials are needed. Aim: This study aimed: (i) to investigate the effects of a 20-week physical activity intervention on global white matter microstructure in children with overweight or obesity, and (ii) to explore whether the effect of physical activity on white matter microstructure is global or restricted to a particular set of white matter bundles. Methods: In total, 109 children aged 8 to 11 years with overweight or obesity were randomized and allocated to either the physical activity program or the control group. Data were collected from November 2014 to June 2016, with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data processing and analyses conducted between June 2017 and November 2021. Images were pre-processed using the Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the Brain´s Software Library (FSL) and white matter properties were explored by probabilistic fiber tractography and tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS). Results: Intention-to-treat analyses were performed for all children who completed the pre-test and post-test DTI assessment, with good quality DTI data (N = 89). Of them, 83 children (10.06±1.11 years, 39 % girls, intervention group=44) met the per-protocol criteria (attended at least 70 % of the recommended sessions). Our probabilistic fiber tractography analysis did not show any effects in terms of global and tract-specific fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) in the per-protocol or intention-to-treat analyses. Additionally, we did not observe any effects on the voxel-wise DTI parameters (i.e., FA and MD) using the most restricted TBSS approach (i.e., per protocol analyses and p-corrected image with a statistical threshold of p < 0.05). In the intention-to-treat analysis, we found that our physical activity program had a borderline effect (p-corrected image with a statistical threshold of p < 0.1) on 7 different clusters, including a cluster in the corpus callosum. Conclusion: We conclude that a 20-week physical activity intervention was not enough to induce changes in global and tract-specific white matter during childhood. The effects of physical activity on white matter microstructure could be restricted to local changes in several white matter tracts (e.g., the body of the corpus callosum). However, our results were not significant, and more interventions are needed to determine whether and how physical activity affects white matter microstructure during childhood. © 2023 The AuthorsÍtem BELIEFS OF PRE-SERVICE AND IN-SERVICE TEACHERS ABOUT EDUCATION WITH A GENDER IDENTITY PERSPECTIVE(UNIVERSIDADE FEEVALE, 2023) Mendoza Lira, Michelle; Standen Lillo, Kristen; Pinto Lillo, JavieraThe recognition of and respect for gender diversity has become an important challenge for the educational system. The following research aimed to understand the beliefs of teachers in training and in practice about education with a gender identity perspective. For this purpose, and from a qualitative phenomenological approach, ten semi-structured interviews were conducted: five with teachers in training and five with practicing teachers, all of them with educational experiences with students from the LGBTQ+ community. Four categories emerged from the interviews analyzed through qualitative content analysis: (1) Definition of gender identity; (2) Student profile; (3) Incorporation of gender identity in the classroom; and (4) Training in education with a gender identity perspective. The main findings reveal positive beliefs regarding education with a gender identity approach, associated with the conviction that the collaborative work of the school community is essential for a paradigm shift. However, there is a lack of theoretical and practical resources that meet the educational needs of LGBTQ+ students. It is concluded that there is a need to establish training spaces in this area both for teachers in training and in practice, in order to move towards an egalitarian, fair and inclusive education. © 2023 UNIVERSIDADE FEEVALEÂ. All rights reserved.