Descripción de parámetros objetivos de succión no nutritiva en niños de 1 y 6 meses con desarrollo neurotípico, atendidos en el centro de responsabilidad del niño en la unidad de fonoaudiología del hospital Sótero del Río
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Los trastornos de la succión en lactantes y prematuros hospitalizados son frecuentes, lo cual es un criterio a la hora de otorgar el alta médica, ya que se debe
asegurar su nutrición e hidratación. Hoy, la succión en lactantes se mide a través de la observación subjetiva de un fonoaudiólogo experto y no existen datos nacionales objetivos, que entreguen parámetros de normalidad para comparar, ni equipos que midan y apoyen la evaluación clínica sobre este proceso neuromuscular escenacial para la supervivencia. Objetivo: Describir los parámetros objetivos de Succión No Nutritiva (SNN) en un grupo de niños de desarrollo neurotípico entre 1 y 6 meses de edad, comparando esto con un parámetro de rendimiento funcional de succión no nutritiva utilizado en la práctica clínica
actual para el mismo grupo de niños. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, con estrategia de muestreo no probabilística por conveniencia, donde se evaluaron 11 niños lactantes entre 1 y 6 meses de edad cronológica, con desarrollo neurotípico, que asistieron a control con el fonoaudiólogo en el Centro de Responsabilidad del Niño de forma ambulatoria, en el Hospital Sótero del Río en Santiago de Chile. Se describió la SNN por medio de un dispositivo que mide las
presiones de succión y expresión, llamado “succionómetro”, luego se describió la SNN en base a los estadios de succión propuestos por Lau para el mismo grupo de sujetos y finalmente se compararon estos resultados. Resultados y conclusiones: Se observó que tanto la succión como la expresión de peaks promedio cada 10 segundos de la señal, tuvo una significancia estadística de p < 0,05 con los estadios de Lau 1b y 3b. Se aprecia también, que se hay que incluir variables nuevas en futuros estudios, como el tipo de lactancia de los sujetos del estudio y aumentar el “n” para obtener verdadera evidencia sobre los datos objetivos de SNN.
Suction disorders in hospitalized infants and premature infants are frequent, which is a criterion when granting medical discharge, since their nutrition and hydration must be ensured. Today, suckling in infants is measured through the subjective observation of an expert speech therapist and there are noobjective national data that provide normality parameters to compare, or equipment that measures and supports the clinical evaluation of this scene neuromuscular process for survival . Objective: Describe the objective parameters of Non Nutritive Sucking (SNN) in a group of neurodevelopmental children between 1 and 6 months of age, comparing this with a non-nutritive sucking functional performance parameter used in current clinical practice for the same group. children's. Methodology: Descriptive study, with a non-probabilistic sampling strategy for convenience, where 11 infants between 1 and 6 months of chronological age were evaluated, with neurotypical development, who attended a control with the speech pathologist at the Child Responsibility Center on an outpatient basis, in the Sótero del Río Hospital in Santiago de Chile. SNN was described by means of a device that measures suction and expression pressures, called a “suctionometer”, then SNN was described based on the suction stages proposed by Lau for the same group of subjects and finally these results were compared . Results and conclusions: It was observed that both the suction and the expression of average peaks every 10 seconds of the signal had a statistical significance of p <0.05 with the Lau stages 1b and 3b. It is also appreciated that new variables must be included in future studies, such as the type of breastfeeding of the study subjects and increase the "n" to obtain true evidence on the objective data of SNN.
Suction disorders in hospitalized infants and premature infants are frequent, which is a criterion when granting medical discharge, since their nutrition and hydration must be ensured. Today, suckling in infants is measured through the subjective observation of an expert speech therapist and there are noobjective national data that provide normality parameters to compare, or equipment that measures and supports the clinical evaluation of this scene neuromuscular process for survival . Objective: Describe the objective parameters of Non Nutritive Sucking (SNN) in a group of neurodevelopmental children between 1 and 6 months of age, comparing this with a non-nutritive sucking functional performance parameter used in current clinical practice for the same group. children's. Methodology: Descriptive study, with a non-probabilistic sampling strategy for convenience, where 11 infants between 1 and 6 months of chronological age were evaluated, with neurotypical development, who attended a control with the speech pathologist at the Child Responsibility Center on an outpatient basis, in the Sótero del Río Hospital in Santiago de Chile. SNN was described by means of a device that measures suction and expression pressures, called a “suctionometer”, then SNN was described based on the suction stages proposed by Lau for the same group of subjects and finally these results were compared . Results and conclusions: It was observed that both the suction and the expression of average peaks every 10 seconds of the signal had a statistical significance of p <0.05 with the Lau stages 1b and 3b. It is also appreciated that new variables must be included in future studies, such as the type of breastfeeding of the study subjects and increase the "n" to obtain true evidence on the objective data of SNN.
Tesis de (Magíster en Neurorrehabilitación)
Palabras clave
Neonato, Lactancia