Estado del arte del procesamiento de residuos electrónicos en Chile; una mirada social, económica y ambiental desde la metalurgia
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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El presente estudio fue desarrollado en base a la realidad de los equipos eléctricos y
electrónicos y los residuos que se generan al término su vida útil, exponiendo antecedentes a nivel
global y nacional en el marco de la legislación vigente en las distintas regiones internacionales y
su aplicación, además del rol gubernamental y el desarrollo tecnológico para el procesamiento de
los residuos, relacionado estos conceptos a la realidad nacional de Chile para su análisis. Esta
metodología esclarece la problemática inherente a la generación de residuos electrónicos o
e-waste, dando a conocer que desde 2009 a la fecha se han generado cerca de 1/3 de los residuos
que se ha generado en toda la historia, alcanzando 48 kt globalmente, donde su aumento, que
seguirá, conlleva a daños de distinto tipo a las personas y al medio ambiente, ya sea por su
disposición final inadecuada o producto del procesamiento informal, detallando aquí los daños
producidos, las condiciones y utilidades que cumplen estas especies en los e-waste.
Se concluye que, para un cambio cultural como punto de partida, es necesario considerar
que en el aspecto social se integran tres ejes; el ambiental, el educacional y el participativo, para
de esta forma efectivizarlo a través de una aplicación económica, teniendo por factor clave su
rentabilidad: una recolección selectiva masificada. Chile genera 9,9 kg/hab de e-waste al año,
posicionándose en primer lugar en kg/hab de Latino América, región que aumentará su
generación de e-waste a una mayor tasa que el resto de las regiones del mundo, con un 6% y un
5% respectivamente desde 2014 a 2018. Ya para el año 2014 Chile perdió 150 mil ochocientos
setenta millones de pesos aproximadamente, resultando una oportunidad de negocio aplicable a
la realidad nacional por su conocimiento extractivo, que en esencia sigue los mismos lineamientos
del procesamiento de e-waste, sumando a estar regido al Convenio de Basilea, pudiendo adquirir
los residuos de sus países vecinos en una eventual necesidad de flujos para comercialización.
Actualmente 4 de las 5 principales empresas nacionales dedicadas a la gestión de e-waste, trabajan
en la primera etapa de la cadena de reciclaje, desmantelamiento y clasificación para exportación
de componentes valorizables, sin embargo, no realizan recuperación metalúrgica como acá se
describe y propone bajo sus distintas metodologías, salvo una de ellas. Otra oportunidad a partir
de los residuos para recuperación de especies y valorización energética según la jerarquía de
reciclaje es la iniciativa “Waste to Energy”, alternativa propuesta para las Regiones de Los Lagos
Aysén y Magallanes, dando solución a sus problemáticas ambientales y energéticas, fortaleciendo
estas propuestas bajo la entrante “etapa de transición” en la que el país se encuentra respecto al
reciclaje, con la entrada en vigencia de la ley 20.920 y el Reglamento de Fondo Para el Reciclaje.
The present study was developed based on the reality of the EEE and the waste generated at the end of their useful life, exposing global and national background in the framework of the legislation in force in the different international regions and its application, in addition to the governmental role and technological development for waste processing, related these concepts to the national reality of Chile for analysis. This methodology clarifies the inherent problem to the generation of electronic waste or e-waste, revealing that from 2009 to date have been generated about 1/3 of the waste that has been generated throughout history, reaching 48 kt globally , where the indiscriminate increase that will follow, leads to damages of different types to people and the environment, either due to its inadequate final disposal or product of informal processing, detailing here the damages produced, the conditions and utilities that these species fulfill in the e-waste. In conclusion, for a cultural change as a starting point, it is necessary to consider that in the social aspect three axes are integrated; environmental, educational and participatory, in order to make it effective through an economic application, having as a key factor its profitability: a selective mass collection. Chile generates 9.9 kg / inhabitant of e-waste per year, ranking first in kg / inhabitant of Latin America, a region that will increase its generation of e-waste at a higher rate than the rest of the world's regions, with By 2014, Chile lost 150 thousand eight hundred and seventy million pesos approximately, resulting in a business opportunity applicable to the national reality due to its extractive knowledge, which essentially follows the same e-waste processing guidelines, in addition to being governed by the Basel Convention, being able to acquire waste from its neighboring countries in a possible need for flows for commercialization. Currently 4 of the 5 leading national companies dedicated to the management of e-waste, work in the first stage of the chain of recycling, dismantling and classification for exporting of recoverable components, however, they don´t perform metallurgical recovery how it is described here and proposes under its different methodologies, except one of them. Another opportunity from the waste for recovery of species and energy recovery according to the recycling hierarchy is the "Waste to Energy" initiative, an alternative proposed for the Aysén and Magallanes Lakes Regions, providing a solution to their environmental and energy problems, strengthening These proposals under the incoming "transition stage" in which the country is in respect to recycling, with the entry into force of the law 20,920 and the Regulation of Recycling Fund.
The present study was developed based on the reality of the EEE and the waste generated at the end of their useful life, exposing global and national background in the framework of the legislation in force in the different international regions and its application, in addition to the governmental role and technological development for waste processing, related these concepts to the national reality of Chile for analysis. This methodology clarifies the inherent problem to the generation of electronic waste or e-waste, revealing that from 2009 to date have been generated about 1/3 of the waste that has been generated throughout history, reaching 48 kt globally , where the indiscriminate increase that will follow, leads to damages of different types to people and the environment, either due to its inadequate final disposal or product of informal processing, detailing here the damages produced, the conditions and utilities that these species fulfill in the e-waste. In conclusion, for a cultural change as a starting point, it is necessary to consider that in the social aspect three axes are integrated; environmental, educational and participatory, in order to make it effective through an economic application, having as a key factor its profitability: a selective mass collection. Chile generates 9.9 kg / inhabitant of e-waste per year, ranking first in kg / inhabitant of Latin America, a region that will increase its generation of e-waste at a higher rate than the rest of the world's regions, with By 2014, Chile lost 150 thousand eight hundred and seventy million pesos approximately, resulting in a business opportunity applicable to the national reality due to its extractive knowledge, which essentially follows the same e-waste processing guidelines, in addition to being governed by the Basel Convention, being able to acquire waste from its neighboring countries in a possible need for flows for commercialization. Currently 4 of the 5 leading national companies dedicated to the management of e-waste, work in the first stage of the chain of recycling, dismantling and classification for exporting of recoverable components, however, they don´t perform metallurgical recovery how it is described here and proposes under its different methodologies, except one of them. Another opportunity from the waste for recovery of species and energy recovery according to the recycling hierarchy is the "Waste to Energy" initiative, an alternative proposed for the Aysén and Magallanes Lakes Regions, providing a solution to their environmental and energy problems, strengthening These proposals under the incoming "transition stage" in which the country is in respect to recycling, with the entry into force of the law 20,920 and the Regulation of Recycling Fund.
Tesis (Ingeniero Civil en Metalurgia)
Palabras clave
Desechos Electrónicos, Aspectos Económicos, Aspectos Ambientales, Aspectos Sociales