Evaluación geotécnica, ambiental y mecánica de escoria de aceria CAP para uso emprestito de pilas de grava compacta
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
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El área de la geotecnia, relacionada a la construcción de estructuras de gran
envergadura, requiere generalmente algún tipo de mejoramiento de los suelos donde se
fundarán. Uno de los métodos utilizados es el de pilas de grava compacta, cimentaciones
de apoyo como refuerzo del suelo vertical, metodología de excelente desempeño y de
gran confiabilidad, a menor costo que los pilotes tradicionales. Sin embargo, dicho
método requiere la utilización de gran cantidad de grava, cuya producción, quiérase o no,
junto con resultar onerosa, es poco amigable con el medioambiente.
La compañía siderúrgica, fuente primordial de trabajo en la zona, la cual genero el último
año una producción de 775.000 toneladas de acero en chile (cap, 2018), genera en
paralelo subproductos o desechos en su producción principal, entre los que destacan la
escoria de acería. La presente tesis tiene por finalidad poder caracterizar la escoria de
acería proveniente de la compañía siderúrgica CAP para su uso como empréstito en la
generación de pilas de grava compacta.
Durante la investigación se determina las propiedades geotécnicas, ambientales y
mecánicas. Con el fin conocer el comportamiento geotécnico, los ensayos medio
ambientales y determinar si la escoria de acería no presenta sustancias nocivas para el
medio ambiente y establecer el comportamiento de la escoria como uso empréstito de
reemplazo mediante método de vibro sustitución. Finalmente se entrega
recomendaciones sobre el uso de la escoria, ya que presentan un comportamiento
favorable para el mejoramiento de suelos.
The geotechnical area, related to the construction of large-scale structures, generally requires some kind of improvement of the soils where they will be founded. One of the methods used is that of compact gravel piles, support foundations such as vertical ground reinforcement, excellent performance methodology and high reliability, at a lower cost than traditional piles. However, this method requires the use of a large amount of gravel, whose production, whether you like it or not, together with being burdensome, is unfriendly to the environment. The steel company, the primary source of work in the area, which last year generated a production of 775,000 tons of steel in Chile (cap, 2018), generates by-products or wastes in parallel in its main production, among which the slag Steelworks The purpose of this thesis is to characterize the steel slag from the steel company CAP for use as a loan in the generation of compact gravel piles. During the investigation the geotechnical, environmental and mechanical properties are determined. In order to know the geotechnical behavior, the environmental tests and determine if the steel slag does not present substances harmful to the environment and establish the behavior of the slag as a borrowed use. Finally, recommendations are given on the use of slag, since they have a favorable behavior for soil improvement.
The geotechnical area, related to the construction of large-scale structures, generally requires some kind of improvement of the soils where they will be founded. One of the methods used is that of compact gravel piles, support foundations such as vertical ground reinforcement, excellent performance methodology and high reliability, at a lower cost than traditional piles. However, this method requires the use of a large amount of gravel, whose production, whether you like it or not, together with being burdensome, is unfriendly to the environment. The steel company, the primary source of work in the area, which last year generated a production of 775,000 tons of steel in Chile (cap, 2018), generates by-products or wastes in parallel in its main production, among which the slag Steelworks The purpose of this thesis is to characterize the steel slag from the steel company CAP for use as a loan in the generation of compact gravel piles. During the investigation the geotechnical, environmental and mechanical properties are determined. In order to know the geotechnical behavior, the environmental tests and determine if the steel slag does not present substances harmful to the environment and establish the behavior of the slag as a borrowed use. Finally, recommendations are given on the use of slag, since they have a favorable behavior for soil improvement.
Proyecto de título (Ingeniero Civil)
Palabras clave
Escorias de Acero, Aspectos Sociales, Evaluación, Cimientos, Mecánica de Rocas