La inconsciencia de lo que nos estructura: resolución de conflictos en parejas heterosexuales entre 21 y 29 años de clase alta en Viña del Mar; la emergencia de la violencia de género en la gestión emocional
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
En este estudio se indagará la forma en que emerge la violencia de género desde
la gestión emocional de parejas heterosexuales dentro del marco de la resolución
de conflictos. Estas parejas poseerán al menos un año de duración, y se hallarán
entre los 21 y 29 años de edad, perteneciendo a la clase alta de Viña del Mar, Chile.
A tal fin, la concepción de la violencia de género se comprenderá como la violencia
física o psicológica ejercida desde un género hacia el otro, entendiendo que los
elementos socioculturales influyen y configuran los modos de comportamiento y
relacionales que construyen hombres y mujeres. En este sentido, el abordaje
epistemológico será desde el constructivismo crítico – dialectico, empleando un
análisis narrativo de la información producida por las entrevistas episódicas y los
materiales audiovisuales. Esto, estará sujeto hacia dos fines de la presente
investigación: por un lado el visibilizar los aspectos patriarcales y capitalistas que
configuran las competencias emocionales dentro del imaginario hegemónico del
amor romántico en el que se hallan sustentadas; y por otro, establecer categorías entre las formas en que se presenta la violencia de género de acuerdo a sus
estereotipos y la gestión emocional de las personas entrevistadas.
In this study will investigate the way in which gender violence emerges from the emotional management of heterosexual couples within the framework of conflict resolution. These couples will have at least one year's duration and will be between 21 and 29 years of age, belonging to the upper class of Viña del Mar, Chile. To this end, the conception of gender violence will be understood as the physical or psychological violence exerted from one gender to the other, understanding that the sociocultural elements influence and shape the modes of behavior and relations that construct men and women. In this sense, the epistemological approach will be critical constructivism - dialectic, using a narrative analysis of the information produced by episodic interviews and audiovisual materials. This will be subject to two purposes of the present investigation: on the one hand the visibility of the patriarchal and capitalist aspects that shape the emotional competencies within the hegemonic imaginary of romantic love in which they are sustained; and on the other, to establish categories of the forms in which gender violence is presented according to their stereotypes and the emotional management of the persons interviewed.
In this study will investigate the way in which gender violence emerges from the emotional management of heterosexual couples within the framework of conflict resolution. These couples will have at least one year's duration and will be between 21 and 29 years of age, belonging to the upper class of Viña del Mar, Chile. To this end, the conception of gender violence will be understood as the physical or psychological violence exerted from one gender to the other, understanding that the sociocultural elements influence and shape the modes of behavior and relations that construct men and women. In this sense, the epistemological approach will be critical constructivism - dialectic, using a narrative analysis of the information produced by episodic interviews and audiovisual materials. This will be subject to two purposes of the present investigation: on the one hand the visibility of the patriarchal and capitalist aspects that shape the emotional competencies within the hegemonic imaginary of romantic love in which they are sustained; and on the other, to establish categories of the forms in which gender violence is presented according to their stereotypes and the emotional management of the persons interviewed.
Tesis (Magíster en Psicología Clínica, mención Social-Jurídica)
Palabras clave
Relación de Pareja, Solución de Conflictos, Aspectos Psicológicos, Aspectos Económicos, Violencia Contra las Mujeres