CaracterizaciĆ³n de la distribuciĆ³n de temperaturas en el lago Llanquihue para periodos de cambio estacional (18/10/2021-29/05/2022)
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Este trabajo corresponde a una caracterizaciĆ³n de la distribuciĆ³n espacial y temporal de
temperaturas al interior del lago Llanquihue. Para lograr esto, se empleĆ³ el modelo
numĆ©rico tridimensional semi implĆcito SI3D, una herramienta que permite cuantificar
temperaturas, velocidad de corrientes y tasas de transporte a lo largo de la columna
vertical de agua. Se analizaron las temperaturas en dos etapas con periodos de tiempo y
puntos seleccionados estratĆ©gicamente. La primera etapa abarcĆ³ desde el 18 de octubre
de 2021 hasta el 29 de mayo de 2022, con Ć©nfasis en cuatro puntos especĆficos del lago
mientras que en la segunda etapa se analizaron los periodos del 01 de diciembre de 2021
al 01 de febrero de 2022, y del 01 de marzo al 01 de mayo de 2022 y se definieron 10
puntos de estudio, segĆŗn un perfil transversal del lago, basado en una investigaciĆ³n muy
reciente realizada por Abarca et al. (2023), y considerando la direcciĆ³n promedio del
viento en el lago.
De los resultados numƩricos se deducen las tasas diarias de cambio de temperatura al
interior del lago Llanquihue, asĆ como el cambio temporal de la profundidad del epilimnion,
relevante para entender los procesos de mezcla que ocurren en el lago.
This work corresponds to a characterization of the spatial and temporal distribution of temperatures within Lake Llanquihue. To achieve this, the semi-implicit three-dimensional numerical model SI3D was used, a tool that allows quantifying temperatures, current speeds and transport rates along the vertical water column. Temperatures were analyzed in two stages with strategically selected time periods and points. The first stage covered from October 18, 2021 to May 29, 2022, with an emphasis on four specific points of the lake, while in the second stage the periods of December 1, 2021 to February 1, 2022, and March 1 to May 1, 2022 were analyzed and 10 study points were defined, according to a transversal profile of the lake, based on a very recent research carried out by Abarca et al. (2023), and considering the average wind direction in the lake. From the numerical results, the daily rates of change of temperature within Lake Llanquihue are deduced, as well as the temporal change in the depth of the epilimnion, relevant to understand the mixing processes that occur in the lake.
This work corresponds to a characterization of the spatial and temporal distribution of temperatures within Lake Llanquihue. To achieve this, the semi-implicit three-dimensional numerical model SI3D was used, a tool that allows quantifying temperatures, current speeds and transport rates along the vertical water column. Temperatures were analyzed in two stages with strategically selected time periods and points. The first stage covered from October 18, 2021 to May 29, 2022, with an emphasis on four specific points of the lake, while in the second stage the periods of December 1, 2021 to February 1, 2022, and March 1 to May 1, 2022 were analyzed and 10 study points were defined, according to a transversal profile of the lake, based on a very recent research carried out by Abarca et al. (2023), and considering the average wind direction in the lake. From the numerical results, the daily rates of change of temperature within Lake Llanquihue are deduced, as well as the temporal change in the depth of the epilimnion, relevant to understand the mixing processes that occur in the lake.
Proyecto de tĆtulo (Ingeniero Civil)
Palabras clave
Temperatura, Modelos MatemƔticos, HidrodinƔmica, Chile, Lago Llanquihue