Puente de adherencia epoxi para juntas de hormigón en obra
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
En esta memoria se analizan las resistencias a compresión de estructuras de hormigón que presentan juntas tratadas con puente de adherencia epoxi, para el tipo de uniones entre hormigón endurecido y hormigón fresco. Con este estudio se pretende informar al lector dando a conocer entre diversos aspectos las ventajas, limitantes, cuidados y comportamientos de estos productos.
Los casos que se estudian a continuación, se basan en situaciones que suelen ocurrir en una obra al aplicar productos para puentes de adherencia. Para el desarrollo de estos casos, los ensayes se rigen por las normativas ASTM C881/C 881 M -02 y C882 - 99.
Los resultados obtenidos, muestran el comportamiento de las juntas al ir variando factores tales como el tiempo de exposición, método de aplicación, y el tipo de superficie de contacto, entre varios otros casos.
Es importante destacar que cada puente de adherencia posee características particulares según las necesidades que debe satisfacer, por lo que los resultados que aquí se exponen son válidos sólo para este producto. Sin embargo, la variación de los factores que se analizan, son de gran utilidad a modo de ejemplificación general del comportamiento de este tipo de productos.
This study analyzes the resistance of concrete joints treated with epoxy resins and tested by compression methods, for bonding freshly mixed concrete to hardened concrete. The purpose of this subject is to understand the advantages, limits, cares and behaviours of the epoxy resins. This study is based in the different situations that can be found in construction work when an epoxy resin is needed. The control of all the process will be guided by the ASTM C881/C, 881 M -02 and C882 -99 regulations. The results of these tests shows how the modification of sorne factors provokes variations in the resistance, factors like exposure time, application process, contact surface, and others ones. lt is very important so realize that each product has its own characteristics depending on the requirements, thus the results of these tests are applicable just for this product. However those results can be useful examples about the general behaviour of these kinds of resins.
This study analyzes the resistance of concrete joints treated with epoxy resins and tested by compression methods, for bonding freshly mixed concrete to hardened concrete. The purpose of this subject is to understand the advantages, limits, cares and behaviours of the epoxy resins. This study is based in the different situations that can be found in construction work when an epoxy resin is needed. The control of all the process will be guided by the ASTM C881/C, 881 M -02 and C882 -99 regulations. The results of these tests shows how the modification of sorne factors provokes variations in the resistance, factors like exposure time, application process, contact surface, and others ones. lt is very important so realize that each product has its own characteristics depending on the requirements, thus the results of these tests are applicable just for this product. However those results can be useful examples about the general behaviour of these kinds of resins.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Hormigón Armado Pruebas