Proyecto de gestión pedagógica para el desarrollo integral de la escuela King´s School
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La nueva realidad que está emergiendo como resultado de los fenómenos
de la globalización, masificación de las tecnologías de la información y,
específicamente, la sociedad del conocimiento, tiene como característica ser cada
vez más compleja ,incierta, competitiva y dinámica, donde los procesos de
transformación política ,social, cultural, económica e institucional son cada vez
más veloces y altamente dependientes de nuevos factores intangibles como el
conocimiento ,la sensibilidad, los valores y la innovación.
En este contexto, es necesario comprender que existe una fuerte relación
entre educación-sociedad, debido a que la educación colabora con el crecimiento
de la sociedad y la sociedad también contribuye con el crecimiento del individuo,
por lo tanto se crean múltiples interrelaciones de carácter complejo. Dada esta
situación de complejidad, es necesario poseer diferentes saberes, para tener éxito
en la sociedad imperante, respondiendo a los nuevos desafíos que nos platea el
desarrollo de la humanidad. Dada esta situación de complejidad, también se suma
la creciente demanda de calidad para las instituciones educativas, es por esto que
surge como una opción innovadora, la creación de un proyecto que establezca
una transformación de las escuelas en organizaciones de aprendizaje continuo. El
objetivo es crear un Proyecto de Gestión Pedagógica para el desarrollo
organizacional del Colegio King´s School San Bernardo, sustentado en un enfoque
de mejora continua, basado en un sistema que apunta al desarrollo integral de la
escuela, perfeccionando sus procesos de gestión interna, elevando el nivel de
desarrollo de la Institución. El establecimiento educacional debe poseer un
enfoque de optimización, con una visión integral y de carácter endógeno, es decir,
ser considerados como un sistema que gestiona estratégicamente sus procesos
para alcanzar el desarrollo organizacional que requiere el nuevo contexto
The new reality that is emerging as a result of globalization phenomenon, massification of information technologies and, specifically, the knowledge society, has the characteristic of becoming increasingly complex, uncertain, competitive and dynamic, where the processes of political, social, cultural, economic and institutional transformation are increasingly to fast and highly dependent on new intangible factors such as knowledge, sensitivity, values and innovation. In this context, it is necessary to understand that there is a strong relationship between education and society, because education collaborates with the growth of society and society also contributes to the growth of the individual, so it creates multiple interrelations of a complex nature. Given this situation of complexity, it is necessary to have different knowledges, to be successful in the prevailing society, responding to the new challenges seting out by the development of humanity. Given this situation of complexity, there is also the growing demand of quality for educational institutions, which is why it emerges as an innovative option, the creation of a project that establishes a transformation of schools into organizations of continuous learning. The objective is to create a Pedagogical Management Project for the organizational development of San Bernardo King's School, supporting on a continuous improvement approach and based on a system that indicates an integral development of the school, improving its internal management processes, raising the level of development of the Institution. The educational school must have an optimization approach, with an integral and endogenous vision, so this is to be considered as a system that strategically manages its processes to achieve the organizational development required by the new educational context.
The new reality that is emerging as a result of globalization phenomenon, massification of information technologies and, specifically, the knowledge society, has the characteristic of becoming increasingly complex, uncertain, competitive and dynamic, where the processes of political, social, cultural, economic and institutional transformation are increasingly to fast and highly dependent on new intangible factors such as knowledge, sensitivity, values and innovation. In this context, it is necessary to understand that there is a strong relationship between education and society, because education collaborates with the growth of society and society also contributes to the growth of the individual, so it creates multiple interrelations of a complex nature. Given this situation of complexity, it is necessary to have different knowledges, to be successful in the prevailing society, responding to the new challenges seting out by the development of humanity. Given this situation of complexity, there is also the growing demand of quality for educational institutions, which is why it emerges as an innovative option, the creation of a project that establishes a transformation of schools into organizations of continuous learning. The objective is to create a Pedagogical Management Project for the organizational development of San Bernardo King's School, supporting on a continuous improvement approach and based on a system that indicates an integral development of the school, improving its internal management processes, raising the level of development of the Institution. The educational school must have an optimization approach, with an integral and endogenous vision, so this is to be considered as a system that strategically manages its processes to achieve the organizational development required by the new educational context.
Informe de Investigación (Magíster en Gestión Pedagógica y Curricular)
Palabras clave
Mejoramiento de la Educación, Administración Educacional, Chile, San Bernardo