Efecto abrasivo de las pastas dentales sobre la superficie de las resinas compuestas.
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Este estudio in vitro, comparo el efecto producido por el cepillado, con diversas composiciones de pastas dentales, sobre la superficie de 2 resinas compuestas microhíbridas y 3 resinas compuestas de contenido nanométrico.
Para esto se confeccionaron 25 discos de resina compuesta, 5 de cada marca. Dando en total 50 superficies disponibles para el estudio. Los discos se estandarizaron a 1,6mm de alto y 15mm de diámetro. Estas muestras fueron separadas en 4 grupos a los que se les asigno un tipo de pasta dental. Un disco de cada marca actuó como control, donde uno de sus lados se mantuvo intacto mientras que por el otro lado se aplico un ciclo de cepillado de 50.000 oscilaciones. A las 20 muestras restantes se le aplico a cada una, un ciclo de cepillado de 10.000 y 50.000 oscilaciones respectivamente con cada pasta asignada. Luego las muestras fueron fotografiadas mediante un sistema de incidencia laser capaz de generar imágenes que fueron captadas por una cámara CCD. Estas imágenes fueron procesadas por un software que generar un grafico 3D de las zonas más representativas de la muestra, determinado por el grado de luminosidad que presenta. Debido a que el grafico se compone de pixeles, y estos pixeles tienen una medida promedio, se puede determinar el grado de profundidad de la abrasión generada en las muestras.
Los resultados obtenidos determinaron que la resina compuesta Voco Grandio presentó los menores valores de pérdida de reflexión de luz, hecho que se traduce en una menor profundidad de abrasión.
This in vitro study, compare the effect produced by brushing with various compositions of toothpaste, on the surface of 2 composite resins microhíbridas and 3 composite resins content of the nanometric. This will confeccionaron 25 disks resin composite, 5 far each brand. Giving total of 50 surfaces available far the study. The disks were standardized to 1.6 mm high and 15mm in diameter. These samples were separated into 4 groups to which they attach a type of toothpaste. A record of each brand acted as a control, where one side remained intact while on the other hand, apply a cycle brushing 50,000 oscillations. At 20 samples remaining was applied to each, a cycle of brushing 10,000 and 50,000 oscillations respectively with each assigned paste. Then the samples were photographed by a system of incidence laser capable of generating images were captured by a CCD camera. These images were processed by software to generate a graphical 3D of the most representative sample, determined by the degree of brightness presented. Because the plot is composed of pixels, and these pixels are a measure average, we can determine the degree of depth of abrasion generated in the samples. According to the results determined that the resin composite Vaco Grandio presenting the lowest percentages of loss of reflection of light, which translates into a lower depth of abrasion.
This in vitro study, compare the effect produced by brushing with various compositions of toothpaste, on the surface of 2 composite resins microhíbridas and 3 composite resins content of the nanometric. This will confeccionaron 25 disks resin composite, 5 far each brand. Giving total of 50 surfaces available far the study. The disks were standardized to 1.6 mm high and 15mm in diameter. These samples were separated into 4 groups to which they attach a type of toothpaste. A record of each brand acted as a control, where one side remained intact while on the other hand, apply a cycle brushing 50,000 oscillations. At 20 samples remaining was applied to each, a cycle of brushing 10,000 and 50,000 oscillations respectively with each assigned paste. Then the samples were photographed by a system of incidence laser capable of generating images were captured by a CCD camera. These images were processed by software to generate a graphical 3D of the most representative sample, determined by the degree of brightness presented. Because the plot is composed of pixels, and these pixels are a measure average, we can determine the degree of depth of abrasion generated in the samples. According to the results determined that the resin composite Vaco Grandio presenting the lowest percentages of loss of reflection of light, which translates into a lower depth of abrasion.
Tesis (Cirujano Dentista, Especialización en Clínica Integral del Adulto)
Palabras clave
Dentífricos, Caries dental, Enfermedades infectocontagiosas, Diagnóstico y Tratamiento, Chile