Implementación de un sistema de gestión de la seguridad de la información [SGSI] conforme a ISO 27001, en la empresa pyme de software en Chile
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La información es un activo muy importante dentro de una empresa y en su proceso de negocio. Para que exista un control íntegro de la organización, es necesario conocer cuáles son sus vulnerabilidades internas y amenazas externas, de manera de tomar la decisión correcta.
Contar con herramientas de seguridad como las normas ISO 27OO1 e ISO 31000, para proteger la información y prevenir catástrofes, es fundamental en cualquier empresa, especialmente las que basan sus negocios por medio de internet y en las cuales constituye un área importante de su negocio, como son las empresas de software. Se trata de un eslabón necesario dentro de la cadena de eficiencia y eficacia de una organización, que garantiza la protección de los datos, la confidencialidad y seguridad de la información, para mitigar la probabilidad de riesgo y la información fluya y permita una buena toma de decisiones y se mantenga la continuidad de las operaciones.
Es imprescindible contar con una implementación de seguridad de la información (SGSI), para cumplir con las normas del mercado, leyes y estándares de calidad.
Las empresas hoy en día desarrollan sus actividades, no cautelan la seguridad de la información, es decir la confidencialidad, la integridad y la disponibilidad, por lo tanto, existe el riesgo que las decisiones sean mal tomadas. Es necesario gestionar las amenazas con las vulnerabilidades, determinar su nivel de impacto y probabilidad de ocurrencia. Los siguientes conceptos conforman la tríada de la seguridad de la información, que exige que ésta cumpla en forma rigurosa: Confidencialidad: Disponible, no revelada a terceros ni entidades no autorizadas.
Integridad: Exactitud y estado completo de los activos de información.
Disponibilidad: Accesible y utilizada a solicitud de una entidad autorizada.
The information is a very important asset inside a company and in his process of business. In order that a complete control of the organization exists, it is necessary to know which are his internal vulnerabilities and external threats, of way of taking the correct decision. To possess safety tools as the ISO procedure 27OO1 and ISO 31000, to protect the information and to anticipate catastrophes, it is fundamental in any company, especially those who base his business by means of Internet and in which it constitutes an important area of his business, since they are the companies of software. It is a question of a necessary link inside the chain of efficiency and efficiency of an organization, that it guarantees the protection of the information, the confidentiality and safety of the information, to mitigate the probability of risk and the information flows and allows a good capture of decisions and the continuity of the operations is kept. It is indispensable to possess a safety implementation of the information (SGSI), to expire with the procedure of the market, laws and qualit standards. The companies nowadays develop his activities, do not protect the safety of the information, that is to say the confidentiality, the integrity and the availability, therefore, exists the risk that the decisions are badly seizures. It is necessary to manage the threats with the vulnerabilities, to determine his level of impact and probability of occurrence. The following concepts shape the triad of the safety of the information, which demands that this one expires in rigorous form: Confidentiality: Available, not revealed neither to third parties nor not authorized entities. Integrity: Accuracy and complete condition of the assets of information. Availability: Accessible and used at call of an authorized entity.
The information is a very important asset inside a company and in his process of business. In order that a complete control of the organization exists, it is necessary to know which are his internal vulnerabilities and external threats, of way of taking the correct decision. To possess safety tools as the ISO procedure 27OO1 and ISO 31000, to protect the information and to anticipate catastrophes, it is fundamental in any company, especially those who base his business by means of Internet and in which it constitutes an important area of his business, since they are the companies of software. It is a question of a necessary link inside the chain of efficiency and efficiency of an organization, that it guarantees the protection of the information, the confidentiality and safety of the information, to mitigate the probability of risk and the information flows and allows a good capture of decisions and the continuity of the operations is kept. It is indispensable to possess a safety implementation of the information (SGSI), to expire with the procedure of the market, laws and qualit standards. The companies nowadays develop his activities, do not protect the safety of the information, that is to say the confidentiality, the integrity and the availability, therefore, exists the risk that the decisions are badly seizures. It is necessary to manage the threats with the vulnerabilities, to determine his level of impact and probability of occurrence. The following concepts shape the triad of the safety of the information, which demands that this one expires in rigorous form: Confidentiality: Available, not revealed neither to third parties nor not authorized entities. Integrity: Accuracy and complete condition of the assets of information. Availability: Accessible and used at call of an authorized entity.
Tesis (Ingeniero en Gestión Informática)
Palabras clave
Seguridad de la Información, Industria de Software Computacional, Normas, Chile