Fundamentos de economía urbana : la aglomeración de actividades productivas y el mercado inmobiliario : el caso del Barrio Universitario Santiago
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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¿Cómo encontrar un nicho de mercado para un proyecto inmobiliario?, ¿qué construir y dónde hacerlo para tener un proyecto exitoso?, ¿qué necesita la ciudad y la sociedad en los diferentes sectores urbanos? El presente trabajo tiene como objeto de estudio la ciudad, en tanto ésta se caracteriza por ser una unidad socio-económicamente autónoma, y estar en la base de las organizaciones sociales complejas. La ciudad se refiere al lugar en donde ocurre la división del trabajo, y por tanto, un lugar de desigualdades en donde interactúan distintos agentes económicos y fuerzas contrapuestas. La ciudad capitalista es el lugar del comercio y los servicios, del consumo colectivo de bienes, y de la atención de las necesidades inmediatas. Santiago no escapa a esta realidad, y es así como ha cambiado y expandido sus límites urbanos
rápidamente, para encontrarse actualmente en vías de su desarrollo económico. Este análisis sincrónico de Santiago, analiza la ciudad desde los fundamentos de la economía urbana, en miras de proponer al inmobiliario un método de observación de las lógicas de localización de las actividades productivas y residenciales de una pieza urbana, que en este caso se representa en el Barrio Universitario Santiago. Se realiza un levantamiento sistemático de la pieza escogida, para luego encontrar las variables principales a observar y considerar en un análisis de localización, entre las que se encuentra el plan regulador, las actividades económicas predominantes y sus relaciones, las vías de conectividad, el flujo de personas que ocupan el sector y la escala de servicios que se ofrecen a los usuarios del barrio. Estas variables nos indican que para el caso del BUS, las actividades económicas predominantes del comercio
educacional por un lado, y la residencia por otro, han generado economías de aglomeración en el sector, produciendo ciertos cambios en el barrio, para configurarse actualmente como un sector con relevancia patrimonial, que alberga una cantidad importante de vecinos, y que guarda una gran oferta de casas de estudios a escala regional y en algunos casos interregional; siendo uno de los valores más preciados por todos los usuarios del sector, la ubicación central que ofrece, permitiendo un acceso inmediato y rapidez debido a su conectividad.
How to find a niche market for a real-estate project, what kind of build and where to do to have a successful project? What needs has the city and society in different urban areas? The present work study the city as an autonomous socio-economic unit, than is on the basis of complex social organizations. The city refers to the place where the division of labor occurs, and therefore a place of inequality in which different economic actors interact and opposing forces. The capitalist city is the trade and services, collective consumption goods, and care of immediate needs. Santiago does not escape this reality, and this is how you changed and rapidly expanded its city limits, currently on track to meet its economic development. This synchronic analysis of Santiago, the city looks from the basics of the urban economy, with the aim of propose to the property a method for observing the logical location of productive activities and urban residential piece, which in this case is represented in Barrio Universitario Santiago. We performed a systematic survey of the choosed piece, then find the main variables to observe and consider in a location analysis, among which is the regulatory plan, the main economic activities and their relationships, the ways of connectivity, flow of people occupying the area and scale of services offered to users in the neighborhood. These variables indicate that for the case of BUS, the predominant economic activities of trade education on the one hand, and the residence on the other, have generated agglomeration economies in the sector, produce changes in the neighborhood, to be configured as a sector currently with heritage significance, which houses a significant number of neighbors, and that keeps a large supply of houses of study at regional and interregional in some cases, being one of the most precious values for all users of the sector, the central location it offers, allowing immediate access speed due to its connectivity.
How to find a niche market for a real-estate project, what kind of build and where to do to have a successful project? What needs has the city and society in different urban areas? The present work study the city as an autonomous socio-economic unit, than is on the basis of complex social organizations. The city refers to the place where the division of labor occurs, and therefore a place of inequality in which different economic actors interact and opposing forces. The capitalist city is the trade and services, collective consumption goods, and care of immediate needs. Santiago does not escape this reality, and this is how you changed and rapidly expanded its city limits, currently on track to meet its economic development. This synchronic analysis of Santiago, the city looks from the basics of the urban economy, with the aim of propose to the property a method for observing the logical location of productive activities and urban residential piece, which in this case is represented in Barrio Universitario Santiago. We performed a systematic survey of the choosed piece, then find the main variables to observe and consider in a location analysis, among which is the regulatory plan, the main economic activities and their relationships, the ways of connectivity, flow of people occupying the area and scale of services offered to users in the neighborhood. These variables indicate that for the case of BUS, the predominant economic activities of trade education on the one hand, and the residence on the other, have generated agglomeration economies in the sector, produce changes in the neighborhood, to be configured as a sector currently with heritage significance, which houses a significant number of neighbors, and that keeps a large supply of houses of study at regional and interregional in some cases, being one of the most precious values for all users of the sector, the central location it offers, allowing immediate access speed due to its connectivity.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Economía Urbana, Desarrollo Urbano, Chile, Santiago