Desarrollo de un videojuego para apoyar la comprensión de conceptos matemáticos en estudiantes universitarios de primer año
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Los videojuegos se han hecho parte fundamental de la vida de personas de varias edades
y culturas. Considerando esto, se han realizado varios estudios acerca de cómo los
videojuegos aportan en varios aspectos positivos a las personas, entre ellos la educación.
El uso de videojuegos ayuda a motivas a los estudiantes a aprender en forma activa. El
objetivo principal de este proyecto es desarrollar un videojuego el cual apoye la
comprensión de conceptos matemáticos de lógica y conjuntos a estudiantes
universitarios de primer año. Para ello se realizó una investigación acerca de los
videojuegos y como estos pueden ser útiles a la hora de enseñar acompañado de
investigaciones reales de cómo se han utilizado en la enseñanza y ejemplos de
videojuegos que se han utilizado para enseñar matemáticas. Para realizar este proyecto
se utilizó la metodología Scrum para definir y organizar las tareas a realizar, ya que tiene
un enfoque que entrega flexibilidad y permite adaptarse a cambios o contratiempos que
se produzcan en la realización del proyecto. Luego del diseño y desarrollo del videojuego,
se realizaron pruebas con usuarios reales para comprobar si en efecto el videojuego
desarrollado cumplía con lo que se proponía, obteniendo opiniones bastante positivas de
los usuarios, ya que comprendieron los conceptos presentados en el videojuego y lo
encontraron entretenido y atractivo es su experiencia utilizando el videojuego. Con estos
datos se pudo concluir que los videojuegos ayudan a motivar a los estudiantes y facilitar
la realización de actividades practicas donde los conocimientos se aprenden en forma
activa y que estos pueden llegar a tener un gran potencial a la hora de utilizarlo como
apoyo a la comprensión de conceptos matemáticos como la lógica y los conjuntos.
Video games have become a fundamental part of the lives of people of various ages and cultures. Considering this, several studies have been conducted on how video games contribute to various positive aspects for individuals, including education. The use of video games helps motivate students to learn actively. The main goal of this project is to develop a video game that supports the understanding of mathematical concepts of logic and sets for first-year university students. To achieve this, research was conducted on video games and how they can be useful in teaching, accompanied by real research on how they have been used in education and examples of video games that have been used to teach mathematics. The Scrum methodology was used to define and organize the tasks to be performed for this project, as it provides an approach that offers flexibility and allows for adaptation to changes or setbacks that may occur during the project. After the design and development of the video game, tests were conducted with real users to verify if the developed video game indeed achieved its proposed goals. Users provided quite positive feedback, as they understood the concepts presented in the video game and found it enjoyable and engaging in their experience using it. With this data, it was possible to conclude that video games help motivate students and facilitate the completion of practical activities where knowledge is actively learned. They have the potential to be a valuable support in understanding mathematical concepts such as logic and sets.
Video games have become a fundamental part of the lives of people of various ages and cultures. Considering this, several studies have been conducted on how video games contribute to various positive aspects for individuals, including education. The use of video games helps motivate students to learn actively. The main goal of this project is to develop a video game that supports the understanding of mathematical concepts of logic and sets for first-year university students. To achieve this, research was conducted on video games and how they can be useful in teaching, accompanied by real research on how they have been used in education and examples of video games that have been used to teach mathematics. The Scrum methodology was used to define and organize the tasks to be performed for this project, as it provides an approach that offers flexibility and allows for adaptation to changes or setbacks that may occur during the project. After the design and development of the video game, tests were conducted with real users to verify if the developed video game indeed achieved its proposed goals. Users provided quite positive feedback, as they understood the concepts presented in the video game and found it enjoyable and engaging in their experience using it. With this data, it was possible to conclude that video games help motivate students and facilitate the completion of practical activities where knowledge is actively learned. They have the potential to be a valuable support in understanding mathematical concepts such as logic and sets.
Proyecto de título (Ingeniera Civil Informática)
Palabras clave
Videojuegos, Juegos Educativos, Matemáticas, Enseñanza