AutomedicaciĆ³n para manejo del dolor dental en personas entre 18 y 80 aƱos en el 2020
Profesor/a GuĆa
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
Objetivos: Conocer las caracterĆsticas de la automedicaciĆ³n para el manejo del
dolor dental, lo cual incluye identificar los medicamentos mƔs utilizados para su
control, verificar la frecuencia del consumo y determinar el nivel de
conocimientos de las personas acerca de los riesgos asociados a la
automedicaciĆ³n y su impacto en la salud.
Materiales y mƩtodos: El grupo de estudio estƔ conformado por 121 personas
entre 18 y 80 aƱos, habitantes de la RegiĆ³n Metropolitana, quienes en los Ćŗltimos
6 meses sufrieron dolor dental. La informaciĆ³n se recolectĆ³ a travĆ©s de una
encuesta online donde los participantes voluntariamente aceptaron el
consentimiento informado, cumplieron los criterios de inclusiĆ³n, para finalmente
responder quince preguntas sobre automedicaciĆ³n y antecedentes personales.
Resultados: Se observĆ³ que mĆ”s de la mitad de los encuestados consume
medicamentos sin prescripciĆ³n mĆ©dica cuando presentan dolor dental, siendo
AINES los mĆ”s utilizados. No se constatĆ³ una alta frecuencia del consumo de
estos fĆ”rmacos. La mayorĆa no percibe la automedicaciĆ³n como algo riesgoso y
refiriĆ³ que, en caso de existir riesgos, el de mayor impacto serĆa el
enmascaramiento de otra patologĆa.
Conclusiones: Concluimos que las personas de la RegiĆ³n Metropolitana si se
informan de las dosis correctas, efectos adversos y posibles interacciones con
otros medicamentos de los fƔrmacos que consumen, sin embargo, se
automedican. Asimismo, pocas personas consideran que la automedicaciĆ³n es
una prĆ”ctica riesgosa, siendo posible inferir entonces que la mayorĆa de los
participantes cree que consumir medicamentos por cuenta propia no causa
problemas graves o importantes en su salud.
Materials and methodologies: The study group is formed by 121 people between 18 and 80 years old. All of them are inhabitants from Metropolitan Region who have suffered dental pain in the last 6 months. The piece of information was recollected through a survey online where volunteers have accepted the informed consent. They fullfilled the inclusive criteria in order to answer 15 questions about self-medication and personal medical history. Final results: As regards observations, more than the half of the surveyed people consume medicine without any medical prescription as soon as they suffer from dental pain, being analgesics the most used ones. Nevertheless, it is observed that consumption is not so high. Most of people consider self-medication is not risky. However, they mention if there were any type of risk, the impact would be caused by another pathology. Conclusion: To conclude, it is noticeable people from Metropolitan Region are informed about correct dose, adverse effects as well as possible interactions with other medicine they consume. However, they tend to be self-medicated citizens. On the other hand, other people consider self-medication as a risky practice dued to the fact that they deduce most of the participants believe that self-medication does not cause serious health problems
Materials and methodologies: The study group is formed by 121 people between 18 and 80 years old. All of them are inhabitants from Metropolitan Region who have suffered dental pain in the last 6 months. The piece of information was recollected through a survey online where volunteers have accepted the informed consent. They fullfilled the inclusive criteria in order to answer 15 questions about self-medication and personal medical history. Final results: As regards observations, more than the half of the surveyed people consume medicine without any medical prescription as soon as they suffer from dental pain, being analgesics the most used ones. Nevertheless, it is observed that consumption is not so high. Most of people consider self-medication is not risky. However, they mention if there were any type of risk, the impact would be caused by another pathology. Conclusion: To conclude, it is noticeable people from Metropolitan Region are informed about correct dose, adverse effects as well as possible interactions with other medicine they consume. However, they tend to be self-medicated citizens. On the other hand, other people consider self-medication as a risky practice dued to the fact that they deduce most of the participants believe that self-medication does not cause serious health problems
Trabajo de investigaciĆ³n (Cirujano Dentista, Ć”rea Salud PĆŗblica)
Palabras clave
AutomedicaciĆ³n, Manejo del Dolor, Dolor Dental, Investigaciones, Chile, RegiĆ³n Metropolitana