Diagnóstico de la eco-eficiencia de edificios : el caso del edificio Biblioteca Central de la Universidad Andrés Bello campus República
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La eco-eficiencia en edificios es un concepto más amplio que la protección del
medioambiente o el control de la contaminación. Nace como una filosofía
administrativa que busca mejoras medioambientales que conlleven paralelamente
a beneficios económicos, tendiendo permanentemente a entregar más beneficios
a los usuarios.
La investigación "Diagnóstico de la eco-eficiencia en edificios: El caso del edificio
Biblioteca central de la Universidad Andrés Bello, campus República" tiene por
objetivo diagnosticar la eco-eficiencia de un edificio en funcionamiento que no
consideró en su diseño criterios eco-eficientes. Así, a través de indicadores de
aplicación general, se identificaron los aspectos más relevantes en cuanto a
incidencia en los consumos y potenciales reducciones.
Para ello, se evaluó por medio de un software de simulación energética de
edificios y los principios de la guía LEED, la línea base de consumo de agua y
energía. Posteriormente, a través de una encuesta de calidad ambiental interior,
se recogió la percepción de los usuarios del edificio respecto de las condiciones
ambientales al interior de él, evaluando también la patología denominada
"síndrome del edificio enfermo".
Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el nivel de eco-eficiencia en el edificio
resulta bajo dada la posibilidad de incrementar el confort de los usuarios
reduciendo, a través de medidas específicas de corto plazo, en un 70% el
consumo de energía, en un 54% el consumo de agua y en un 23% las emisiones
de C02 anuales asociadas al consumo energético.
Los resultados de la encuesta señalan la clara insatisfacción de los usuarios
respecto de las condiciones ambientales que se producen al interior del edificio,
con porcentajes de reprobación superiores al 60% en cada uno de los puntos
evaluados. Se diagnostica, en función de los resultados, que el edificio padece el
"Síndrome del edificio enfermo".
Eco-efficiency in buildings is a concept more broad than environmental protection or pollution control. It was born as a management philosophy with a goal of environmental improvements that ran parallel with economic benefits to deliver more benefits to users. The research for "Diagnosis of eco-efficiency in buildings: The case of the Central Library building of Andrés Bello University in Republica Campus" aims to diagnose the eco-efficiency of a fully functioning building that did not consider the eco-design criteria. Thus, through indicators of general application, the most relevant aspects were identified in terms of the impact on consumption and potential reductions. Eco-efficiency indication tools, such as building energy simulation software and LEED guide principles, were used to achieve this data. Later, an indoor environmental quality survey was used to gather perceptions from those using the building concerning the environmental conditions inside the building. This is also called the "Sick Building Syndrome." The results indicate that building eco-efficiency level is low because exist the posibility to increase the users comfort reducing, throught short term measures, in 70% the energy consumption, in 54% the water consumption and 23% the annual C02 emissions. The results indicate a general user dissatisfaction concerning the environmental conditions produced inside the building, with percentages of disapproval above 60% in each evaluation. Research reveals that the building is not eco-efficient, indicating a diagnosis of "Sick Building Syndrome."
Eco-efficiency in buildings is a concept more broad than environmental protection or pollution control. It was born as a management philosophy with a goal of environmental improvements that ran parallel with economic benefits to deliver more benefits to users. The research for "Diagnosis of eco-efficiency in buildings: The case of the Central Library building of Andrés Bello University in Republica Campus" aims to diagnose the eco-efficiency of a fully functioning building that did not consider the eco-design criteria. Thus, through indicators of general application, the most relevant aspects were identified in terms of the impact on consumption and potential reductions. Eco-efficiency indication tools, such as building energy simulation software and LEED guide principles, were used to achieve this data. Later, an indoor environmental quality survey was used to gather perceptions from those using the building concerning the environmental conditions inside the building. This is also called the "Sick Building Syndrome." The results indicate that building eco-efficiency level is low because exist the posibility to increase the users comfort reducing, throught short term measures, in 70% the energy consumption, in 54% the water consumption and 23% the annual C02 emissions. The results indicate a general user dissatisfaction concerning the environmental conditions produced inside the building, with percentages of disapproval above 60% in each evaluation. Research reveals that the building is not eco-efficient, indicating a diagnosis of "Sick Building Syndrome."
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Bibliotecas Universitarias, Aspectos Ambientales, Edificios, Consumo de Energía, Arquitectura Sustentable