Pre-factibilidad planta procesadora de avellanas en la comuna de Cabrero, Octava RegiĆ³n
Profesor/a GuĆa
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
El h t o del avellano europeo se estĆ” convirtiendo en una gran alternativa para el
productor nacional, no requiere grandes manejos ni grandes labores, su mecanizaciĆ³n es
alta si nos preocupamos de organizar nuestra plantaciĆ³n de forma adecuada. Es por esto
que gran cantidad de emprendedores agrĆcolas estĆ”n plantando sus predios con esta
variedad, ya que sus dividendos pueden ser interesantes teniendo en cuenta que en Chile
existe un poder de compra que es considerado una "aspiradora de avellanas". Existen
tambiĆ©n otras poderes de compra pero que notoriamente son minorĆa, menos del 18% de
participaciĆ³n del mercado. Es por esto que en vista de la gran cantidad de productores y
la relativa baja capacidad instalada, al dĆa de hoy, esta tesis analiza la factibilidad de la
instalaciĆ³n de una planta de secado y limpieza de avellanas en la comuna de Cabrero.
Punto estratĆ©gico por su cercanĆa con la ruta 5, eje conductor del transporte nacional y
tambiƩn, ciudad cercana (menos de 80 km) de un centro de despacho portuario que estƔ
creciendo en capacidad instalada y en servicios asociados a las exportaciones agrĆcolas.
Los volĆŗmenes instalados de este proyecto corresponden al 20% de lo total plantado en
la regiĆ³n y solo evaluando el proceso de avellanos, teniendo en cuenta que esta
instalaciĆ³n sirve tambiĆ©n para procesar y limpiar nueces ,almendros y cualquier otro
h t o seco, que nos rentabilizarĆa de forma mayor esta instalaciĆ³n. El proyecto se evaluĆ³
en un horizonte de 10 aƱos teniendo en cuenta un periodo razonable y comercialmente
viable para cualquier anƔlisis bancario.
The fruit of European hazelnut is becoming a great alternative to the domestic producer does not require handling large or great work, its mechanization is high if we care to organize our plantation properly. This is why many agricultural entrepreneurs are planting their fields with this variety, since their dividends may be interesting considering that Chile has a purchasing power that is considered a "vacuum hazelnuts". There is also other purchasing power but are notoriously minority, less than 18% of market share. That's why in view of the large number of producers and the relatively low capacity, as of today, this thesis analyzes the feasibility of uistalling a plant for drying and cleaning of hazelnuts in the commune of Cabrero. Strategic point for its p r o x m to Route 5, drive shaft and national transport, a city near (within 80 km) of a port clearance center that is growing in capacity and services associated with agricultura1 exports. The volumes installed in this project account for 20% of al1 planted in the region and only hazel evaluating the process, taking into account that this facility is also used to process and clean walnuts, alrnonds and other nut we profitable of larger form this installation. The project was evaluated in a 10-year horizon given a reasonable and commercially viable for any bank analysis.
The fruit of European hazelnut is becoming a great alternative to the domestic producer does not require handling large or great work, its mechanization is high if we care to organize our plantation properly. This is why many agricultural entrepreneurs are planting their fields with this variety, since their dividends may be interesting considering that Chile has a purchasing power that is considered a "vacuum hazelnuts". There is also other purchasing power but are notoriously minority, less than 18% of market share. That's why in view of the large number of producers and the relatively low capacity, as of today, this thesis analyzes the feasibility of uistalling a plant for drying and cleaning of hazelnuts in the commune of Cabrero. Strategic point for its p r o x m to Route 5, drive shaft and national transport, a city near (within 80 km) of a port clearance center that is growing in capacity and services associated with agricultura1 exports. The volumes installed in this project account for 20% of al1 planted in the region and only hazel evaluating the process, taking into account that this facility is also used to process and clean walnuts, alrnonds and other nut we profitable of larger form this installation. The project was evaluated in a 10-year horizon given a reasonable and commercially viable for any bank analysis.
Tesis (Ingeniero Civil Industrial)
Palabras clave
Avellanas, Procesamiento, Chile, Cabrero