Evaluación de la temperatura durante la polimerización al interior de la cámara pulpar
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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INTRODUCCIÓN: En el presente estudio in vitro, se midió la temperatura al interior de
la cámara pulpar, durante la polimerización del composite.
MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se utilizaron 20 molares previamente extraidos desde el
servicio de urgencias de la Universidad Andrés Bello, los cuales fueron preparados
según el diseño experimental, con cavidades oclusales de 2 mm2 y montados en una
caja aailica con espuma aislante para mantener una temperatura constante. Un sensor
de temperatura (termistor), ubicado dentro de la cámara pulpar fue conectado a un
tester donde la variación de temperatura se expresa en Ohms.
Las cavidades fueron obturadas con composite color A3 y posteriormente se polimerizó
el composite con luz LED durante 20 segundos.
RESULTADOS: Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que al polimerizar composite en
caviadades conservadoras y con una dentina remanente minima de 1 mm, no se
produce un aumento de temperatura sobre los 42°C, capaz de causar una patología
pulpar irreversible. Además que el principal factor de aumento de temperatura se debe
a la reacción exotérmica del composite.
DISCUSIÓN: Si se registraron aumentos de temperatura provenientes de la lámpara
LED, pero este aumento no sobrepasa 1°C de aumento. En cavidades con 1 y 2 mm de
dentina remanente no existe riesgo de ocasionar daño pulpar referido a la
polimerización del composite, gracias a la baja conductividad térmica de la dentina.
CONCLUSIÓN: Durante la polimerización del composite en cavidades con 1 y 2 mm de
dentina remanente no se producen alzas de temperatura que alcancen el valor crítico
de 42 °C. La dentina tiene la capacidad de actuar como barrera, disipando el calor y
protegiendo la pulpa frente a agresiones externas, en este caso el calor.
INTRODUCTION: In the present in-vitm study • the temperature of the interior of the pulp camera was measured during the oom(X)Site polymerization. 72 MATERIALS ANO METHOOS: Twenty molars previously extracted from the Urgency Services of the Universidad Andres Bello were used. which were prepared acoording to experimental design. with an occlusal cavity of 2 mm2 and mounted on an acrylic box with insulating foam to keep the temperature oonstant. A temperature sensor {thermistor) placed inside the pulp camera was oonnected to a tester where the variation in temperature is expressed in Ohms. Toe cavities were obturated with colour A3 oom(X)Site and later the oomposite was polymerized with LEO light for 20 seconds. RESUL TS: Toe results obtained show that once the oomposite polymerization of oonservative cavities and with a remaining dentine of a minimum of 1 mm has been done there is no increase in temperature above 42°C capable of causing irreversible pulp pathology. Also. that the main factor of the temperature increase is due to the exothermic reaction of the oomposite. DISCUSION: temperature increase was registered ooming from the LED lamp, but it doesn't go higher than a 1ºC increase. In cavities with a 1 or 2 mm remaining dentine there is no risk of causing pulp damage related to the oomposite polymerization. thanks to the low thermic oonductivity of the dentin. CONCLUSION: Ouring oomposite polymerization in cavities of 1 or 2 mm of remaining dentin there is no temperature increase that can get up to the critic value of 42°C. Dentin has the capacity of acting as a barrier. spreading the heat and protecting the pulp from external aggressions. in this case. heat.
INTRODUCTION: In the present in-vitm study • the temperature of the interior of the pulp camera was measured during the oom(X)Site polymerization. 72 MATERIALS ANO METHOOS: Twenty molars previously extracted from the Urgency Services of the Universidad Andres Bello were used. which were prepared acoording to experimental design. with an occlusal cavity of 2 mm2 and mounted on an acrylic box with insulating foam to keep the temperature oonstant. A temperature sensor {thermistor) placed inside the pulp camera was oonnected to a tester where the variation in temperature is expressed in Ohms. Toe cavities were obturated with colour A3 oom(X)Site and later the oomposite was polymerized with LEO light for 20 seconds. RESUL TS: Toe results obtained show that once the oomposite polymerization of oonservative cavities and with a remaining dentine of a minimum of 1 mm has been done there is no increase in temperature above 42°C capable of causing irreversible pulp pathology. Also. that the main factor of the temperature increase is due to the exothermic reaction of the oomposite. DISCUSION: temperature increase was registered ooming from the LED lamp, but it doesn't go higher than a 1ºC increase. In cavities with a 1 or 2 mm remaining dentine there is no risk of causing pulp damage related to the oomposite polymerization. thanks to the low thermic oonductivity of the dentin. CONCLUSION: Ouring oomposite polymerization in cavities of 1 or 2 mm of remaining dentin there is no temperature increase that can get up to the critic value of 42°C. Dentin has the capacity of acting as a barrier. spreading the heat and protecting the pulp from external aggressions. in this case. heat.
Tesis (Cirujano Dentista, especialización en Clínica Integral del Adulto)
Palabras clave
Materiales Dentales, Resinas Compuestas, Temperatura Intrapulpar