Frecuencia cardíaca, lactacidemia y percepción del esfuerzo en remeros seleccionados chilenos de la Región del Bío Bío : comparación entre una regata y una simulación en remoergómetro para una distancia de 1750 metros
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La Laguna Chica de San Pedro es el principal lugar de entrenamiento de los
remeros seleccionados chilenos de la octava región. Un aspecto que la caracteriza
es que la longitud de su pista es de 1750 metros (1750-M), a diferencia de la
distancia olímpica (2000-M) o de otras distancias no olímpicas (1000-M). Además de
servir para el entrenamiento, en ella se realizan otras competiciones locales, aunque
ambas no pueden superar los 1750-M. Dado que la mayoría de los estudios
realizados en remeros profesionales, tanto en agua como en remoergómetros,
analizan variables asociadas a la intensidad de esfuerzo en distancias de 1000-M o
2000-M, el objetivo de este estudio ha sido determinar el comportamiento de la
Frecuencia Cardiaca Media (FC MED), la Lactacidemia post ejercicio (LA) y la
Percepción del Esfuerzo (RPE) tras la realización de una regata en agua de 1750-M,
para luego comparar dichos resultados con los obtenidos en un protocolo de
simulación en remoergómetro en una distancia similar, de manera de poder
determinar si existen diferencias significativas entre las variables para ambas
pruebas. En el estudio, participaron 12 remeros seleccionados de la región. Las
mediciones de las variables se realizaron durante y después de la regata y del
protocolo simulado en remoergómetro, en días distintos, pero bajo condiciones
climáticas similares. Los resultados determinaron que existen diferencias
significativas para la FC MED y RPE, mientras que los valores para LA no
presentaron diferencias significativas. En conclusión, un protocolo de simulación de
remoergómetro de 1750-M pareciera provocar una mayor sensación de esfuerzo
para los remeros (basados en FC MED y sobre todo RPE), aunque desde el punto
de vista metabólico pueden presentar demandas semejantes. En relación a lo
anterior, sería interesante vincular en el futuro mediciones de lactato y otras
variables fisiológicas para su corroboración
Laguna Chica de San Pedro is the main training place for selected elite rowers of the VIII Region of Chile. One characteristic of this place is that its road has a distance of 1750 meters (1750 – M) in contrast with the Olympic distance (2000-M) and other no Olympic distance (1000-M). In addition to training, this water road is used for local competition, although both of them can’t beat 1750 meters. Since most studies of elite rowers both in water and in rowing ergometers, analyzes variables of effort intensity in 1000-M and 2000-M, the objective of this investigation have been to determinate the behavior of the Mean Heart Rate (MHR), Blood Lactate post exercise (BLPE) and the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) measured after on water 1750-M regatta and to compare it with the results obtained for the same variables after a ergometer simulation on the same distance, for determinate the existence of significant differences. In this study participated 12 selected elite rowers of the VIII Region. The variables were measured during and after the protocols (on water and ergometer) in different days but under similar weather conditions. The results indicates that there is significant differences between the variables of MHR and RPE for both on water and ergometer protocols, meanwhile there is no significant differences for BLPE. In conclusion, a simulated rowing ergometer protocol of 1750- M seems to cause a higher perceived exertion (supported by MHR and mainly RPE), even though in a metabolic point of view could present similar demands than an on water regatta. In relation to this, it would be interesting to link blood lactate measurements with other physiological variables in the future.
Laguna Chica de San Pedro is the main training place for selected elite rowers of the VIII Region of Chile. One characteristic of this place is that its road has a distance of 1750 meters (1750 – M) in contrast with the Olympic distance (2000-M) and other no Olympic distance (1000-M). In addition to training, this water road is used for local competition, although both of them can’t beat 1750 meters. Since most studies of elite rowers both in water and in rowing ergometers, analyzes variables of effort intensity in 1000-M and 2000-M, the objective of this investigation have been to determinate the behavior of the Mean Heart Rate (MHR), Blood Lactate post exercise (BLPE) and the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) measured after on water 1750-M regatta and to compare it with the results obtained for the same variables after a ergometer simulation on the same distance, for determinate the existence of significant differences. In this study participated 12 selected elite rowers of the VIII Region. The variables were measured during and after the protocols (on water and ergometer) in different days but under similar weather conditions. The results indicates that there is significant differences between the variables of MHR and RPE for both on water and ergometer protocols, meanwhile there is no significant differences for BLPE. In conclusion, a simulated rowing ergometer protocol of 1750- M seems to cause a higher perceived exertion (supported by MHR and mainly RPE), even though in a metabolic point of view could present similar demands than an on water regatta. In relation to this, it would be interesting to link blood lactate measurements with other physiological variables in the future.
Tesis (Magíster en Alto Rendimiento Deportivo)
Palabras clave
Lactacidemia, Frecuencia Cardíaca, Deportes, Aspectos Fisiológicos, Remeros, Chile