Análisis de la estancia en la cirugía de colecistectomía laparoscópica programada de acuerdo con el grupo relacionado de diagnóstico (GRD) en hospitales públicos de mediana y alta complejidad en Chile
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La colelitiasis es una de las enfermedades más frecuentes del aparato digestivo. En la población
chilena es un problema de salud pública relevante debido a su alta prevalencia y los costos asociados
a sus complicaciones. Debido a esto, el procedimiento de colecistectomía preventiva de cáncer
vesicular en personas de 35 a 49 años está garantizado por el Estado a su población, 90 días pos
confirmación del diagnóstico clínico. La resolución quirúrgica de esta patología puede ser mediante
un procedimiento abierto (laparotomía) o por vía laparoscópica, esta última siendo tratamiento de
elección para colelitiasis asintomáticas y de carácter programado, debido a su atributo costo-efectivo
y su impacto positivo en la recuperación de los pacientes. Así también, en relación al uso del recurso
cama, este procedimiento puede llevarse a cabo en actividad hospitalización, entendiendo esto como
aquellos casos que hacen uso de cama de dotación, o como Cirugía Mayor Ambulatoria (CMA).
Este trabajo presenta, mediante la revisión de una base de datos pública, del Fondo Nacional de Salud
(FONASA), un análisis respecto al comportamiento de gestión de los hospitales públicos chilenos,
de mediana y alta complejidad para la resolución del procedimiento clínico colecistectomía
laparoscópica programada en los casos de GRD de severidad 1. Se realizó mediante un estudio
descriptivo, observacional, retrospectivo y cuantitativo de la muestra en estudio (n=58). Este análisis
consideró el tipo de actividad hospitalaria utilizada para la resolución de colecistectomía
laparoscópica, asociadas a la variable de Grupo Relacionados de Diagnóstico (GRD) de severidad 1,
clasificándolas en CMA y hospitalización.
Como resultado se determinó que la forma de resolución clínica para colecistectomía laparoscópica
programada, es principalmente mediante cirugía mayor ambulatoria (CMA), con una frecuencia de
resolución del 60,9 % de los casos a nivel nacional, identificándose una uniformidad en el promedio
en las diferentes zonas geográficas de Chile donde se distribuyen los hospitales estudiados. Sin
embargo, no se detectan patrones comunes de gestión sanitaria, en cuanto al nivel de complejidad o
ubicación geográfica, confirmando que los hospitales públicos chilenos estudiados, independiente de
su complejidad o su ubicación geográfica, marcan una tendencia transversal hacia la ejecución del
procedimiento para colecistectomía laparoscópica mediante CMA; orientándose en busca de
indicadores de gestión sanitaria de países desarrollados en este ámbito.
Cholelithiasis is one of the most common diseases of the digestive system. In the Chilean population it is a relevant public health problem due to its high prevalence and the costs associated with complications. Due to this, the preventive cholecystectomy procedure for gallbladder cancer in people between 35 and 49 years of age is guaranteed by the State to its population, 90 days after confirmation of the clinical diagnosis. The surgical resolution of this pathology can be through an open procedure (laparotomy) or laparoscopically, being the last one the treatment of choice for asymptomatic and scheduled cholelithiasis, due to this cost-effective attribute and the positive impact on the patients recovery. Likewise, in relation to the use of the bed occupancy, this procedure can be performed inpatient, for those cases that spend one or more nights in a hospital bed, or as Major Ambulatory Surgery (Outpatient treatment). By reviewing a public database of the National Health Fund (FONASA), this project shows the analysis of the management behavior of Chilean public hospitals, of medium and high complexity, for the resolution of the clinical procedure scheduled laparoscopic cholecystectomy in cases of DRG of severity 1, through a descriptive, observational, retrospective and quantitative study of the sample hospitals (n=58). This analysis considered inpatient and outpatient resolution of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, associated with the variable of Group Related Diagnosis (DRG) with severity 1. As a result, it is determined that the form of clinical resolution for scheduled laparoscopic cholecystectomy is mainly through major outpatient surgery (MAS), with a resolution frequency of 60.9% of cases nationwide, identifying a uniformity in the average in the different geographical areas of Chile where the studied hospitals are distributed. However, no common patterns of health management are detected, in terms of the level of complexity or geographical location, confirming that the Chilean public hospitals studied, regardless of their complexity or geographical location, mark a transversal trend in the execution of the procedure for. laparoscopic cholecystectomy by MAS resolution; focusing on health management indicators of developed countries in this field.
Cholelithiasis is one of the most common diseases of the digestive system. In the Chilean population it is a relevant public health problem due to its high prevalence and the costs associated with complications. Due to this, the preventive cholecystectomy procedure for gallbladder cancer in people between 35 and 49 years of age is guaranteed by the State to its population, 90 days after confirmation of the clinical diagnosis. The surgical resolution of this pathology can be through an open procedure (laparotomy) or laparoscopically, being the last one the treatment of choice for asymptomatic and scheduled cholelithiasis, due to this cost-effective attribute and the positive impact on the patients recovery. Likewise, in relation to the use of the bed occupancy, this procedure can be performed inpatient, for those cases that spend one or more nights in a hospital bed, or as Major Ambulatory Surgery (Outpatient treatment). By reviewing a public database of the National Health Fund (FONASA), this project shows the analysis of the management behavior of Chilean public hospitals, of medium and high complexity, for the resolution of the clinical procedure scheduled laparoscopic cholecystectomy in cases of DRG of severity 1, through a descriptive, observational, retrospective and quantitative study of the sample hospitals (n=58). This analysis considered inpatient and outpatient resolution of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, associated with the variable of Group Related Diagnosis (DRG) with severity 1. As a result, it is determined that the form of clinical resolution for scheduled laparoscopic cholecystectomy is mainly through major outpatient surgery (MAS), with a resolution frequency of 60.9% of cases nationwide, identifying a uniformity in the average in the different geographical areas of Chile where the studied hospitals are distributed. However, no common patterns of health management are detected, in terms of the level of complexity or geographical location, confirming that the Chilean public hospitals studied, regardless of their complexity or geographical location, mark a transversal trend in the execution of the procedure for. laparoscopic cholecystectomy by MAS resolution; focusing on health management indicators of developed countries in this field.
Tesis (Magíster en Salud Pública)
Palabras clave
Investigaciones, Hospitales Públicos, Cirugía, Colecistectomía Laparoscópica