Propuesta metodológica para la medición de indicadores de estrés utilizables en la selección de Fissurella SPP. Previo a su transporte In Vivo
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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El género Físsurella spp., correspondiente a los moluscos gastrópodos
conocidos como Lapas, está representado en Chile por trece especies y posee
interés comercial, ya que al 2014 su extracción alcanzó las 1.165 ton, mientras
que su exportación en formatos de conserva, secos, salados, salmuera o
congelados, alcanzó las 246 ton, siendo sus principales destinos Hong Kong,
Vietnam y Malasia. Estos mercados valoran la compra de producto vivo en
condiciones óptimas, de este modo surge la necesidad de encontrar herramientas
biotecnológicas que puedan ser fácilmente implementadas en la cadena
productiva del recurso marino y que aseguren su eficiente transporte vivo. En
virtud de lo anterior, este estudio tiene como finalidad la revisión de parámetros
para medir estrés, sugiriendo en base a esto, la implementación de una
metodología con el potencial para medir indicadores de esta condición previo al
transporte vivo de moluscos gastrópodos, mediante el análisis de parámetros
fisiológicos, permitiendo identificar a los especímenes aptos para el transporte,
asegurando que se encuentren en las condiciones más cercanas a las óptimas y
disminuyendo el efecto del estrés y posterior mortalidad en su transporte vivo.
Luego de revisar parámetros utilizados para medir estrés en organismos
acuáticos, tales como el índice ARN/AON, medición de amonio, osmorregulación,
glucosa, glicógeno, pH, O-lactato y tauropina, se determinó, mediante una tabla de
decisión que consideraba consistencia del método, facilidad, rapidez de aplicación
y costo de implementación, la proposición de protocolos que permiten medir
amonio en exudado y O-lactato y pH en hemolinfa, considerando las diversas
aristas que conlleva el proceso de estandarización de una medición y sugiriendo
algunas mediciones para ensayos preliminares.
Finalmente, se establece que medir los parámetros para la determinación
de la condición fisiológica y de estrés es de vital importancia si se quiere realizar
transporte vivo de moluscos gastrópodos, ya que esto sirve como un indicador de
los individuos que se encuentran aptos para resistir el proceso de transporte y
llegar en condiciones óptimas a su destino final.
The genus Fissurella spp. belongs to a marine gastropod mollusk also known as Keyhole limpet, wich is represented in Chile by thirteen species and has commercial importance since in 2014 its extraction reached 1.165 ton , while its exportation as canned, dry, salty, brine or frozen reached 246 ton, being its main destination Hong Kong, Vietnam and Malaysia, countries that value the buying of fresh and optimum product. lt has become a necessity to find biotechnological tools that are easily implemented on the chain process of the marine resource and that assure an efficient live transport of the gastropod mollusk. lt is for this reasons that the aim of this study is to review stress parameters, suggesting a methodological implementation with the potential to measure indicators of this condition before the live transport of gastropod mollusk, through the analysis of physiological parameters, allowing to identify the fittest specimens, assuring that they are in the closest to optimal conditions and being able to reduce stress effects and posterior mortality while being live transported. After reviewing stress parameters used on aquatic organisms, such as RNA/DNA index, ammonia determination, osmoregulation, glucose and glycogen determination, pH, D-lactate and tauropine, it was established, using a decision table that considered items such as method consistency, ease and speed of application and cost of implementation, the proposal of protocols that allow to measure ammonia on exudate and D-lactate and pH on hemolymph, considering the different key points that the protocol standardization process has and suggesting sorne measurements for preliminar assays. Finally, it is established that measuring physiological and stress determination parameters plays a vital role on the process of live transport of gastropod mollusk, being this an indicator of wich individuals are fit to resist the transport and are able to arrive in optim conditions to their final destination.
The genus Fissurella spp. belongs to a marine gastropod mollusk also known as Keyhole limpet, wich is represented in Chile by thirteen species and has commercial importance since in 2014 its extraction reached 1.165 ton , while its exportation as canned, dry, salty, brine or frozen reached 246 ton, being its main destination Hong Kong, Vietnam and Malaysia, countries that value the buying of fresh and optimum product. lt has become a necessity to find biotechnological tools that are easily implemented on the chain process of the marine resource and that assure an efficient live transport of the gastropod mollusk. lt is for this reasons that the aim of this study is to review stress parameters, suggesting a methodological implementation with the potential to measure indicators of this condition before the live transport of gastropod mollusk, through the analysis of physiological parameters, allowing to identify the fittest specimens, assuring that they are in the closest to optimal conditions and being able to reduce stress effects and posterior mortality while being live transported. After reviewing stress parameters used on aquatic organisms, such as RNA/DNA index, ammonia determination, osmoregulation, glucose and glycogen determination, pH, D-lactate and tauropine, it was established, using a decision table that considered items such as method consistency, ease and speed of application and cost of implementation, the proposal of protocols that allow to measure ammonia on exudate and D-lactate and pH on hemolymph, considering the different key points that the protocol standardization process has and suggesting sorne measurements for preliminar assays. Finally, it is established that measuring physiological and stress determination parameters plays a vital role on the process of live transport of gastropod mollusk, being this an indicator of wich individuals are fit to resist the transport and are able to arrive in optim conditions to their final destination.
Tesis (Ingeniero en Biotecnología)
Palabras clave
Colección y conservación de moluscos, Stress (Fisiología), Condiciones óptimas del producto vivo, Chile