Patrones musculares secundarios a tareas de sobre carga vocal en mujeres de 20-25 aƱos
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
Este estudio pretende describir si existen cambios de patrones musculares perilarĆngeos en mujeres que se someten a una tarea de carga vocal.
La muestra fue de 21 mujeres con edades entre 25 y 30 aƱos que no presentaban entrenamiento vocal previo, patologĆas vocales orgĆ”nicas, tampoco se encontraban en su periodo menstrual. Cada sujeto fue sometido a la lectura de un libro, con una intensidad entre 75 y 85 db durante 30 minutos.
Se pudo observar que una gran cantidad de las mujeres estudiadas tuvieron cambios significativos posterior a la tarea de sobrecarga vocal. AdemĆ”s, todos los valores algomĆ©tricos descendieron su sensibilidad. El estudio de este fenĆ³meno es un pilar importante para reconocer la presencia de la fatiga perilarĆngea como factor de relevancia en la clĆnica fonoaudiolĆ³gica vocal.
This study aims to descibe if there are changes in perilaryngeal muscle patterns in women who undesgo a vocal load task. The sample was of 21 women between the ages of 25 and 30 who did not have previous vocal training, organic vocal pathologies, nor were they in their menstrual period. Each subject was subjected to Reading a book, with an intensity berween 75 and 85 db for 30 minutes. It was observed that a large number of the women studied had significant changes after the task of vocal overload. In addition, all the algometric values lowered their sensitivity. The study of this phenomenon is an important pillar to recognize the presence of perilaryngeal fatigue as a factor of relevance in the vocal phonoaudiological clinic
This study aims to descibe if there are changes in perilaryngeal muscle patterns in women who undesgo a vocal load task. The sample was of 21 women between the ages of 25 and 30 who did not have previous vocal training, organic vocal pathologies, nor were they in their menstrual period. Each subject was subjected to Reading a book, with an intensity berween 75 and 85 db for 30 minutes. It was observed that a large number of the women studied had significant changes after the task of vocal overload. In addition, all the algometric values lowered their sensitivity. The study of this phenomenon is an important pillar to recognize the presence of perilaryngeal fatigue as a factor of relevance in the vocal phonoaudiological clinic
Tesis (FonoaudiologĆa)
Palabras clave
Voz Aspectos FisiolĆ³gicos, Investigaciones, JĆ³venes (Mujeres)